Chapter 265
puff! !With a bang, a blue-horned ox fell down with the sound, causing the herd to scatter in fright. Anyone who understands animal language will definitely hear that the strange beasts are screaming,

"Run, that man is here again."

Meng Hao didn't care about the Qingjiao bull that fell to the ground, he quickly spread his steps and rushed forward, and gave him a stick when he saw the right one.

Some didn't calculate well, they were not killed with a stick, and they staggered and ran away. Meng Yan raised his foot and chased after him. Give a punch to the head,
The strange beast ran fast, but Meng Hao's speed was not slow, like a gust of wind, he quickly caught up.

All kinds of strange beasts ran around like bombing camps in the grassland, and the few carnivorous beasts that were about to hunt were also dumbfounded, why did they come to grab business.

A few stags got impatient with being chased, turned around and lowered their heads and stabbed Meng Hao with a pair of giant horns, covering the group's evacuation, and Meng Hao fought with them.

Meng Hao turned the entire grassland upside down with his own power, the strange beasts ran around, and all kinds of roars were astonishing, Gouwa and the others all looked straight at him, he could still hunt like this, he didn't care about anything, he was not afraid of those carnivorous strange beasts pounced on him ?
Some carnivorous beasts took the opportunity to drag away the prey that Meng Yan had beaten. Gou Wa and Li Dahu shouted when they saw it,
"Put it down, then our prey, Meng Hao, stop hitting, the prey will be dragged away."

Facing the powerful carnivorous beasts, they didn't have weapons, so they really didn't dare to step forward.

Su Qing snorted coldly, picked off a blade of grass, raised her hand, and threw it out. The blade of grass brought out a gust of wind, and with a puff, it hit the head of the stealing beast.

The strange beast groaned in pain, let go and ran away immediately. It wanted to take advantage of it, but it turned out that the little witch was there, so why not run away quickly.

The little witch is even more powerful, all the elixir she guarded was taken away by her,
Now all the smart beasts in the mountains have learned to be smart. Once they see snow, they will eat up all their good things, regardless of whether they are ripe or not, and don't leave any for the little witch.
While dragging all kinds of strange beasts, Meng Hao shouted loudly to show that he was the most powerful, but he didn't realize that a large group of Gale wolves surrounded him quietly.

Su Qing's eyes flickered, thinking that Huomao had found a helper,

"Not good, Meng Hao was surrounded by Galewind wolves." Li Dahu had the best eyesight and saw the pack of wolves.

Among these people, he has the highest martial arts skills. When he graduated from the elementary class, he was at the third level of martial arts. He was a little slack at home for a few years, and he was about to break through to the fourth level, so he saw further.

Su Qing said calmly: "It's okay, they just played with Meng Yan for a while, and they won't die from a little injury."

A few friends are not calm anymore, what, surrounded by a pack of wolves is just for fun, if you get a little injury, it’s okay if you can’t die?

Meng Hao also saw dozens of Gale wolves, and waved his hand to greet them. Unexpectedly, the wolf with his subordinates opened his bloody mouth and pounced on him, causing a gust of wind.

"Hey, what are you doing? Aren't you Huo Miao's good brothers? You still want to bite me."

Meng Xun's feet moved quickly, dodging the pounce of the Gale Wolf,
The first wolf didn't get close to Meng Hao, and started to send continuous wind blades at him. After a while, several leopards came, and a string of flames sprayed at Meng Hao with their mouths. Meng Hao was completely surrounded and suppressed.

"I'll go, I'm welcome if you come here,"

Meng Hao quickly dodged the strange beast's ability attack, and planned to wait for their abilities to be exhausted to fight in close quarters.
There are too many wolves, and if Meng Hao can't dodge enough, he will be hit by the wind blade and flames, making him howl. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it. Meng Hao's Nine-Turn Mysterious Art is about to break through to the fifth level. He tickles.

Just one thing, he was in good health, but his clothes were in tatters. Su Qing laughed when he saw it, and joked with Meng Shuo:

"Look at your brother, Shuo Shuo, he's so stupid, doesn't he look like a dancing monkey, even a few little wolves can't handle him, and there will be a big tiger soon."

