Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 273 Waiting to set sail

Chapter 273 Waiting to set sail
Su Qing stared at him, "Well, anyway, you are still young, life is still growing, there is no grass in the end of the world, and you will meet a better girl in the future."

Meng Yu’s nine-turn Xuangong practice reaches the fifth turn, and Shouyuan will be 500 years old. He is still young in his early 20s, and he can marry after 100 years old. I guess Grandma Meng will urge her to marry like crazy, hahaha.

As for myself?Go along with the fate, when you meet the right one, try to communicate, after many tests, you feel good, get married and have children, and enjoy the warmth of the family.

It is best for the man to be mild-mannered, have a certain financial foundation, and have a good family.

They bought a small farm and grew their own vegetables and medicines. With her ability, she couldn't grow any panacea well, and her life would definitely be fine. She didn't want to be rich, just be safe and happy.

Bring grandma over again, and when grandma is a hundred years later, when the child is old enough, she will bring a man with her and travel around the stars together. Anyway, with her ability, it is no problem to travel alone in space.
The ancestor also prepared a magic weapon for her interstellar flight, which is easier to operate than modern spaceships, but requires spirit stones. This is not easy to solve for the time being, and I will consider it later.

hey-hey!Why do you think so far? It's all in the future, Su Qing smiled.

Su Qing had never been in a relationship or married in her previous life. She didn't know what marriage felt like, so she fantasized about ordinary and happy days according to her own wishes.

How could she know that marriage has never been a simple matter since ancient times, and running one's own family is not an easy task. She can do everything according to her own will, but fate is like that.

Since there is no possibility between Meng Hao and Yang Xue, she doesn't worry about it any more, she has a personal fate, maybe Meng Hao's marriage is far away.

After saying what he just said, Meng Hao was a little depressed, so he had no choice but to turn on the communicator and play games to hide his disappointment.

Su Qing is discussing with Huo Miao Jiaojiao, what should they do when they enter the spaceship?Pets also need to buy a ticket separately. In another warehouse, pets are not allowed to enter the cabin.

Su Qing asked them to simply enter the turtle's breath state, go to sleep in the jade pendant space, and wake them up after the morning star, Huo Miao and Jiaojiao nodded in agreement.

The two cats entered the state of tortoise breathing on the aircraft. They didn't know that they thought they were dead, and they basically didn't breathe.

Meng Hao found out that the panicked cats were still yelling, thinking that the two cats were dead,
Su Qing gave him a sideways glance, "Shh, don't shout, they are just dormant, otherwise pets can't enter the cabin room of the spaceship, just let them sleep and put them in the suitcase."

Meng Hao asked suspiciously: "Is this okay? You can't pass the security check of the space port, after all, it's a living thing."

Su Qing said firmly: "Don't worry, I have a solution. When the time comes, I will say it is my plush toy."

"All right!"

Su Qing opened her suitcase, asked Meng Yan to put some clothes into the storage card, made room for two cats, but at the moment of closing the suitcase, moved Huomiao brothers and sisters into the jade pendant space, so that It's okay not to wake them up for a few years.

The aircraft stopped directly at the space port of Mengyuexing. Su Qing had already booked the spaceship for today's departure, and at the same time sent a message to all teachers and friends that they had arrived.

They took the spaceship today and informed everyone of their departure from Mengyuexing, and someone must have come to see them off today.

The lobby of the space port was full of people coming and going, chaotic and noisy. Su Qing and Meng Hao were pulling their luggage. As soon as they arrived at the door, they saw the four members of the Yang family, Mr. Zhou and several classmates of Meng Hao. people see off.

Su Qing, Zhou Peilan, Meng's father and daughter, the Yang family of four, and a few classmates hadn't seen each other for more than a month. They missed each other very much when they first met and greeted each other warmly.

In particular, a few friends of Meng Hao gave him a warm hug. The spaceship was leaving at 8:[-] p.m., and it was after [-]:[-] p.m.

Meng Zhitao said that he reserved a seat at a nearby restaurant, and after everyone had a meal, they would be sent to the spaceship.

