Chapter 269
Zhu Xiuyun suddenly mentioned something, "I often hear the two children mention Boss Yang's daughter. Yang Xue is pretty good, she is good-looking and has a lively personality."

Grandma Meng shook her head, "How can Boss Yang's daughter fall in love with my Meng Rong? Her family runs a shop, factory and motorcade, and her brother is a pharmacist. We can't afford it."

Zhu Xiuyun didn't think Meng Yan was Gao Pan, so she said to her:
"I said sister-in-law, you look down on Meng Hao too much. He was admitted to a top 100 college in the empire. No matter what he does after graduation, he can earn money like water. He will definitely achieve a great career in the future. Maybe your family You can even move out of Mengyuexing, the Yang family's family business is nothing at all."

Zhu Xiuyun didn't understand this at the beginning. Su Qing had been teaching her illiteracy, but Grandma Meng's views had not changed, and she still thought Meng Hao was a poor boy in a mountain village.

Grandma Meng still shook her head, "Hey, even if that's the case, it's hard to say what will happen in the future. Who knows, let's talk about it after Meng Yan graduates."

The two sisters were chatting without delaying their work. They needed to cook meals for nearly [-] people in three families. Pancakes were the easiest way to cook. A large pot of potatoes and green vegetables and exotic animal meat would be enough.

Not long after, Wang Sanmei and her two daughters-in-law came to help and moved things to the drying yard. Fortunately, they both had cars, otherwise it would be a lot of trouble.

But the dinner party is to celebrate Su Qing and Meng Yu being admitted to the college. The two of them are still the masters, and they need to be more active. People, help arrange it.

The two women worked together to take all the food to the drying yard and set it up. At this time, the drying yard was full of people and steaming everywhere.

During Maiqiu’s time, the electronic lights were turned on, and it was no worse than during the day. Every family moved in tables, chairs, bowls and chopsticks, just waiting to eat meat. up,
After more than an hour of stewing, all kinds of exotic animal meat have become mushy. Wu Youde is responsible for dividing the meat.
The village chief began to divide the meat according to the population of each family. Every family carried a big pot to fill the meat. After the distribution, the whole family ate it lively. The greens are shared with each other.

The people in the village have never been so happy, and everyone is smiling.

Su Qing sat on a stone and drank porridge with a bowl. There were not so many stools, so the children just sat down wherever they wanted.
Su Qing doesn't want to eat meat, she just wants to drink some porridge. After entering the foundation building period, she can completely eat without food, and it doesn't matter if she eats food or not. It's still delicious for her to eat less food, because the food contains too many impurities.

When everyone was cooking, Su Qing quietly put a marrow washing pill in every pot, hoping to improve the physique of the villagers, lock their genes and gradually open them, so that the probability of the children arousing supernatural powers More, not that most people don't have supernatural talents.

The people in the village eat meat a lot. If the people in the town dare not eat the meat of different animals directly, their stomachs will be changed more thoroughly.
Only the mountain villages are relatively closed, and the villagers still eat some natural food, so everyone is not very afraid. Anyway, people who eat it will not kill people, and at most they will be allergic. Just take two medicines and they will be fine. They have no money to purify!

It is also the atmosphere brought back by Su Qing and Meng Hao in the past few years. They always eat food from the mountains, and they are obviously in better health, and there is no problem. People in the village eat more. Now that they eat meat, who cares .

Anyway, everyone is lively, everyone has a happy and satisfied smile on their faces,
Su Qing lamented that the desires of the villagers are really simple. After eating a meal of meat, they feel very happy.

Don't look at a few strange beasts with a lot of meat, plus internal organs, hooves and heads, they were all eaten up by the villagers, and in the end even the soup in the pot was mixed with water and drank up.
Many people have never eaten meat so happily in their whole life. They ate only meat without changing their staple food. Several old people were so moved that they cried and murmured that it was possible to eat meat. Even death is worth it.

