Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 268 Invite the whole village to eat meat

Chapter 268 Invite the whole village to eat meat

When I came here, I saw that it wasn't true. Village Chief Wu had already led people to set up a tent. Several huge strange beasts were piled up together, and Meng Hao was talking about it there.

Immediately turned around and ran back to tell the family to come over quickly. Can you not be active if there is a good thing to eat meat?
Zhu Xiuyun, Uncle Su's family, and the Meng family all came.
Each family drove a trolley with pots and pans and cooks, and a car with firewood,
Zhu Xiuyun didn't say anything, the Meng family saw that their son was still whining, so they got angry.

If Zhu Xiuyun hadn't gone to them and told them that his son was going to treat the whole village to eat meat, they wouldn't have known, well, a person who owes a huge debt is quite generous.

Wang Qian went up and dragged Meng Hao, and the family explained what was going on. Seeing the tattered clothes on her son's body, she felt distressed again, and hurriedly brought the clothes for him to wear.

Uncle Su has brought his two sons to ask the village chief what they do.
Because as soon as they arrived, Qingqing told everyone how to deal with the strange beasts, everything was arranged by the village chief.

Zhu Xiuyun and Su Feng didn't feel sorry for those strange beasts, and felt that the child did the right thing, such a happy event of being admitted to the college, they should celebrate it.

The strange beast they brought back by themselves invited the whole village to have a big meal, which is considered to invite the whole village to celebrate together, otherwise Zhu Xiuyun would have to discuss the treat with the Meng family.

As for the Meng family, they were not so petty. They reprimanded Meng Xiang and joined the busy crowd.

Su Qing looked as delicate as a flower, with slender and white fingers, and was just about to step forward to help with work when she was sent away by a group of grandmas.

In the end, she had to take care of the children. The children in the village formed a swarm, and they all liked to be lively. Although the weather was a bit cold, it was not too cold to light a few piles of fires, and there were so many people.

Dozens of cauldrons had already been set up on the drying ground, all of which were brought from their own homes. The Su family also brought two cauldrons. Wang Sanmei and Grandma Meng and a group of women were busy boiling water and cleaning up the strange animals.

Village head Wu led several team leaders in the village, who were in charge of distribution and command in an orderly manner, busy but not chaotic, everyone had something to do.

The village head asked Su Qing to take all the children and sit in the tent, where it would be warmer against the wind, so as not to cause trouble for the adults.

Su Qing told stories to the children. She was very patient with the children, mixed in some knowledge of spiritual plants and strange beasts, and told them.

To some extent, broaden the horizons of the children in the mountain villages, and let them know that the world is big and there is a lot of knowledge to learn. Going to school is very important to everyone.
In order to attract the child, she even used a small spell. A seed, in her hand, quickly turned into a cluster of flowers. With a wave of her hand, green vines covered the surroundings.

"Wow wow wow!!" Every time the children exclaimed,
All the children's eyes are shining, and they are scrambling to ask, can they do this in school?
Looking at every innocent little face, Su Qing said seriously:
"I can't guarantee that each of you can inspire supernatural powers, but if you don't go to school, you will have no chance. Only by going to school and working hard can you walk out of a different life and surpass your parents. The outside world is very exciting, and you will spend your whole life doing nothing in a small mountain village. , it’s better to learn more skills and go outside to see, even if it’s good to see Anyang City.”

Su Qing brought a seed of hope to the children, hoping that one day it will grow into a towering tree, and the children in Shanquan Village can receive a good education and improve their living environment.

Meng Hao likes such a lively scene like a fish in water the most, bragging about his day's experience with the villagers like a fish in water,

In his account, he was so valiant that he went down with a club to kill a cow and fought several stags.

Gouwa and the others also testified that what Meng Hao said was true, and that the miraculous experience of them all flying back attracted the surprise of the villagers, but most of them thought it was nonsense and didn't believe it at all.

How many strange beasts can be beaten by Meng Hao is acceptable to them. As for being able to fly and cut, who will believe it?
Someone else said that it seemed that they saw a blanket flying from the side of the mountain, and there were a few people sitting at the door, which may be true.

Someone else swore that Meng Hao and the others flew back. At that time, they thought that the strange beast was attacking and they were terrified.

The two parties refuted each other, talking and laughing, each household was as excited as a festival, and they all brought a lot of staple food and other dishes from home, and each family cooked it themselves.
Under the command of the old village chief, several alien beasts have been cleaned up. Even the blood of the alien beasts is not wasted. spoiled.

Some people stew bones, some stew meat, and some stew offal and heads of exotic animals. Regardless of how many times you have never eaten meat, they all have their own unique methods, not to mention the strong aroma.

Zhu Xiuyun just follows the big wave, she does what others do, so as not to show off, her granddaughter taught her the method of stewing meat, anyway, they are just joining in the fun, really trying to eat meat?
These years, their family has never been short of meat, let the villagers eat their fill first!The life of the villagers is hard, and they can't eat a few meals of meat throughout the year. This time, let everyone eat enough.

Thunderbolt, burning firewood, steam coming out of a large pot, people are busy with their work, and some people have to go home to cook, because they can’t eat meat alone, and they have to cook some vegetables and staple food.

Zhu Xiuyun and Grandma Meng Xun came to the new courtyard of Su's family and cooked here so as not to have to run back and forth. When they came, they brought everything in the car, including vegetables and noodles.

In the spare time of cooking, Zhu Xiuyun mentioned that Qingqing wanted her to go with her to Venus,

She wanted to discuss with her old sister, should she go by herself?

Luo Cuilan said in surprise, "What did you say? Meng Yan and the others won't be able to come back for six years?"

Zhu Xiuyun was stunned, "Sister-in-law, you still don't know?"

"That brat, if you didn't tell us, he wouldn't even think about telling us. He must think it's not a big deal."

Grandma Meng's thoughts on her grandson were guessed clearly, and she felt very uncomfortable when she thought that her grandson would not be able to go home for six years.

"Xiuyun, I think you should wait for them to come back in the village, so don't follow them. The children are studying outside, so how can they have time to take care of you? You are not familiar with the place on a strange planet. What do you usually do? If you are down-to-earth in the village, you are all folks, and you can help you no matter how much,
When Qingqing grows up, gets married and has children, I will pick you up to take care of the elderly. You are still in good health, so you will live in the village first. Didn’t you say that Qingqing pays money every month, and you probably don’t need it money. "

Zhu Xiuyun nodded. She also thought the same way. Although she couldn't see the child for six years and missed her very much, she didn't want to be a burden to the child. It's better to live in the village, and now she doesn't have to save money. Qingqing calls her dozens of times a month. Ten thousand interstellar coins, she has saved them all these years without spending them.

"Sister-in-law, I think the same way. Anyway, Qingqing gave me the old communicator. I think she will play a video to see her. Six years have passed in a blink of an eye."

While the two old sisters were cooking, they chatted about their children, and finally talked about Meng Yu's marriage. Grandma Meng was worried.

Boys like Meng Hao's age in the village run away all over the place. Meng Hao will be 27 years old after six years of college. What kind of wife will he find in the future?

Zhu Xiuyun smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, don't worry about it. Meng Yu will have a great future in the future. He must find the most outstanding wife. You just wait. Don't worry, maybe you will marry a young lady from a noble family."

Grandma Meng didn't believe it, "Tsk, he is not enlightened, he is still like a child, he only knows how to play and eat, and he will pursue girls."

(End of this chapter)

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