Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 271 The whole village practice martial arts

Chapter 271 The whole village practice martial arts
The three walked towards the commercial street. Zhu Xiuyun sighed and went to buy meat again. She didn't like meat these years.

In particular, Qingqing went up the mountain every year and came back from hunting so many exotic animals. The three grandparents were busy processing the meat of the exotic animals. Later, they even called on Grandma Meng and Sanmei Wang to help. None of their families was short of meat.

After returning to the village from Huanglong Town, Su Qing and Meng Yu went to the village chief Wu Youde again, and told the villagers that they wanted to teach the villagers a kind of body training technique. question,
You can protect yourself without hot weapons. In the past, the hunting in the village relied on those few shotguns. Many beasts dare not really fight with the villagers. The safety of the people in the village is still guaranteed, and the villagers are not soft. The hunting methods passed down from the ancestors, know how to deal with strange beasts, if you can learn the body training technique, it will add another layer of protection.

Of course Wu Youde did not object to this, but repeatedly confirmed with Meng Hao that it was indeed not a martial art taught in school. Meng Hao insisted, saying that it was his own talent, and according to some information from Xingwang, there was absolutely no problem in researching it by himself.

Wu Youde believed that Meng Hao would not joke about such a big matter, so he agreed.

Inform everyone that at the drying yard at 7 o'clock every morning, Meng Hao will teach you a martial art, so that you can easily fight a few strange beasts like him.

To say anything else, the villagers may not be interested, they are so busy every day, they might as well take a break if they have time, who would like to learn some martial arts, they haven't learned enough in school yet.

But I heard that after learning it, he can fight powerful alien beasts like Meng Yan, and with the publicity of Li Dahu Gouwa and the others,
The enthusiasm of the villagers was completely ignited, just like the yam digging in the past, as long as there is a profit, people will chase after it crazily.

So every morning, Meng Hao and Su Qing went to the drying yard to teach the villagers to practice kung fu, men, women and children, as long as they are willing to learn, anyone can,

The elderly can strengthen their bodies, women can have some self-protection skills, men can easily go into the mountains to fight strange beasts, and they can resist the supernatural attacks of strange beasts when they reach the third level.

People in the village are still very active in learning body exercises. Even Zhu Xiuyun's grandma Meng Su Ershu and the others all went to learn it, just to cheer for Meng Xiang. The family members don't support it.

Su Ping, Su'an, and Meng Lin are even more active. They are both at the right age, and they are very concerned about being able to practice high-level martial arts. After all, they have a family to support.

Su Qing was in charge of teaching the women, Meng Yu taught the men, and the whole village of Shanquan Village was sent out in the morning to learn the art of body training.

People are different. Some people are very smart and talented. Like Li Dahu, after a week of study, he can practice well. Like Lele, he almost needs to study hard for a period of time before he can master it.

Some of the worst people are too stupid, no matter how hard they learn, they can't grasp the essence. Su Qing wants to give up. It's really the master who leads the door to practice on the individual, and people are really talented.

Su Qing didn't care. Body training was taught in public together. If it wasn't good enough, it was due to personal reasons. The old people didn't want to practice any peerless martial arts. It would be good to practice it every day to keep fit.

For this reason, Su Qing also specially took the villagers to the mountains to collect herbs, and told everyone to boil several kinds of elixir together to make a potion, and then take a bath with the potion, which is more beneficial for practicing qigong.

In fact, it is a simplified version of a marrow washing potion, which can strengthen the muscles and bones, allowing children to drink this potion from a young age, which can further strengthen their physique, unlock genes, and continuously improve the child's aptitude.

More than an hour every morning has become a regular time for the village to practice body training, and then Su Qing and Meng Hao will go to the mountains to practice together.

What they are practicing is not simple martial arts. The students in the intermediate class have not been exposed to the martial arts that use weapons.

But Qingqing has her own inheritance, a Luoying sword, dancing with a cold light, 36 small swords and the main sword separate and combine to form various formations, rolling up dead leaves and flying sand to form a storm.

