Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 274 Arriving at Bichen Star

Chapter 274 Arriving at Bichen Star

The restaurant is not bad, it is a buffet mode, and there is a big-screen star TV to watch.

The entertainment area is the place to have fun. You can play games, watch videos, and finally the sightseeing area. The scenery here is the best when the spaceship is flying in the starry sky.

Su Qing and the others boarded the ship after five o'clock, and now it's just six o'clock, and they have already started to eat dinner. They are not hungry, but they will set sail at eight o'clock, so they can't come out to eat again. Su Qing is fine, Meng Hao will be hungry.

He still can't use his dantian to absorb spiritual energy, and he relies on food to supplement it, so the two of them might as well have another meal,
Su Qing and Meng Hao were very inconspicuous in the crowd. Meng Hao had a tough appearance. If he hadn't been studying all the time, he would be an ordinary strong boy.

Su Qing even used a spell on herself, everyone who saw her would only think that she was a fair little girl,

Ordinary people can't see Su Qing's real appearance and temperament at all. Women who have cultivated themselves are generally not ugly. Beauty.

The two chose some food at will, and the meals provided on the spaceship were quite delicious. After all, the ticket was so expensive that ordinary people could not afford it.

The people who can leave Mengyue to go to alien planets are all the super rich on Mengyue, and there are also some aliens and businessmen who come to participate in various activities, most of them are people from other planets in the original galaxy,

There are very few people who reach the destination directly like Su Qing and the other two. Only when the spaceship reaches the planet of the medium galaxy will there be guests to the Venus.

In the spaceship, the communicator can be directly connected to the star network, and there is no need to transfer through Mengyuexing. Generally speaking, a passenger spaceship is very large, like a small city.

Su Qing and Meng Xing were full and went back to the room when they got familiar with everything. They set sail at 8 o'clock and they were about to leave Mengyuexing. They wanted to make another video call with their relatives.

After returning to the room, the two of them talked to their families through video, telling them about the environment in the spaceship, and reassuring them.

Seeing that it is almost eight o'clock, the spaceship is about to set sail, and the broadcast has already started, let all the guests go back to their rooms, do not hang out outside, the spaceship sets sail, is about to enter space, and when it breaks through the atmosphere, there will be bumps, I hope all guests go back to the room, do not hang around Stay elsewhere.

Su Qing really wanted to try to practice in space, whether he could absorb aura, according to what the ancestor said, the aura in the void didn't contain much, and he could barely cultivate.

Luo Zilan had never been on a spaceship, and she looked around everywhere. The interstellar voyages of their time had void magic ships, and they could go anywhere with spirit stones on them.

Su Qing took out a book to read when he had nothing to do, it was an ancient book in the jade pendant space, and the content was recorded in the tadpole language of the cultivation world.
He really doesn't understand why Qingqing likes reading so much, forget it he should play games!
After the spaceship set sail and entered the interstellar space, and the flight was stable, he went to the entertainment room to play games. It would be more enjoyable to play with an optical brain. If he didn't take advantage of this time to play more, he probably wouldn't have much fun after school.

At around 8 o'clock, I felt a tremor. The spacecraft should have left the spaceport and started to fly out of the atmosphere of Mengyue Star and enter the void of the universe.

During interstellar travel, you can't tell the difference between day and night, you can only sleep and eat at will according to your personal biological clock, and there is no fixed schedule.

Hearing the broadcast, all areas are open at any time. Su Qing and Meng Hao want to see the scenery in the sky the most. They opened the room and ran to the sightseeing area as soon as possible.

Except for the first-time spaceship guests, few people like to come to the deck of the sightseeing area. In fact, they can’t really see the outside scenery. It’s nothing more than using the equipment outside the spaceship to display the image in front of people’s eyes in three dimensions. Even so, Su Qing and Meng Hao are extremely rare, and they have never seen each other.

Walking into the sightseeing area of ​​the spacecraft, there is a lot of space here, and there are also seats for guests. You can order some drinks and snacks, but there is a fee, and there are dedicated waiters to provide services.

Su Qing and Meng Hao didn't sit down either, they found a place out of the way and stood there, looking at the scene in front of them in surprise,
In the dark void, most of the places remain unchanged and dark, only a little bit of starlight from distant stars, there are various celestial bodies, meteorites, and powerful void beasts in the void,
It is said that they are bigger than spaceships, but they generally do not harm humans. Void beasts feed on high-level energy and are not interested in human spaceships, but humans are always a bit bold and will hunt void beasts.

Because it is a three-dimensional picture, Su Qing saw that Mengyue Xing was a green planet, gradually becoming smaller and smaller, and slowly moving away, they really left their hometown,
Su Qing said in her heart: Goodbye to my hometown, when I return from my studies, I will return to my hometown in fine clothes, take my grandma with me, and walk towards a happier new life together.

Su Qing and Meng Hao looked at a scene they had never seen before, their eyes flickered, and their hearts were full of beautiful longing for the future.

There are also many people like them, curious to come here to see the void scenery,
There are also some people who are purely sightseeing. It is better to rest here than to be bored in the room. After standing for an hour, the emptiness is always like that, quiet and cold,
Su Qing felt bored and went back to the room, Meng Hao ran to play games.

After returning to the room, Su Qing tried to practice, but she was not on the planet, the aura was very thin, and all energy was related to life, it was a big cycle, in the empty and dead place, it was impossible to practice effectively, so she had to give up.

Then learn the knowledge in the jade slips, take out the jade slips from the space and study them with your spiritual sense, and just study hard in the past two months, and let the ancestor continue to give her lectures, anyway, Meng Hao can't see the ancestor.

Luo Zilan also likes the little fat man very much, and regards him as another successor of her own, but she still can't let him know for the sake of secrets, but she didn't take much trouble in cultivating the little fat man. That is so easy to advance.

Su Qing and Meng Xing started their long and boring interstellar journey. On the spaceship, day and night, the environment is always the same. Only when they enter the planet can they feel the blue sky and white clouds and breathe normal air.

They will stay on a planet at the shortest interval of three days, some passengers get off the spaceship, new guests board the ship,
A lot of time was lost in the original galaxy alone, because there are few routes here, and the spacecraft has to pass through many planets.

A month later, the spaceship finally entered the medium-sized galaxy, and the void is no longer alone. You can often see various warships and spaceships, and sometimes encounter military patrol fleets.
Meng Hao was very excited when he saw the fleet for the first time, but Su Qing muttered silently, don't run into interstellar pirates.

Fortunately, they had a safe journey, and they arrived at Bichenxing, the hometown where the Li family wanted to return with all their heart.

The spaceship will stay here for half a day. Brilliant Star is a large transit port, and all routes will pass by here, and there are a lot of guests getting on and off the spaceship.

Guests can also step out of the spacecraft and visit and shop in the lobby of the space port, where there are many special products.

Su Qing and Meng Hao finally couldn't stand the boring journey for a month, and wanted to go out to get some air. Most of the people were like them. They walked out of the spaceship in twos and threes in the rest hall, eating and shopping, breathing fresh air, and feeling the temperature of the sun.

Meng Hao looked at Su Qing several times, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

This is Bichenxing, Li's family lives on this planet, Qingqing doesn't want her relatives, maybe she doesn't! !

Su Qing squinted at Meng Hao, and didn't want to talk to him, just to see how long he could hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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