Chapter 266
As a martial artist, Meng Hao has a keen sense, and when he noticed something attacking from behind, he swept his stick back, just to block Jiaojiao's attack, and Jiaojiao's fiery red figure flashed, dodging the stick,

He quickly jumped onto his brother's head, and the petite man stood firmly on the head of the flame.

After discussing with the two cats, attacking only by instinct is not effective, so let's just use spells, they have their own family inheritance, and they know some demon skills.

Jiaojiao is impatient, and finally she can have fun once, and she is not afraid that something will happen to Meng Rong, the master will rescue her in time.

With a bulge in his stomach, he spewed out a flame and flew towards Meng Rong.
Although Meng Fan knew that Jiaojiao was a fire element, he had never seen her use it before, and this sudden attack surprised him.
Short body dodged, the flames flew over his scalp, and suddenly there was a smell of burnt hair in the air,

Meng Hao touched the top of his head, a gap appeared, and his hair was burned away
"Ah, Jiaojiao, you are too bad, you attack without saying a word, and eat me with a stick."

Huo Miao saw him rushing towards him, and quickly lifted into the air. Jiaojiao was responsible for breathing out fire, which never stopped, and then waved her paws to send out small fireballs, which was more fun.

I'll go, Meng Yan is going to cry, not to mention two strikes and one attack, even with air strikes,

Huo Miao laughed happily when he saw Meng Hao was deflated, waved his paws, and cast his own spells. A black light rushed towards Meng Hao.
Their attacks are different from those of the strange beasts. The supernatural attacks of those strange beasts can't scratch his flesh. The two meows are different. Qingqing said it a long time ago.
Especially Huomiao's sorcery, the ability to devour, is terrifying. If he is hit by Huomiao, it will devour his energy, making him weak and lose his fighting power.

The attack of the two cats was much more powerful than that of a group of strange beasts. Meng Hao was immediately at a disadvantage and had no power to fight back.

Then the two cats negotiated, Jiaojiao sent out a small fireball, and the flames led the attack, waving its claws, biting, flicking its tail, using instinct to attack,

It was a fight, people shouted beast roars, and meows, Su Qing could understand, and it was Jiaojiao who shouted again,
"Spank him, spank him,"

The grassland was dusty, the grass blades were flying, the flames were flying, and the smoke was billowing. The fighting was very lively, and all kinds of other animals were frightened, and they ran far away.

In the end, Huo Miao finally defeated Meng Hao with a tiger pounce, and rubbed him on the ground. Huo Miao's big paws pressed Meng Hao, and she jumped up and down happily on him. It ended in a disastrous defeat. It's shameful that one person can't beat two cats.

Huo Miao and Jiaojiao had played enough, Huo Miao avenged the spanking, and disappeared into the grass in a flash.

Meng Hao was lying on the ground miserable. The potholes in this area were caused by the fighting between the two sides, and the flames were black after burning. Fortunately, they did not continue to spread, but they were still emitting black smoke.

"Get up, it's time to eat." Su Qing pulled Meng Shuo over and kicked him.

Because of the battle between Meng Hao and the Huomiao brothers and sisters, this place is safe. All the strange beasts were scared away, and the others became more courageous. They went over to collect the strange beasts that Meng Hao had beaten at the beginning. There were several of them.

Gou Wa said happily: "Haha, this is enough for the whole village to eat."

These strange beasts are very heavy, and only a few people can lift one together. How can they bring them all back?

A few people struggled to lift a big green bull, discussing in their mouths, the emotional performance of Meng Hao and the winged tiger just now was more enjoyable than watching star TV,

Meng Hao didn't want to wake up, he was ashamed, he was kicked by his younger brother, and then he jumped up,

"Little bastard, you bully too."

"Ah, Sister Qingqing, save me, hehehe!!" Meng Shuo ran behind Qingqing, avoiding his brother.

The corners of Qingqing's mouth turned up slightly and said: "Okay, you go and help carry the prey, we will go back after lunch here, and roast the pheasants and rabbits we killed on the way."

