Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 278 Spirit Stones on the Booth

Chapter 278 Spirit Stones on the Booth
The upper echelons of the empire are all supernatural masters and powerful interstellar warriors, warriors, and the middle and lower classes are mostly ordinary people. Even the bottom soldiers who serve in the army are all ordinary people. People with supernatural abilities, who wants to be a soldier, is very hard. Also high mortality.

The supernatural masters who entered the army are all people who have no talent in several major occupations and can only rely on pure supernatural powers.

The army of the empire, the major mercenary groups, and the major security companies are the choices of those people, and of course there are interstellar pirates,
The army has become the best choice, the salary is relatively high, and it is a good way out to make contributions. Many attack-type supernatural masters like to develop in the army. The children of major families actively join the army to consolidate their family power.

If a new energy planet is discovered, the fleet to which it belongs can make a fortune from top to bottom, and can participate in the distribution of various benefits of the planet.

So when the people in the car thought that Meng Hao and Su Qing were both supernatural masters, their attitudes changed 180 degrees in an instant, and they were extremely enthusiastic.

Especially after hearing that Su Qing was admitted to the Department of Spiritual Planting, she became more cautious and polite in her speech. Facing Su Qing's indifferent expression, she felt normal, which is what a supernatural master should look like.

They are cultivators facing a future, one of the major professions of ability masters, and it is also the favorite of ordinary people, because it is closely related to the lives of the people.

Cultivators can cultivate many special spiritual plants, which are beneficial to everyone,

For example, the high-yield vegetables, grains and fruits cultivated by some growers have been widely praised by people.

Without saying a few words, the car arrived at the stop, and several aunts also came to the morning market to purchase, so they happened to drop in with the two of them, and happily said that they would just go with them.

There are a lot of people who get off at this stop, most of them come to the morning market to shop, and buy the daily food and drink for the whole family in the morning.

However, there must be idlers at home, families who can cook for themselves,

Most office workers use nutrient solution as three meals, which saves time and effort. Only on rest days do they have the opportunity to cook their own meals.
Therefore, most of the people who go out to buy are old people. Don’t look at them as old people. They are all 50 years old. The real age is over 100.

Venus has a very good physique, eats food that is rich in energy, has a high level of medical care, and generally has a relatively long life span, much longer than people in the original galaxy, which makes Su Qing want her grandma to settle in the medium galaxy even more.

At first, Meng Yu was still called Uncle and Aunt, but later he simply called him Grandpa and Grandma. The 100-year-old man looks much younger than Grandma Meng.

The morning market here is not the kind of open-air stalls that Su Qing and Meng Hao imagined, but a large flat house, covering an area of ​​more than ten acres, with stalls separated inside, selling everything.

Su Qing and Meng Hao had nothing to buy, they just wanted to go around and get acquainted with the price level of Bailang City,

They belonged to wandering, so they were no longer following a group of old people shopping for vegetables. Let Huomiao and Jiaojiao stand on their shoulders, with the leash tied around their wrists, and the two cats looked around with big round eyes. There were so many people.

Venus's vegetables are similar to Mengyuexing's, and there are many special vegetables. Some Su Qing has never seen in Mengyuexing, such as cauliflower, chayote, lettuce, etc. There are also some special agricultural products belonging to Venusing.

Both of them know each other, after all, they have learned Lingzhi for more than ten years, but they have never seen the real thing.

The two of them didn't buy vegetables, but chose some uneaten fruits, bought them and took them home to taste. After looking around, they found that the price of Venus Star is not high, and many things are cheaper than Mingyue City.

Su Qing likes to buy the seeds of various plants the most. I don't know if I can continue to cultivate the land at school. I buy it first, and it's not expensive anyway.

