Chapter 270

In the early morning of the next day, the grandparents and grandchildren finished their meal and packed up some gifts that Su Qing brought back. Su Qing put another Dingyan Pill. She thought that there is no woman who does not love beauty, and Principal Mei must like this gift.

Among the teachers who have taught her, Su Qing is most grateful to Principal Mei. She broke the rules, admitted herself, and gave her tutoring with all her heart.

It can be said that if it weren't for Principal Mei's tutoring, no matter how good Su Qing's self-study is, she would not be admitted to the first intermediate class of Mingyue City.
Learning is not only about memorizing the whole book, but also understanding. Without the teacher's teaching and analysis, it is impossible to know the profound meaning of the content out of thin air.

Zhu Xiuyun's grandson went to Meng's house to pick up Meng Fang, and the three of them went to the station.

Meng Hao also prepared some gifts. Every time they went to visit the teacher, they would never be empty-handed, from the candies at the beginning to some accessories and alien specialties later.

Anyway, Su Qing was able to earn more and more money later on, and the things he bought, even though they were inconspicuous, became more and more expensive, such as some beauty-enhancing herbal teas, cosmetics from aliens, and so on.

Anyway, Mr. Zhao and the others don’t know the price, and they are happy to accept it every time. Only Principal Mei will ask how much they bought it for, and Su Qing will conceal the report. Principal Mei knows it well and doesn’t ask any more questions. With the ability to make money, there is no rejection.

Su Qing and Meng Hao were admitted to Tsinglan College of Venus, and Principal Mei was overjoyed, happier than herself.

Especially Su Qing, this student has to go against the sky. He can already stand shoulder to shoulder with the geniuses of the Central Galaxy at a young age.

She thought that Su Qing and Meng Hao would be back in a few days, and they would definitely come to see her. She sat in the office every day looking forward to it, and the student who passed the world's first exam came to tell her the good news.

By the way, I would like to ask her about the exam, how did she get such a high score in the exam, I heard that this year's exam is difficult.

While Principal Mei was still meditating on his teacup, there was a knock on the door.

She went over to open the door and saw that Su Qing's grandparents and Meng Yan had indeed come, and she invited them in pleasantly.

As soon as the few people sat down, Principal Mei excitedly talked about Su Qing's admission to Tsinglan College. The corners of her eyes and brows were full of joyful smiles.

Su Qing looked at it softly, and for the first time, the face of her enlightenment teacher showed a look of unsteadiness.

No matter what time it is, she will always remember Principal Mei's kindness to her.
The three chatted about what happened in the examination room, and when they heard that Su Qing had completed all the written examination questionnaires in a day, Principal Mei opened her mouth wide, but didn't close it for a long time, and lost her composure again.

She has also taken the intermediate class exam. Knowing the difficulty, Su Qing was able to finish the exam in one day. I can't blame her for her good grades. She has enough time to take the on-site exam, and she can get some points even in subjects she is not good at.

Thinking back then, it took her only four days to finish the written test. As expected, ordinary people are incomparable with monsters.

What surprised her was that it took more than two days for Meng Hao to complete the written test papers. Could it be that she had misread it back then, Meng Hao is also a hidden genius, otherwise how could he have been admitted to the same college as Su Qing.

Although Principal Mei was puzzled and surprised, she was still very happy. Among her students, there were two geniuses who were admitted to the graduate school, which made her feel that being a teacher was worthwhile in this life.

Su Qing took out the gift she had prepared separately again,

"Principal Mei, we probably won't be back for a few years when we go to Qixingxing to go to school. I can't visit you. I hope you take good care of your health and cultivate more talents. I specially brought you a elixir for you to take. You can try it." Try it out."

Principal Mei took the jade bottle from Su Qing's hand, not surprised that Su Qing gave her the pill,

Su Qing also sent them before, all of which were first-order pills, and the price was not particularly expensive, so she accepted them all, so what kind of medicine is this time.