When it comes to eating, Meng Yan immediately grinned and said:
"Okay, okay, is Qingqing enough to eat, or I'm going to beat some strange beasts,"

Su Qing felt that Meng Hao's heart was really big, so he recovered. Doesn't it hurt if the bruise and purple dots on his body?

"Go ahead, clean up the rabbits and pheasants first, and follow everyone, don't let the strange beasts that suddenly appear hurt people."


Meng Yan was only wearing inner armor. He wasn't afraid of the cold anyway. Even though a chunk of hair was missing, his body was red and swollen, and his face was covered with dust and soot, he seemed to be fine, so he probably didn't need any medicine.

Su Qing couldn't maintain his indifferent expression, and the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up. He wanted him to take a potion, but forget it, he didn't care about the little injury.

Next, Su Qing was in charge of taking care of the two children, and Li Dahu and others went to pack the pheasants and rabbits, chop firewood, light the fire, and prepare the barbecue.

All the alien beasts here have run away, but it doesn't mean there is no danger, but the flames are frightening behind, and no alien beast dares to come over.

There are also dangers along the river, that kind of giant crocodile, which is not something ordinary people can handle. On the contrary, Meng Yan became interested and insisted on catching one and tasting it.

But a strange beast like a crocodile is very sensitive to crises and has already swam to the other side of the river along the river.
"Qingqing, help me catch a crocodile and taste it." Meng Yan watched the crocodile on the other side drooling eagerly.

Su Qing looked up at the sky, told him to keep an eye on the two children, walked to the river, and saw that the distance to the other bank was estimated to be about ten meters away, which was nothing to her.
With a wave of his hand, he used the vine wrapping technique, and quickly swung a green thing out. Because the speed was too fast, Li Dahu and the others couldn't see what it was at all.

It was only after reaching the opposite bank that it was discovered that it was a blue mountain vine. The mountain vine seemed to be spiritual, and it directly entangled a big crocodile, causing the crocodile to struggle violently. The more it struggled, the tighter the mountain vine entangled. He was tied up tightly, with a huge mouth with a particularly tight bite, and was tied up with several circles of ivy.

Su Qing pulled and tugged back, and the giant crocodile, which was close to a thousand catties, rose from the ground and flew in the air. It jumped from the opposite bank to the water side like a meteor, and fell heavily at Meng Hao's feet with a bang.

Su Qing said calmly, "Clean up quickly, and be careful not to be bitten by the crocodile."

Meng Hao told Gouwa and the others to hold the crocodile, and they were about to disembowel the crocodile.
Gouwa took a deep breath, like his friends, he was really shocked by Qingqing, it turns out that Qingqing is the most powerful boss.

From such a long distance, Qingqing catches a big crocodile with a wave of her hand, and pulls it over as soon as she pulls it. It's not a small fish that weighs a few pounds, it's a big crocodile! !

Meng Hao wanted to kill the big crocodile, which caused the giant crocodile to struggle. Meng Hao has studied alien beasts for many years, and he is also familiar with how to deal with all kinds of alien beasts.
He raised his fist, aimed at the crocodile's head, and punched it three times, but the crocodile didn't move, and he didn't know whether it was dead or fainted.

Only then did Meng Hao take out a dagger, which he personally forged at school. It is very sharp, and it is a special metal.
The crocodile's abdomen was cut open at once, and the internal organs were thrown into the river with a single stroke. He resisted the crocodile and ran back to the fire. Lele had already lit two fires and roasted pheasants and rabbits.
There are some beggar chickens wrapped in wet mud under the fire. Although everyone is not young, they are still young at heart. Just now they rushed to wrap the pheasants, rabbits and mud.

The two cats poked their heads and saw that there was a lot of excitement over there, arguing that they wanted to eat beggar chicken. Qingqing frowned and couldn't stand the noise from them, so she agreed to go back and cook for the two cats.

The big crocodile that Meng Hao brought over was too big for them to finish, so they cut a few pieces of meat and tasted it first.Take everything else back.

(End of this chapter)

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