Chapter 279
Su Qing decided to choose more, since it’s not expensive anyway, he spent [-] interstellar coins to buy a big bag,
Before paying, Su Qing randomly picked up a Lingshi and asked casually:
"Boss, is this also jade?"

The boss was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said:

"Ah, maybe it is, they are almost the same. When I bought the goods, I brought them back by the way. They were dug near the jade mine. It is probably the same type of ore, but it is very hard and difficult to carve. If you want to buy a few pieces, I will pay more." Give you a discount."

The boss smiled and his heart was beating wildly. He didn't know what he could do with this kind of broken stone. He didn't know what to do with it. He couldn't do carving or making jewelry. capital.

At first glance, this young man and woman looked like ground turtles who had just entered the city, their eyes were innocent like a mouse, they certainly didn't know that this thing was an ordinary stone,
Su Qing's delicate eyebrows frowned, "Really? I think it's like a stone, what do you think of Meng Hao?"

Meng Hao picked up a piece of Lingshi and looked at it carefully.
"It's not a stone. It feels a little warm. It may be a kind of jade. We have studied smithing for so many years, but there is really no introduction to this kind of jade. Don't ask for it. You have chosen a lot."

Su Qing blinked, "It may be that the energy content is relatively small, it doesn't matter, I can make jade bottles with no energy, or buy some, I want this kind of jade, boss, can you give me a discount?"

The boss showed joy, "You have all of them, but I have a lot of them. The warehouse is not far from here."

Su Qing took a breath, and then said: "I don't want that much, we are all students, and want to try refining weapons, what I'm saying is that you have everything you want now, you can't lie to me, the price is too high I don't want it if I am taller."

The boss rolled his eyes and said with a guilty conscience:

"How can it be, absolutely not, I do business without deceit,"

The devil knows what kind of ore it is. He thought it was a good thing, bought a carload of it, and lost all his money. After selling it in the morning market for half a year, he only sold a few yuan, and several people returned it, saying it was useless at all. It doesn't look good, and it can't do anything. He even went to the supernatural master to see it, and he was sure it was a waste.

He brought a bag of this kind of jade with him at the stall today, most of which are in the warehouse.

He smiled and said to the fair little girl in front of him:

"I have a bag here, and I'll sell it to you, just give me [-] interstellar coins."

Just as Su Qing wanted to agree, Meng Yan quit, widening his eyes and saying:
"A bag of stones sells for [-] yuan. Seeing your eyes roll around is a lie. It's definitely not worth the price. Maybe it's the stones you picked up from the mountains. You bully us because we don't understand the market, right? Qingqing, don't ask for it, [-] yuan You can buy several pieces of interstellar currency and jade.”

The boss was impatient when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Don't, this is really not a stone, it is definitely a good thing, I am an ordinary person, I can't see it, you are all supernatural masters, you must have a lot of knowledge, it is definitely a kind of ore, but it is not yet Know what's in it."

Su Qing said impatiently: "Okay, I want it all, tell me how much it is."

"Thirty thousand, you take all of it,"

The boss also hurriedly gave a real price, and didn't dare to make a false report. When the little girl got angry and turned away, he should have cried.

Su Qing stopped talking nonsense, paid immediately, and asked Meng Rong to carry the bag, "Meng Rong, take it."

The boss hurriedly put the two bags together and handed them to Meng Hao with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Qingqing had already paid the bill, Meng Yu didn't say anything more. He put the flame on the ground first, took the bag and put it in the big travel bag he was carrying. There were also some fruits in it, and the stones were placed at the bottom if they were not afraid of being crushed. Zip it up and put it on your back.

They didn't dare to use the storage device, they are newcomers, it's not safe, it's better not to show off,

Before going out, the elders of the family and Yang Dayong warned them again and again, when there are many people, be careful of petty thieves, it is okay at school, they are relatively innocent, there are everyone outside, so be careful.

Leaving the stall, the two continued to wander around the market to get to know the special products of Venus.

But I'm not buying anything, I haven't settled down yet, and I'll buy what I need after I enroll.

However, when he met several thieves, Su Qing had already covered himself with a layer of aura, which was difficult for ordinary people to break through, and it hurt like a burning flame when he touched it.

When passing by Su Qing several times, they didn't control their hands, and there were painful screams,

Su Qing didn't turn her head and continued walking, but Meng Hao turned around strangely, what's going on?

Su Qing said calmly: "It's nothing to look at, just a thief. This kind of person likes to take advantage of the chaos."

What can be stolen from the two of them is the communicator and the two cats, which are worth a little money. Other identity cards, financial cards can't be used if they are stolen, and they will be traced.

Stealing pets is much more convenient. The two of them look like aliens in their clothes, and they are the targets of thieves. They are all gangsters. The first one to touch the pet and drug it makes the owner panic and take the opportunity to steal it. The plan is very good. Good, but kicked the iron plate.

Let several thieves fail, and before they touch the fiery red pet cat, their hands will feel like a burning pain, and they will know that they have encountered a hard stubble. They will try again later, the same is true,
They understood that those two innocent little white rabbits were not ordinary people, and they couldn't afford to mess with the supernatural masters, so they withdrew decisively, not daring to cause trouble.

Meng Hao also said strangely: "The thieves here are really rare. They even screamed when they stole something. I don't know if they thought they were cut by a knife."

Su Qing said coldly: "That's why they used it to pass by me just now, trying to snatch Jiaojiao away. I taught them a little bit to let them know how powerful they are. Don't think that we are young and easy to bully."

"Ah!!" Only then did Meng Hao realize that someone was going to steal Jiaojiao away.
"These people are too blind, it's too much, how can they attack the little girl, why don't they steal the flames, the flames are more valuable!"

The tone was full of resentment, but it was a pity that it was an opportunity to show off its talents and catch the thief bravely.
Huo Miao angrily stretched out her little paw, and scratched his head twice, making Meng Hao beg for mercy immediately.

Su Qing didn't want to talk to him, why Meng Hao's thinking direction was always different from others.

The two wandered around casually, and found that Venus is a well-deserved developed planet. The diet of ordinary people is a hundred times better than that of Mengyuexing. There is no synthetic food in the market, and it is all naturally grown vegetables, fruits and grains, and the price is not expensive at all.

People in Venus have a long lifespan, and all kinds of benefits are very good. Even the poorest people can live better than the middle class in Mingyue City. The main reason is that the living facilities are advanced. From the conversations of those old people, I can feel that their lives are prosperous.

Most of the people who come to the market to shop are elderly people. They rarely see children and young people. They are probably going to work and school. Occasionally, they will see someone pushing a stroller.

The price of goods is not high, tens of thousands of interstellar coins a month can live well, and the old people can receive welfare money, which is completely enough for daily expenses.

When Su Qing searched for information, he also found out that Venus grows a large area of ​​various crops, but all of them belong to private large farms, which can fully supply the lives of the residents of this planet.

Overall, Venus is vibrant, highly developed and a great place to live.

Su Qing and Meng Hao took the public transportation back to the hotel, ate something casually in the hotel restaurant, and then went back to the room.
Su Qing said that she wanted to read quietly, and asked Meng Yan not to disturb him, and called her again at dinner.

Of course Meng Hao was casual, so he just sat in the living room and watched star TV to pass the time.

However, the hotel has a gym for guests, which can be used for free with the room card. Meng Hao thought about trying it out later. Qingqing likes to read, so there is no need to call her.

(End of this chapter)

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