Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 277 Visiting White Wave City

Chapter 277 Visiting White Wave City
People from middle galaxies generally think that people from backward galaxies are of low quality, uneducated, poor and backward, and have no experience. They see everything new, and they must look down on it with a little contempt in their hearts.

The young waitress swiped the room card, opened the door of the guest room, introduced the layout of the room to the two, and explained in detail how to use the various facilities. She was afraid that they would not be able to use them and damage the things in the hotel. leave politely,

Meng Fang is a big-hearted person, and he didn't feel that others despise him as a vulgar person. That woman's professional ethics is not bad. If it weren't for Su Qing, who is sensitive and sensitive, she wouldn't be able to detect the hidden contempt.

The suite consists of a small living room, two guest rooms, one for each of them,
Su Qing entered her room and immediately released Huomiao and Jiaojiao, who were still in a deep sleep.

Su Qing called twice through the contract, and the breathing of the two cats gradually accelerated, and slowly returned to normal. After a while, they opened their eyes one after another, and meowed.

In Su Qing's mind, they scrambled to ask, did she go to Venus?How long did they sleep?

Su Qing rubbed her forehead, "Stop, don't talk about it together, I will have a headache, we have already arrived at Venus, three days later, we can go to the school to register, bring your name tags with you, and you have to re-register when you arrive at the school."

Huomiao and Jiaojiao meowed twice to show that they knew, and asked Su Qing when he would go out to play. They also wanted to see what the developed planet looked like.

"It's late today, I'm not going anywhere. I just got off the spaceship, and Meng Hao and I should have a good rest. Especially me, I haven't practiced for more than a month, wasting a lot of time."

Stretching their waists, the two cats agreed, and asked Su Qing to take out their little mat and lie down on it to continue sleeping.
Su Qing was very helpless, cats would be hungry if it wasn't for their stomachs, and they wished they could sleep all their lives.

Su Qing ordered room service for dinner, and someone brought it up. The two of them didn't go out to eat, so they finally had a solid rest and recharged their energy. They will go out for a walk tomorrow and get familiar with the place where they will live for the next six years.

When Meng Yu returned to his room, he really fell asleep and rested his mind. In the spaceship, even if it was stable, he still felt different from the land. There was always a feeling of unreliability in his heart.
But Su Qing has to hurry up to practice, and strive to enter the golden core stage after adulthood,

The ancestor said that before the golden core period, she is not allowed to marry and have children, which will be detrimental to her future practice.

Su Qing must be obedient. Although her lifespan is 500 years old, it is no problem to get married before the age of 200. The key is that grandma can't wait that long!

She must let grandma spend a happy old age, with her children and grandchildren around her knees, and she is no longer alone.

Su Qing threw out the protective formation plate and started to practice. As soon as he practiced his skills, he was startled by the strong spiritual energy. He almost went to the wrong meridian.

When Su Qing just walked out of the spaceport, he felt that Venus had a lot of energy. Sure enough, the closer to the central interstellar, the stronger the energy, and the corresponding aura must be stronger.
Because of the good environment, geniuses emerge in large numbers, and people's talents are generally very high.

Originally, when Su Qing practiced in Mingyue City, people could detect the movement of energy. Here, it is not conspicuous at all, and the energy is as rich as the air.

Su Qing is still being polite, trying to absorb, improving her cultivation, constantly evolving, and transcending the scope of mortals.

The night passed quickly, Su Qing opened his eyes, checked the time on the communicator, it was morning, and directly performed a cleansing technique on himself, and went to wake Meng Xiao up,
The two cleaned up, put the two cats on a leash, and each carried one. They went downstairs without talking to the waiter. At this point, few guests got up.

The staff on duty at the front desk is dozing off, the door is automatic, it will open when someone approaches,

Su Qing and the other two were walking on the streets of Bailang City. According to the strategy on Starnet, they planned to go to a very famous morning market first. Where ordinary residents of Bailang City like to go for their daily purchases, they planned to go and have a look.

There are many means of transportation on the road, there is a one-person flying car, and there are ordinary public large-scale passenger flying cars, which are actually self-driving and do not require manual operation.
In developed planets, labor is very expensive, and the real people who can afford it are large companies. Many shops can afford two people, which is considered good. More shops choose to use intelligent robots,
Su Qing and Meng Hao were dazzled by all kinds of vehicles. Not only were there various vehicles driving on the road, but there were also many vehicles flying in the air. It seemed that there was a certain pattern, and there were no traffic accidents. It was amazing.

Running on the ground is the slowest means of transportation, mostly used by ordinary people. The invisible tracks on the upper floor are all speeding cars. On the top are all kinds of aircraft, which seem to be messy but actually follow the rules, but they are very three-dimensional. A certain route is not opened randomly, and the route is strictly guided by the on-board optical computer.

It didn't matter to Su Qing, she could fly by herself, it's nothing, Meng Yan was dizzy, there were too many people and cars, what were all these strange vehicles?

Su Qing decided to experience the popularity of the largest public transport,
They followed the people in front and boarded a vehicle similar to an earth bus. There was no driver, and they directly swiped their ID card to deduct the payment, or used the communicator to scan the code to deduct the payment. No matter where they went, the whole journey was the same price, very It is cheap, and if the distance is very short, most people will not take a car, and just walk there.

After Su Qing and Meng Hao paid according to other people's methods, they looked different from everyone in the car, especially when they went out with two pet cats, which attracted many people's attention.
Su Qing is thin-skinned, her expression becomes colder when people stare at her, she can't wait to wrap her whole body up, her arm holding Jiaojiao is a little stiff, her social phobia is showing signs of attacking,
Meng Hao, however, smiled to resolve his embarrassment, he knew everyone he saw, calling out to his elder brothers and sisters, and asked the people around him where to get off at the morning market, they were not familiar with them just coming from an alien planet.

Ordinary people also had warm-hearted people, who told Meng Hao in detail where to get off the car and how to operate it, and by the way, what did they come to Bailang City for?
Meng Yan said with a smile: "My sister and I come to Qinglan College to study, and there are still three days before we can register, so we have to get familiar with the environment first."

The other party said in surprise: "Oh, young man, it's amazing, you can be admitted to Qinglan College from an alien,"

The people around showed surprised expressions, after all, Qinglan College is a college of higher learning,

Ordinary people's children can't get into this college at all, except for those with high talents. They can apply for student loans, or get sponsorship from big companies, and they can also reduce tuition fees.
But when it comes to schooling, the cost of tuition fees is the lowest. Just going to school for free doesn’t work, and the other expenses are very huge, unless you are admitted to a non-supernatural major, you can still afford it.

As a pure academic, if you don't follow the path of a supernatural master, you will be an ordinary person after graduation, and you will rise to the end of the middle class at most.
Now the top leaders of the empire are all supernatural masters, otherwise they would not be able to handle all kinds of complicated and fast-growing information.

The empire is too big, and there is a lot of work to be done every day. As an ordinary person, the body can't bear it. Just bring an information processor, and the amount of information that hits the brain in an instant can make an ordinary person faint immediately.

Therefore, ordinary people naturally respect the students who are admitted to Qinglan College. They are all big figures in the future. How many planets can there be,
It's not that all the people admitted to Qinglan College are supernatural masters, but there are also ordinary students who study various aspects of people's livelihood, military affairs, science and technology, etc., but they are not in the same campus.

(End of this chapter)

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