Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 276: The Morning Star Has Arrived

Chapter 276: The Morning Star Has Arrived

And she, Su Qing, was abandoned by her parents no matter in her previous life or now, and everything depends on her own hard work to achieve a little achievement.

If she hadn't lived a new life and seen through human affairs and affairs, she would definitely be even more unwilling. She would have become a useless person like her previous life, and would have become cynical, dark and distorted, and anti-social, cursing the unfairness of fate every day.

Fortunately, after she was reborn, she looked away a lot. Although her fate was also unlucky, she was lucky enough to meet her ancestor and learn a great skill.

She doesn't care about the past, the prosperity is gone, and now she prefers a comfortable and ordinary life. Whether those people are poor or beautiful has nothing to do with her.

After all, the Li family is the ancestor's descendants, and the ancestor couldn't let them go. He also told her that as her descendant, if the Li family had any disaster, they would still go to help.

What Su Qing can't refuse is the blood relationship. You can have no feelings, but you can't ignore the blood connection. She can't change it. Her body genes come from the Li family.

Luo Zilan didn't come back until the spaceship was about to set sail, and it was too late to say a few words to Su Qing.

Meng Hao ran in, the spaceship was about to set sail, so he could only go back to his room.

Luo Zilan told Su Qing about her experience for several hours after the spaceship left the range of Bichenxing.

She went to the ancestral land of the Li family back then, but there are still descendants, which is the current Li family. .

Of course, Luo Zilan doesn't have much affection for the bloodlines tens of thousands of years later, she just revisits the old place of residence and sees them again.

Now the patriarch of the direct branch is called Li Quanzhi, a fifth-order interstellar warrior, and his military strength is not bad. The only pity is that he has no son, and he will have to adopt his younger brother's son to inherit the position of patriarch.
Li Quanzhi has only one daughter, Li Ningbi, who is extremely talented. Many years ago, she went to school in the imperial capital Star Dragon City.

Originally, Li Quanzhi never thought about adopting a son. The reproductive technology in the interstellar era is very perfect, and it is easy to want offspring, but artificially cultivated embryos are not as talented as naturally conceived children.

Li Ningbi is an artificially cultivated embryo, and was born in October by Li Quanzhi's wife Wang Wanting. At that time, she didn't dare to test her talent. She dragged it off until the child was about to enter the intermediate class before doing the talent test. Only then did she find that Li Ningbi's talent was amazing. , was directly admitted to the school of Imperial Capital Star.

Li Quanzhi thought, if he doesn't have another son, or finds a son-in-law for his daughter, even if he can't keep the patriarch's position, he can still keep most of the family's current property and leave it to his descendants, otherwise most of the property will be confiscated. Common to the clan.

He couldn't be reconciled anyway, the property he had worked so hard for decades fell into the hands of others, even though they were all blood relatives.

Never thought about it again, his precious daughter's life is like a hang-up, all the way up, and she actually reached the top, which made the entire Li family soar, singing and advancing all the way, and her voice in Bichenxing became more and more important. It has more than doubled over the years.

When Luo Zilan arrived at the ancestral land of the Li family, all the members of the direct branch went to attend Li Ningbi's engagement.
Only the doorkeeper was left in the house. Luo Zilan entered the secret room of the ancestral land, and everything inside disappeared. The descendants of these prodigal sons,
The most regrettable thing is that the notebook that Luo Zilan was looking for, the diary she wrote in tadpole script, recorded Luo Zilan's adventures when she was young, and she wanted to take it back to show Su Qing, but it disappeared. Changes, the years smooth out all traces.

Does anyone in the Li family remember that there was an old ancestor, Fairy Huayu?

Luo Zilan only had a trace of soul, which no one else could see. Her speed was extremely fast, and she came back in an instant.
I was telling Su Qing that it's a pity that I didn't find that diary. The experience diary she recorded when she was young is missing, otherwise she can show it to her as a reference for future interstellar travel.