Meng Shuo giggled, looking heartlessly at his brother in the distance, scurrying around to avoid the attack of supernatural powers, letting Meng Hao know that he would definitely say he was a little heartless.

Gouwa and the others were worried about coming. In the past, when they went up to the mountains to fight alien beasts, they always fought quickly. They were afraid of being surrounded by alien beasts and being attacked by supernatural powers. Medicines are the cure.

Although he couldn't die at the time, it was very uncomfortable. If he was besieged by strange beasts, he wouldn't be able to escape at all.

But seeing Meng Hao jumping and jumping was very joyful, no blood was shed, it seemed to be all right, and several people also started watching the play and discussing with each other.

Suddenly the scene changed again, all Gale Wolf and Leopard retreated to give way to the field,

I saw flying sand and rocks in the distance, a strong wind, and a fierce tiger galloping towards it. When I got closer, I realized that it was not an ordinary tiger, but the big winged tiger back then.
Li Dahu and the others panicked and shouted loudly, "Meng Hao, run, there is a tiger."

The few of them panicked and wanted to run back, but they heard Qingqing say: "Why panic, if he wants to play with Meng Yan, he won't kill him."

The flame that turned into a strange state rushed towards Meng Hao fiercely, and Meng Hao actually laughed and said:
"Huo Miao, you're here too, see if I'm as heroic as I was just now, fighting against the beasts."

Meng Fang didn't run away but went up to meet him, but he didn't see the malicious look in Huo Miao's eyes.

Huo Miao was holding back his stomach full of bad water, but Meng Hao was not prepared at all. Huo Miao rushed forward and slapped Meng Hao with his paw, making the whistling wind sound, one can imagine how powerful it was.

"Ah!!!" Meng Hao screamed, and was photographed more than ten meters away, but he was also agile. As soon as his back touched the ground, he used his strength to turn over, stood up quickly, and shouted:
"Huomiao, you are crazy, what are you doing, give me a scratch, it hurts so much, do you know?"

Meng Hao looked at the white spots on his chest,
Huo Miao just ignored him, continued to attack, and slapped Meng Hao several times, so that he finally understood that Huo Miao just wanted to beat him, hum! !It's not that easy,

As soon as Meng Hao got angry, he immediately rushed forward and punched. He was not afraid that the flames would be overwhelmed. The monsters were not so fragile, and their combat power was stronger than him.

"Oh, it hurts, I tell you to take it easy."

After a while, Meng Hao was slapped by Huo Miao's paw again, and accidentally got hit by Huo Mao's tail, and there was a big red mark on his body.

Now Meng Hao quit, and started to use his real kung fu, punching harder, punching Huo Miao's huge body, Huo Miao screamed in pain, and flew up to the sky with his wings.

Now Meng Hao couldn't hit Huo Miao anymore. Huo Miao made full use of his body's flexibility and was able to fly. He continued to attack Meng Yu, making Meng Yu jump his feet angrily.
Fighting back and forth, Meng Yan's tattered clothes were all in strips. If he didn't wear a suit of Su Qing's refining cassock next to his body, he would run naked.

Gouwa and a group of people also applauded one after another, cheering for Meng Yan,

Meng Hao was going to be dizzy with anger, it's true that theatergoers don't dislike big things, seeing his jokes, right? Then let them see their true abilities, it's time to show their real kung fu!
Meng Hao picked up the iron rod that was thrown away just now. Anyway, even if Huo Miao was injured, Qingqing also has a pill that can make him recover immediately.
Wielding the stick in his hand like a tiger, it looks like he's not too small. One raises the fire to burn the sky, and hits the flame's huge buttocks with a whoosh.
Now Meng Hao's speed and strength reached the limit, Huo Miao didn't pay attention, and was knocked down with a groan, that's okay, the tiger's butt can't be touched,
Opened his mouth wide and let out a roar, he stood up and rushed forward, Meng Hao used a stick to block the two huge claws, Huo Miao opened his mouth and wanted to bite Meng Hao,

Meng Yan retreated quickly, but he was undefended. It wasn't a cat, but another one, who had been hiding in the grass for a long time, was like a flame, and ran up Meng Rong's back, wanting to behead him directly.

(End of this chapter)

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