Chapter 267 Fly Back

The pheasants and rabbits were put on the racks on the branches, grilling slowly, and a few people sat on the ground, under the blue sky and daytime, quite leisurely, if there were not many strange beasts staring at them a few miles away, it would be more comfortable.

The two children were bold, and they were not frightened. Instead, they had fun playing.
When the barbecue was cooked, everyone shared it. Meng Yan started to toss his grilled crocodile meat again. It tasted like chicken, very chewy, and not bad.

Su Qing ate very little, and the seasonings she brought were not complete, so she stopped eating after a few mouthfuls.
The big men have very good appetites, they are usually not willing to eat meat, even if these strange beasts have not been purified, they are not afraid, they rush to eat very delicious,

Meng Hao didn't rush to eat more, he was not short of meat, seeing his childhood partner, he couldn't even eat meat often, it was very unpleasant, he was capable, so he should help everyone.

Su Qing took out another apple and shared it with the two children, and asked them to drink more water. Everyone was surprised that Qingqing was good at taking care of children and told the story of the big bad wolf.
After the crowd had eaten up all the beggar chickens, had enough food, drink and rest, and watched Meng Hao's performance, they began to worry about how to go back! !

It's already afternoon, and it's still far away from the village!
Li Dahu took his son, he was the most worried, "Qingqing, Meng Yu beat a few strange beasts, and we can't take them all back. What can you do?"

"It's easy for us to fly back and bring a few strange beasts with us,"

Su Qing took her own pannier, and there was a blanket in it, which had been wrapping Meng Shuo all the time, for fear that he would catch a cold, so Su Qing took it out and threw it out,
The blanket unfolded automatically and fell on the ground. Miraculously, it became bigger and bigger, and finally it was as big as several houses.

Everyone stared with their mouths wide open, it was amazing!Meng Hao is no exception.

"Move all the strange beasts up there, don't be dumb, it's just a magic weapon, what's so special about it, Meng Hao, you forgot that this is my homework for making weapons once."

Meng Hao let out an ah, and stroked his messy hair, as if there was such a thing,
Once Qingqing refined a blanket, and was told by the teacher that it was flashy and useless, and it was a waste product for a supernatural master. I didn't expect it to be able to fly.

Meng Hao hurriedly moved the beaten beast onto the blanket, but in fact he still doubted, this thing can fly, how powerful is Qingqing?Being able to refine magic weapons, does that mean that Qingqing's talent for refining weapons is actually higher than her own.

The more I think about it, the more depressed Meng Yu becomes. It turns out that Qingqing gave way to her before.

A few strange beasts moved to the blanket, which took up most of the space, but it was enough for everyone to sit.

Su Qing put Meng Shuo in the back basket and tied him up with a rope, slapping him as dishonest, and motioned Li Dahu to do the same.
Everyone stood up, still doubting that this thing could fly,

"Stand firm, we're taking off, if you're not used to it, you can still sit, lie down, whatever you want,"

After Su Qing finished speaking, she controlled the flying carpet to fly lightly,

"Ah, it's really flying," Gouwa, Lele yelled in fright.

The two children were excited, giggling, and clapping their hands continuously. If it wasn't for the adults watching, they would have crawled to the edge to have a look.

The flying carpet was flying higher and higher, except for Meng Hao and Gou Wa, they were all terrified. They grabbed a few strange beasts, afraid of being thrown off. In fact, they were too worried.
Su Qing activated the magic weapon, and made a seal around it, even if they turned it over, they couldn't fall,

Su Qing controlled the flying carpet faster than the birds, and quickly flew down the mountain. It took only ten minutes to reach the cliff where the car was placed. Three people went down to drive, and the rest sat on the flying carpet and continued to fly to the village. ,

It was only after three o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was still bright. Seeing a strange thing flying from the side of the mountain, the villagers bombed the camp.

One by one quickly hid in the house, closed the door tightly, and shivered, thinking that there was another wave of alien beasts coming. The tragic experience a few years ago left a deep impression on everyone.