This market is mainly for ordinary people. There is nothing that supernatural masters need, but there are many daily necessities, collectibles, antique calligraphy and paintings, most of which are counterfeit and modern fakes.
Su Qing and Meng Hao walked forward at random to see what the people of Venus usually buy.
Venus star culture has inherited the tradition of the empire, and it is slightly different from Mengyuexing. Mengyuexing is still too conservative, rigid, and has many rules.
The atmosphere of Venus is relatively free, the people's thoughts are more lively, and they pay more attention to individuality. Others are similar, after all, cultures also influence each other.

Meng Hao also wanted to buy some special products and send them home as gifts for his family. Later, he thought that the delivery fee was ten times more expensive than the gift, so he just forgot it, since he had no money.

Wherever Su Qing goes, seeds and books are what she likes to buy the most, but where there are paper books in Venus, they are all e-books, just download them directly from the Internet.
Paper books have become antiques, and Su Qing saw books on some stalls, which were very expensive and not worth buying at all.

Su Qing shook her head and smiled. When she first came to Venus, her concept could not be changed. It seemed that she had jumped from ancient times to modern times. Many devices that she had only seen on Star TV appeared beside her.

Suddenly Luo Zilan exclaimed in her ear, "Qingqing, hurry up, there are good things."

Su Qing asked: "Old Ancestor, what a good thing."

But she couldn't hear the old ancestor's reply, she probably ran to the front earlier, she could only walk a few steps, to see if there was anything worthy of Luo Zilan's yelling

Meng Yu didn't know why Qingqing suddenly ran forward at a faster pace, but could only catch up. Fortunately, the two of them had high skills, and they walked towards a jade stall together like fish swimming in the crowd.

Luo Zilan's voice came, "Qingqing, you see there are spirit stones here."

Su Qing's face changed, Lingshi, good stuff! !

Luo Zilan is now invisible, she can't see it, but she can feel it,

Su Qing stepped forward and stood lightly in front of a booth. There were all kinds of jade ore, crystal agate and the like. Customers could choose one at will, and the boss could make ornaments, pendants or seals for you on the spot. , small works of art are fine.

The spirit stone Luo Zilan mentioned is a kind of ore similar to jade. At first glance, it looks like jade, but as a monk, he can obviously feel the spirit energy. Spirit stone is used by monks for cultivation, and can also be used as formations The energy use of devices is an essential basic resource in the cultivation world.

For example, it is necessary to activate the array disk, the void flying boat, and the teleportation array. The most important thing is that it can be used by monks for cultivation. The spiritual energy contained in the spirit stone is very pure. Even low-grade spirit stones are richer than the spiritual energy in the air, which is very convenient to absorb.

Su Qing doesn't need to use spirit stones to cultivate yet, but spirit stones are so important to monks that they must not be let go.

The price of jade is not high, the jade bottle customized by Su Qing in Mingyue City is only a few tens of interstellar coins.

Su Qing glanced casually at the booth, and Meng Yan approached her,

"Qingqing, what do you want to buy?"

Su Qing whispered: "Choose a few pieces of jade and go back to refine something."

The stall owner flashed his eyes and greeted with a smile,
"You two, take a look, my jade must be of high quality and cheap, and there is no better quality than mine in the entire market."

People who do business are so savvy, once they heard Su Qing talk about refining things, they knew that the little girl was a supernatural master, and supernatural masters were generally rich and generous.

Su Qing really needs to buy some jade to make jade talismans. Now she has learned how to draw talismans with materials such as animal skin and yellow paper, and she will start learning soon. For carving jade talismans, she just needs to buy a few pieces.

She doesn't want to waste the jade in the space. It's a pity for her to practice with the best quality suet jade. Once the carving fails, the jade will be shattered.

A variety of jade stones are placed on the small stalls, and the prices vary according to the quality.

This kind of product is not easy to sell in Interstellar. Ordinary people are not interested in it. The ability master thinks it is useless. At most, it can be made into jewelry and worn for play. Moreover, most of the stalls sell low-quality jade, which must be cheap.

(End of this chapter)

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