It is impossible for Su Qing and Meng Hao to refute, Teacher Meng took pride, and the group went straight to the restaurant lively,
Yang Xue and Zhao Mei sat next to Su Qing and kept asking how the family was doing, and they would keep in touch with each other in the future, and don't forget them when they get prosperous in the future.

This time, Su Qing carefully observed the interaction between Meng Fang and Yang Xue. As expected, Yang Xue's attitude was still the same as before. Her attitude towards Meng Hao was that of a friend. She didn't look at her boyfriend like that. It seemed that she was thinking too much. .

Yang Dayong and Yang Wei have always regarded themselves as the elders of Su Qing, and the Yang family really took good care of them, especially Yang Wei, who has inherited Su Qing's alchemy technique, and is also a registered disciple. Before leaving, I should thank them family.

Su Qing found an opportunity, quietly gave Zhao Mei two Dingyan Pills, and told her that they could beautify her. Any woman would definitely not refuse after hearing this. Zhao Mei accepted it happily. She didn't know how much a Dingyan Pill was worth. .

She didn't give anything to others, Zhou Peilan could refine it herself, and Meng Zhitao's father and daughter were also available. Meng Yu's friends didn't have a deep relationship with her, and it was Meng Yu's own business to return favors. Good friends.

Su Qing didn't think it was necessary, so he gave them pills worth more than one million yuan, and they didn't dare to accept them!
As for Yang Wei?They will meet again in the future, Mengyuexing can't keep Yang Wei's footsteps, one day they will meet on a higher planet,

After eating this meal, Su Qing and Meng Hao bid farewell to everyone and entered the security check to board the ship. Otherwise, the time would be too late, and the starting station would need to board the ship two hours in advance.
Everyone sent them into the lobby of the space port, and saw that the two had swiped their e-tickets and entered the security check.

Su Qing and Meng Yu turned their heads and reluctantly waved goodbye to everyone. They were about to leave the planet where they grew up, step into the interstellar space for the first time, and start a new life.

Meng Fang's little friends envied him very much. Although they were all admitted to Xinghui, how could Xinghui compare with Qinglan College?

The Yang family was more emotional. They never expected that the two children who were so down and out back then could be admitted to such a good school.

Especially Yang Wei, he was very unconvinced, Su Qing was not as good as him, and that idiot Meng Yu was no better than him, and he could also be admitted to Qinglan, the fate is not fair! !

Hmph, he swore secretly in his heart that when the contract with Jiang Shi expired, he would go to an alien planet to see it.

Su Qing and Meng Hao resolutely turned around and didn't look back. They walked forward with firm steps, to their hometown, and they will return after they finish their studies.

Meng Hao kept looking worriedly at Su Qing's suitcase. He was afraid that the two cats would not be able to pass the security check, so they went in without thinking that there would be no problem.
Meng Hao didn't show it on the surface, but he was shocked in his heart. The dormancy spell of the Huomiao brothers and sisters is very powerful. I don't know if he can learn it.

They pulled their luggage and followed the instructions all the way into the spaceship, and entered a guest room led by the intelligent robot.
The inside is only about ten square meters, with two single beds, a desk, and a very small bathroom. A room like this is not cheap.

This spacecraft can go directly to Venus, and it has to pass through many planets on the way. A few years ago, there was no direct route, and many people took commercial spacecraft to transfer to other planets.

Thanks to the rise of Mengyuexing pills, it has played a great role in the development of the planet.

Su Qing and Meng Hao put their luggage away, and the room access can be opened only by scanning the electronic ticket in the communicator. They have to go to various places on the spacecraft, mainly the restaurant area, entertainment area and sightseeing area.

Su Qing booked a medium room, and there are many high-end places that they can't go to. For example, they can only go to the public cafeteria in the restaurant, and they can't go to the more luxurious restaurant upstairs.

The two walked out of the room and wandered around in the public area of ​​the spaceship. Like them, many guests were visiting the facilities in the spaceship and familiarizing themselves with various places. In fact, there were only three major parts, and guests in many places were not allowed to enter at will.

(End of this chapter)

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