Su Qing knew that this might be Luo Zilan's excuse. It would be strange if a diary tens of thousands of years ago could still be preserved. It would have been wiped out so many years ago. Luo Zilan really wanted to see her descendants, but unfortunately she didn't.

Even if her diary is still there, it is estimated that she will not be able to use it in today's era. The geography of mountains and rivers must have changed.

The spacecraft continued to sail forward, and after more than ten days, it finally arrived at Venus, and further ahead was the central galaxy, Venus is the last planet belonging to the medium galaxy.

Although Venus belongs to a medium-sized galaxy, its military and political strength and economic development are no worse than those of the central galaxy, and in some places it will exceed a lot. It is a very prosperous planet with good development in all aspects.

Su Qing and Meng Hao pulled their luggage and walked out of the spaceship with the flow of people. Su Qing checked the time. They came a few days early, and Qinglan College hadn't started registration yet.
They need to get on the aircraft, first go to the city where the academy is located—Bailang City to settle down, and wait for the registration date of the academy to arrive before going.

Bailang City is a famous city of Qixing. Qinglan College is located on the edge of Bailang City. The college covers an area of ​​nearly [-] square kilometers, which is nearly half of the area of ​​Bailang City. You can imagine how big the campus is.
Qinglan College is a comprehensive college with various disciplines. It is mainly divided into two major campuses, the general discipline campus and the supernatural discipline campus.

Students from these two campuses generally do not have much communication, after all, the classes will be different in the future.

The technological level of Qixingxing is obviously more than twice that of Mengyuexing, which dazzles Su Qing and Meng Yu. Fortunately, if you don't understand anything, you can check it on the communicator.

They sat in the lobby of the space port for a while, studying how to get to Bailang City and where to live. They must make a plan before setting off.

Su Qing booked a hotel room in Bailang City through the star network, and prepaid the rent for three days. The time was just right, and she could go to school after checking out.

After planning the process, the two of them packed their luggage and walked out of the lobby. There are a lot of aircraft for rent here, and guests can choose whatever they want.

Su Qing and Meng Hao boarded an aircraft, explained the address to the pilot, and wanted to go to a certain hotel in Bailang City.
There is no need to talk nonsense, I nodded slightly, and the aircraft soared into the sky. The speed of the aircraft in Mingyue City is simply incomparable, just like the distance between a BMW and a tractor.

Meng Hao screamed when he saw it. He was very excited about this speed. Most men like the feeling of driving at high speed.

Although the space port is far away from Bailang City, the transportation is advanced, and it takes more than an hour to reach the destination. The aircraft parked steadily on the hotel's dedicated parking lot.
After paying, Su Qing picked up her luggage and walked into the magnificent hotel with Meng Hao.

The waitress with a sweet smile greeted them immediately. Hearing that they had reserved a room, they scanned their ID cards on the optical computer to confirm the reserved room number, and immediately arranged for someone to lead them to the guest room.
Along the way, the young waitress smiled and talked about the hotel rules and various service items.

Su Qing kept silent, and Meng Yan asked her with a smile what interesting places are there in Bailang City?

The girl said a few words casually, not very enthusiastic, just a professional courtesy.

In fact, Meng Hao was just looking for something to say, and if he wanted to know something, he would find it clear when he checked it online.
Su Qing knew that these people in the service industry, through their luggage and clothing, could tell that the two were aliens of ordinary background.
Perhaps this is how people in big cities feel about rural people entering the city. It is no wonder that they have such expressions. They can only be professionalized and perfunctory when they chatter about the local turtles, and there is no sincere and enthusiastic service.

 I am very bad at writing about campus life. For a person who only accepts nine years of compulsory education, I have been in Calvin recently, and writing is very difficult.

  For the process of going to college, everything depends on imagination. Please don’t say that there is something wrong there. It can only be written like this. I tried my best. The novels in the future world should not be so strict, okay?
  Thank you friends who have been supporting, thank you for voting and rewarding.

(End of this chapter)

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