"Hahahaha, folks, we're back, and we've had a great harvest. I, Meng Hao, invite everyone to eat exotic animal meat. They all come to the village drying yard. Every household moves tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans. Today we have a whole village dinner. Celebrate Qingqing and I being admitted to the ideal college, Grandpa Wu, please come and command me."

Standing on the flying carpet, Meng Hao summoned up his skills and shouted majesticly. The whole village heard it. Many people felt like thunder was ringing in their ears. Many people who were working and drinking water were frightened. Shivering, the children were frightened and cried a few times. Suddenly, the village was jumping like dogs and dogs, and everyone cursed.

Several women opened the door, jumped and cursed loudly.

Li Dahu laughed out loud when he saw the panic of the villagers.

Meng Yu rubbed his head and smiled,
Su Qing manipulated the flying carpet and landed it on the drying yard in the village, where the place is spacious enough for the whole village to have dinner together.
When everyone got off the flying carpet, Li Dahu was still relishing the taste of the first flight, and the other two were a little dizzy and vomited when they got off.

Meng Hao was fine and full of energy. Meng Shuo and Li Dahu's son played around for a long time, but now he was drowsy and lacked energy. Li Dahu hurriedly sent the child home to sleep.

No one from the village had come yet, but Gouwa and the others drove the tram back like lightning.

Just in time to see Su Qing shaking the flying carpet with one hand, several strange beasts were lifted up and fell to the ground,

I'm going, I'm scared to death, it turns out that this guy is not only a real master, but also has infinite strength, after all, those strange beasts together weigh several thousand catties, Qingqing just threw it down with a random shake.

At this time, Wu Youde also rushed over, seeing a few strange beasts, his eyes lit up,
"Meng Hao is all played by you, hurry up and buy them in the town, they are worth a lot of money."

Meng Hao said with a smile: "Grandpa Wu doesn't sell these, I want to invite the whole village to have a big meal, please hurry up and organize a dinner for the whole village tonight,"

"Ah, this and that line, a few strange beasts are worth more than 20 interstellar coins, you child, without the consent of your parents, you can't make decisions blindly."

Thinking of his parents' expression, Meng Hao straightened his chest again and said:

"It doesn't matter. The beast I fight is up to me. I said it just now. The man promises a lot. Besides, I'm going to go to school soon. I may not come back until a few years later. I didn't do anything for the folks. Please be happy. It's still okay to eat a meal of meat, but the strange beast is not purified, so don't blame me for diarrhea after eating."

Wu Youde shook his head, "You kid, it's fine, I understand,"

Wu Youde is not stupid either. The two children are leaving. Although the villagers are envious, no one has received any real benefits. There will definitely be sour grapes in the future. It is not a good thing for the Su family and the Meng family.
Meng Hao invites everyone to have a meal of meat, and everyone will think of their benefits, and it can be considered as a welfare for the people in his hometown.
Su Qing sent a video to Zhu Xiuyun a long time ago, telling her what happened, and asked her to drive to the car and bring the things at home, tables, chairs and benches came to clean up the strange beasts, and called Uncle Su and the Meng family by the way.

After finishing the communication, he glanced at Meng Yan, and knew that he was showing off nonsense, and he didn't know to tell Grandma Meng that he should be hammered again later.

Wu Youde was happy, and ran to the village headquarters, connected to the broadcasting equipment, and informed the whole village that what the village chief said would be nice.

Wu Youde said on the radio: Su Qing and Meng Hao, who have been admitted to college, wanted to report to the villagers in the village, so they went into the mountains to hunt some strange beasts, and invited the whole village to have a big meal to celebrate together.

Calling on everyone to take the things at home and come to the drying yard to clean up the strange beasts,

After the broadcast, Village Chief Wu deliberately asked someone to set up a large tent in the village, and connected a faucet from one house to make it easier for everyone to clean the strange beasts.
After a while, people from various families in the village came to the drying yard in twos and threes, but they were all empty-handed. They all came here to inquire about the news with suspicion.

(End of this chapter)

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