This meal has been eaten for more than an hour. After eating, each family packed up their things, and the tents were left here until the next morning. Village head Wu asked everyone to go back to sleep first, and they were tired after a long day of tossing.

There was a lot of noise, clangs, clangs, and the villagers began to tidy up their things and move them home. They came twice at a time, and there were voices of women and old ladies calling their children and daughters, one after another. Although it was chaotic, everyone was happy with joy.

After a panic, Zhu Xiuyun and Qingqing finally returned home. Su Qing moved the table and stools into the main room, and did not let Zhu Xiuyun move those heavy things. Now that she has grown up, she rushes to do a lot of work.

The pots and pans were moved into the kitchen at will, and while Zhu Xiuyun was not paying attention, after a few cleaning techniques, everything was cleaned, and the sundries were thrown into the trash basket, and the job was over.

Zhu Xiuyun wondered why she finished her work so quickly.

Su Qing hurriedly changed the subject,
"Grandma, let's go to Huanglong Town tomorrow to see Principal Mei. I'm admitted to the college, so I should visit her, tell her the good news in person, and share the joy together."

Although Principal Mei must have known about her being admitted to the academy, she also wanted to go there in person.
"That's right, you should go and see,"

Zhu Xiuyun immediately talked about what to bring to visit the teacher, and to bring those things to Principal Mei.

In these years, every year during the holidays, Su Qing would visit Principal Mei, especially after the way of refining pills spread,
Su Qing specially went to teach Principal Mei many times, and let her be a one-star pharmacist, and she can also refine the elixir, although it is the lowest level.

Principal Mei thought that she knew Yang Wei well, so she was the best learner, so she could teach her when she came back. It never occurred to her that Yang Wei's alchemy technique was originally passed down to him by Su Qing.

The grandfather and grandson decided to visit Principal Mei in Huanglong Town tomorrow, and went back to their rooms to rest.
Su Qing still did not forget to send a message to Meng Yan, telling him about going to visit Principal Mei tomorrow,
Su Qing sat cross-legged on the bed, just about to practice, when there was scratching sound from the window, Su Qing knew Huomiao brothers and sisters were back, opened the window,

Following a few meows, two cats rushed in, and they did not forget to scramble to tell Su Qing how many pheasants and hares he caught, and tomorrow he could eat beggar chickens and beggar rabbits.

"Okay, be quiet, I'm starting to practice, and I'm going to a medium-sized galaxy soon. The people and beasts there must have a higher level of cultivation. During this period of time, you can't be lazy. You two are careful to be bullied in a new place. Take it easy." Beast Pill, hurry up and start practicing, Jiaojiao and you too, it’s been a few years, and you can’t help me refine a batch of pills, you just know how to play and eat, did you learn from Meng Yu.”

The two cats drooped their heads and were silent. When it came to cultivation, they were a little ashamed and a little slow. They were in vain of the good environment their master created for them, not to mention there were monster pills to eat.

"Okay, hurry up and practice,"

As soon as Su Qing raised his hand, he released the spirit-gathering array disk and the protective array disk, and began to practice sitting with the eyes closed disk.
By the way, she cultivated her natal magic weapon, the Immortal Sword Luoying, a large sword composed of a main sword and 36 small swords, combined with the Mantian Huayu exercise, the power was increased by a hundred times, and it was Luo Zilan's unique exercise.

With this technique, Luo Zilan was known as the Flower Rain Fairy back then, and she was a leader among the younger generation.

Luoying was Luo Zilan's fairy sword when she was young. Later, when her cultivation base was high, it was no longer applicable. She replaced it with other magic tools, and Luoying was placed in the jade pendant space for successors. Its original strength.

As soon as the spirit-gathering array was released, the aura in the room suddenly increased, so that Su Qing felt that it was enough for cultivation, but it was not as strong as the aura in Mingyue City.

(End of this chapter)

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