What Meng Hao practiced was to toss and turn in various complex terrains in the mountains. From time to time, he encountered strange beasts that sneaked up on him, and he fought a few tricks, all of which were called by Huo Miao to help Meng Hao practice.

Su Qing gave Meng Hao a treasured knife, which she said she made by herself, but in fact, she randomly picked it up in the jade pendant space. The quality is very good, which is much higher than the current refining level.

Meng Yan couldn't put it down. For the first time, he had a weapon of his own. Even if he made a sword in school, the students were not allowed to take it away, except for the small dagger that Meng Hao took.

Su Qing taught him another set of Jingfeng knife technique. Meng Hao is indeed a martial arts genius.

Su Qing and the two have to go to the deep mountains to practice every time. Their skills have surpassed the scope of common people's understanding. They must be covered up. Beast, just take it back for extra meals.

It is very secretive in the inaccessible places in the mountains, and you can practice Kungfu freely,

For example, with a single sweep of Su Qing's sword, he could cut off a small hill, causing the strange beasts in the mountain to flee in all directions, and it also had a radiant special effect. Can people see it?

Sometimes Meng Yan would practice duels with Su Qing. When they really fought against each other, Meng Yan knew that Qing Qing was much better than him, and could use spells at any time, making him hurt so badly. Could it be that warriors are not as good as supernatural masters?

But Qingqing always comforted him, saying that when he reached the ninth turn of the body training technique and became a saint at the tenth level of martial arts, he would be able to practice supernatural powers. I don't know if it is true or not?

However, Qingqing taught him the Jingfeng knife technique, which is really powerful. The light of the knife flickered, and a thick tree was cut off by him directly, which may have a lot to do with his strength.
After breaking through the fourth round of the body training technique, it was approaching the fifth round. Meng Hao felt that his body had not only increased in strength, but was also as light as a swallow. Many movements that seemed impossible to do before were easy to complete.
As long as you push your feet hard, you can jump up to a tree more than ten meters high, and your running speed is not lower than that of a speeding car. You can climb mountains and ridges as if you are walking on flat ground. The five senses are particularly sensitive.
Now the supernatural attack of the strange beasts in the mountains is completely ineffective against him, unless Huomiao brothers and sisters are in partnership and can suppress him. This is also because of two-on-one. Fighting alone, Huomiao is not his opponent. , the flames must be completely defeated.

Not to mention Su Qing, who practiced both spells and body, and used all kinds of spells with ease, but his body training skills were a little worse than Meng Yan's, and his combat power was even more frightening.

Su Qing and Meng Hao practiced very seriously. They didn't come back until it was dark every day. They were afraid that after Venus, they would not be able to compare with those geniuses of medium galaxies. If something happened, they would not even have the power to fight back.

In the evening, when Su Qing was flying in the sky and Meng Yan was running on the ground, the speed was no slower than Su Qing's. When they got near the cliff, they would run home at a normal speed.
This year in Shanquan Village is destined to be extraordinary. Su Qing and Meng Hao have been admitted to university, and the whole village has a dinner to celebrate. They have a big meal that will be talked about in the next 20 years.

Meng Hao taught the whole village a kind of martial art, and everyone wanted to learn it, so that they could be as capable as Meng Hao in the future, but unfortunately not many people could persevere.
After a few days, the old people gave up, and after more than ten days, the women were not interested. In the end, all the young men in the village were left with the burden of supporting their families on their shoulders.
A month later, Meng Hao announced that he had finished teaching it, and everyone should practice more frequently in the future. There is no shortcut to success in body training. Just practice every day, and your physique will naturally increase. It is no problem to fight some strange beasts .

However, there is a condition for the practice of body refining, that is, adequate nutrition must be ensured.

There is no need to eat meat every day. Everything in the mountains can be eaten, such as various mushrooms, yams, wild fruits, pheasants and rabbits are still easy to catch.

(End of this chapter)

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