Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 272 First Love Broken

Chapter 272 First Love Broken
Li Dahu and the others dared to go into the mountains to hunt pheasants and rabbits when they were still young, let alone now.

Friends who have made good friends with Meng Hao have seen his ability with their own eyes, and they all believe in it. The mountain products found in the mountains are no longer sold to the purchase station, and they are kept for their own family to eat, so that the body has enough nutrition and can eat early. Practice the martial arts taught by Meng Yu.

It's a pity that their conditions are still not enough. Meng Hao was in the favor of Su Qing back then, so he didn't lose his mouth. He was well-nourished, how could the villagers do it.

In the end, Meng Hao couldn't bear to see his little friends who couldn't even eat something good because of their poor life, so he asked Su Qing if he could take out some medicine to improve their physique.

In fact, Su Qing has already made it secretly. On the day of the whole village dinner, she put a pill of washing marrow in each pot,

In the end, the people in the village even drank all the soup, which was not bad at all. So the next day, many people in the village would suddenly find themselves smelly. Every household was taking a bath that day, but they didn't know that the body was eliminating toxins.

Meng Yu approached her, wanting to recuperate the bodies of his friends, so that they can practice body training as soon as possible to have an effect.

In Mingyue City, ability masters and warriors have to take potions, vitality liquid, and marrow washing potions to strengthen the body, remove impurities, and improve abilities.

But that needs to take medicine for a long time, but Su Qing can provide them with a period of time out of his own pocket, after they leave?

No one in the village could afford it. How much resources did Meng Hao use himself, could he not be clear?Nearly [-] million, many medicines Su Qing didn't tell him how much it was worth. If he didn't know how to refine it, the amount would increase several times.

After Su Qing told him the situation, Meng Yu thought for a long time, and decided to let Gou Wa and Brother Dahu take the medicine for a period of time.

Meng Hao can also refine simple vitality potions, but they don't have medicine refining equipment now, so they need to go to Huanglong Town to ask Principal Mei to borrow a medicine refining room.

"Qingqing, I've decided, let Gouwa and the others take the potion for a few days, don't think about it later, just let them enter the first transfer gate, their martial arts have already reached the third level, it shouldn't be difficult, all the elixir is my account superior."

"Okay, as long as you think about it."

Su Qing did not object to Meng Hao's decision. It was not difficult for them to refine the potion of vitality, and the elixir was not particularly expensive. They could contact Yang Dayong and ask his family's motorcade to bring a batch from Mingyue City.

During the Chinese New Year, Meng Yan quietly gave each of his friends a box, told them the potion in the box, drink a bottle every day, and then immediately practice the body training technique, which will get twice the result with half the effort.
Of course, he didn't forget his father. He gave Meng Lin twice as much medicine as others. If it was beneficial, his family would have to share more. He gave his partner a box of medicine for nothing. , they can't afford it either,
Su Qing was even more arrogant, and simply gave the two uncles a bottle of vitality pills, ten pills per bottle, and warned them not to tell anyone, but to take them secretly, none of the Meng family had them, and they must learn the art of body refining well. In the future, life will be guaranteed after entering the mountains. If you live a good life, you will definitely let your children go to school more and receive better education.

As for Second Uncle Su, who is old and doesn’t need him to take risks in the mountains, Su Qing didn’t give it to him, mainly because he was afraid that they would speak up and let the villagers isolate them. So fast, it is not surprising that only two of them have better cultivation bases.

Time is running out, and the New Year is coming to an end soon. Su Qing and Meng Hao need to pack their luggage and go to Mingyue City to take a spaceship to the Venus Star, otherwise they will not be able to register for the start of school.

The two of them have nothing to pack, just some clothes and daily necessities, one suitcase for each is enough, and the rest can be put in Meng Hao's storage and flame space.

It was all food prepared by the two families. I was afraid that the price of Qixingxing would be more expensive than that of Mengyuexing, and the children would not be able to afford it when they went. If they took more food and vegetables, they would not starve.

Before Su Qing left, he swept through the mountains again, making all the carnivorous beasts sigh, making life impossible.

Finally came the day to leave. They will not be able to see each other for the next six years. The two families are very reluctant to bear the child, but when the child grows up, he will eventually leave home and go far away. They can't stop the child's bright future.

Su Qing hugged her grandma tightly, Zhu Xiuyun finally decided to stay in Shanquan Village, no matter how much Su Qing persuaded, she refused to agree to go with her, she said that she would come back to pick her up after Qingqing graduated and settled down, and watch her get married and have children , live happily together.

Meng Yu hugged his grandma and mother, his eyes were also red, only Meng Shuo didn't cry, every year his brother would leave, and then he would come back, there was nothing to be sad about, he didn't know, this time his brother would not be able to go home for a long time .

Su Qing and Meng Hao got on the aircraft again. This farewell meant that they would be separated from their relatives for six years.

Looking at the familiar scenery outside the porthole, Su Qing suddenly said:
"Meng Hao, we will be away from Mengyuexing for six years, what will you and Yang Xue do in the future?"

Meng Yan was stunned, and asked in surprise: "What should I do? What does it have to do with Yang Xue?"

Su Qing raised her eyebrows, and said displeasedly: "Don't you want to be a heartless man, a scumbag, don't you like Yang Xue, every time you see her, your eyes shine."

Meng Yu smiled awkwardly, "Hey, it's not what you think. When we first went to Mingyue City, it was the first time I saw a little girl like Yang Xue. She was fashionable and beautiful. She was completely different from the girls in our village. I must be very hot." , but although Yang Xue looked polite, she only sympathized with us and didn't really treat me as the same as her.

Later you also know that although we can chat, we are good friends, when we are in the fourth grade, how busy we are with our studies, and my sleep time is reduced by half, so there are still those messy thoughts. "

Su Qing frowned, how could this be?She thought that Meng Hao had always liked Yang Xue very much, and she wanted to find an opportunity to mention it to Yang Dayong and ask the Yang family what their opinion was.

Seeing that Qingqing frowned, Meng Yu continued to explain:
"Believe it or not, Yang Xue won't like me. She likes the kind of elegant young master, such as Uncle Yang's friend, that Young Master Jiang, who is rich.
What am I?The family is poor, all the expenses are paid by you, Yang Xue doesn't think about it at all, you haven't seen that every time you go to the Yang's house, Grandma Zhao is like guarding against thieves, who do you think is stupid! "

Su Qing's heart twitched, she really didn't see that Meng Yan was really sensitive, she didn't even feel Grandma Zhao's defensiveness.

Although Meng Yu had a smile on his face, he was crying in his heart.

Why doesn't he like Yang Xue, that's his first love, but his parents don't like him, they just want to match Yang Xue and Jiang Fan, Yang Xue is not young this year, and in two years' time, he will be admitted to Xinghui, which is considered a good condition ,
The Yang family had always hoped that she would marry into a family with good conditions, but they hadn't really considered Meng Rong because of the poor conditions of the Meng family. The family is like that, and he is not a candidate for a son-in-law at all.

It's just that this year, Meng Yu and Su Qing were admitted to Qixing's Qinglan College together, which surprised Yang Dayong and his wife. Even so, they didn't want to marry their daughter to Meng Yu. The key is that Yang Xue didn't mean that to him. .

Su Qing has never been in a relationship, and she doesn't know Meng Hao's thoughts, but it's a pity that she thought she could have a better relationship with the Yang family!

Meng Yu snorted coldly, and said disdainfully:
"Tch, what is Yang Xue? She's just a stupid girl. Maybe I can get a general's daughter to be my wife in the future. We will fight side by side in the interstellar world. That's the life I want."

(End of this chapter)

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