As soon as it was opened, a scent came out, and Principal Mei exclaimed,

"Dingyan Dan, Su Qing is too precious, I can't take it."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Principal Mei, you can accept it. Dingyan Dan is of great value to others, but it is nothing to me. I made it myself. Take it quickly and let me see the effect. I have seen, what is the effect of taking Dingyan Pill?"

Principal Mei heard that Su Qing made it himself, so he stopped giving in, and put it in his mouth, the elixir melted in his mouth.

Zhu Xiuyun and Meng Hao looked at each other with good eyes, wanting to see the magic of the so-called Dingyan Pill, and then the two of them widened their eyes and opened their mouths wide, witnessing a miracle. Only Su Qing smiled lightly, not surprised at all. .

Principal Mei couldn't see the change and didn't feel it, but Zhu Xiuyun and the others saw the whole process with their own eyes.
After she took the elixir, the skin on her face began to become flushed and delicate, and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes stretched. A person who is nearly 50 years old will be more than ten years younger in no time.
Principal Mei saw them stunned, and immediately asked, "What do you think, isn't the effect good?"

Su Qing smiled and said: "The effect is great, my grandma was stunned by the principal's beauty."

"Okay, you are still joking, I will see for myself."

Principal Mei opened the drawer and found a mirror, and he was stunned when he saw it.
Oh my god, the effect is amazing. Her whole face looks like she is in her early thirties. She is almost 50 years old.

Is the effect of Dingyan Dan so amazing?She has seen the face-fixing potion before, but it is not so powerful!

There is no woman who does not love beauty, and Principal Mei is even more pleased when she sees it. The gift given by her student is really sent to her heart.

I really didn't expect that one day, I would receive such a precious gift from a student. I heard that a Dingyan Pill has been sold for 500 million interstellar coins.

Su Qing also asked: "How is it, Principal Mei, has it become more beautiful?"

Principal Mei nodded with a smile, "Su Qing, I know this kind of Dingyan Pill must be very expensive, it would be hypocritical to say more, I like it very much, very happy, thank you,"

"Principal Mei, you don't have to be polite with your students,"

Zhu Xiuyun also said a few polite words, her tone full of envy,

Principal Mei joked: "Sister Zhu also took one of Qingqing's own elixir, so she must be 20 years younger."

Zhu Xiuyun hurriedly waved her hands, "No, no, I don't need it. I'm an old lady in the village who either farms or works all day long. Who can show me how young she is? It's not like Principal Mei. A knowledgeable person also needs a good image at work."

Hahaha, everyone laughed out loud after hearing this, feeling that Zhu Xiuyun seemed to be afraid of becoming young, not getting along with others in the village, and being called a goblin.

A few people chatted casually, and they said that after the Chinese New Year, Su Qing and Su Qing would leave Mengyuexing and report to Qinglan College of Venus.

Principal Mei told the two students that if there was any difficulty outside and they couldn't solve it, they would call themselves. She helped them out with an idea. She was an adult with decades of life experience, so she was better than them.

She also went to college, and knew that school was not a pure and peaceful place, with complex interpersonal relationships, especially since they were from Mengyuexing, they would definitely be looked down upon.

Su Qing and Meng Hao couldn't help nodding, listening to President Mei talking about some ways to survive in the graduate school.

After the chat was almost over, Su Qing quietly pulled down the corner of her grandmother, and Zhu Xiuyun knew it was time to leave and go back.

Su Qing and Meng Hao helped Zhu Xiuyun to leave the school and walked on the streets of Huanglong Town, thinking back then, it seemed like it was still yesterday, time passed by, and they were about to travel far away.

Meng Hao asked: "Qingqing still can't buy pork, the boss must still be looking forward to your visit."

Although they have no shortage of exotic animal meat to eat, the domesticated chicken, duck, and pig are more delicious than the wild exotic animals in the mountains, perhaps because of their pure energy, they are more delicious.

Su Qing nodded, since he is here, let's buy something to take back.

(End of this chapter)

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