Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 280 Disguised Purchase

Chapter 280 Disguised Purchase
How did he know that when Su Qing returned to the room, he quickly took a Yirong Pill, transformed himself into a strong man, put on the clothes he had prepared long ago, and prepared to go out secretly.
After Su Qing went to Canxing Market to sell pills last time, thinking that there might be many such things in the future, she prepared a lot of men's and women's clothes to facilitate her to handle some secret matters.

Instruct Huo Miao and Jiaojiao, in case she doesn't come back and Meng Hao has something to do, they can imitate her voice and send Meng Hao away, and go out by themselves.

Huo Miao said via voice transmission: "Master, I'll go with you too. It's dangerous for you to go out alone, just leave Jiaojiao alone."

Su Qing shook her head, "No, your goal is too obvious, you can't go, you two stay, don't let Meng Hao find out."

Su Qing has a lot of things, and he doesn't want Meng Yan to know, because they are all secrets that cannot be revealed, and it is also to protect him, the less he knows, the safer.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao had no choice but to stay, Su Qing stuck an invisibility talisman on her body, and flew out directly from the ten-storey building.

Su Qing didn't understand the traffic rules of Bailang City, and almost hit the oncoming speeding car several times, had no choice but to land, lifted the stealth state, obediently got on the bus, and rushed to the market,

Spiritual stones are very important to monks. Although the quality of the spiritual stones in that person's hands is not particularly good, it is a great surprise to find someone selling them. She doesn't need it now, but it doesn't mean she won't need it in the future.

The ancestor said that with the improvement of cultivation, the demand for aura will multiply geometrically. When the Nascent Soul Stage is reached, the spirit-gathering array disk is needed to cooperate with the cultivation. The activation of the array disk does not require spirit stones, and the aura collected naturally is not enough for her to run a weekday,

So when someone sells Lingshi, how can Su Qing miss it?That is an important resource for her future cultivation,

Su Qing is determined to be like the ancestor, soaring into a fairy to find the ancestor in the fairy world, although the time may be a bit long,

So after seeing the spirit stone for the first time, Su Qing didn't want to let it go, no matter what method he used, he wanted to take all the spirit stone from the man's hand,

And find out where he bought the goods, and do it without anyone noticing, wipe out all traces, it is best to erase part of his memory of selling spirit stones.

Cultivators have many ways to deal with ordinary people. The ancestors would have taught her how to control ordinary people, how to ask and say something, and delete a memory. Su Qing doesn't dare to become an idiot. It's better to play wild when she first arrives in Bailang City.
Bailang City is not an ordinary place. There are many high-level ability masters here, and I must do it seamlessly. Otherwise, I will definitely attract the attention of the higher-ups if I do something when I just arrive in a strange place.

Su Qing re-entered the market and wandered around casually. She transformed into a tall and burly man. Most people would not dare to trouble her, and those thieves would not target her.

Su Qing walked to the jade stall just now, first picked up a few pieces of jade to have a look, and then asked the stall owner in a deep voice:

"Boss, I would like to buy a harder jade material for carving. I am relatively strong, and ordinary materials are too soft to be used. Do you have any recommendations?"

The boss greeted him with a smile, "Yes, look at this sapphire, it is extremely hard, and this red nangu jade is harder than ordinary iron ore."

Su Qing shook her head, "No, I have used these a long time ago, but it doesn't work. Does the boss have any new materials? I tried the common ones on the market and they didn't work well."

The boss's eyes lit up, he laughed and said:
"Sir, then you have found the right place. I like rare materials the most. Look at this kind of material. It is hard and suitable for carving small objects. It can be worn for a long time, and it can be used for several years. It is guaranteed to be good for the body There are great benefits."

The boss took out a Lingshi and handed it to Su Qing,

Su Qing held it in his hand and looked at it carefully, and tried to squeeze it hard twice. It was indeed very strong.
"Okay, give me a few thousand catties."

The boss was dumbfounded, what, he heard correctly, it would cost several thousand catties,

"Sir, are you kidding? Who buys jade materials? They sell them by the catty. They are all sold by the piece. If you really want a few thousand catties, I don't have any. We operate on a small budget, and we can get a few bags at most. Newly discovered It is even more unlikely that the ore will be overstocked."

Su Qing showed a fierce expression, and said coldly:

"Don't talk nonsense to me. I know better than you how to buy your materials. What you sell are inferior miscellaneous jade that others don't want. It is tantamount to waste. It is different from stones. Don't try to fool me. I want new materials, so hurry up and get them out, your money is indispensable."

The stall owner is not afraid, he has never seen anyone in business, don't look at this strong man, he looks very fierce, he will definitely not dare to make trouble in the market,
"All right, all right, I'll take you to the warehouse to pick up the goods. I have these few dollars here. Someone bought them all just now. If you don't mind trouble, you can go with me."

Su Qing nodded silently and did not refuse.

The boss was secretly happy. Most people would not agree to go to the warehouse when they heard that they needed to go to the warehouse.
He went to pick up the goods by himself, and there was no buyer who was willing to wait, most people would give up buying. The stall owner finally had good luck today. He met two groups of people who fell in love with this kind of stone and wanted to make a deal. Unsold goods are cleared from inventory.

It’s just that when he went to pick up the goods, it was impossible for the stall to stop doing business, so he had to make a communication, and a man in his 50s came after a while, probably his relatives, to help look after the stall,
"Sir, come with me."

Su Qing's expression was stern. Taking advantage of her tall and burly figure, she looked very powerful. She thought that the boss was in business and shouldn't harm anyone, so she followed to have a look, but she kept a few attack-type talismans in her pocket for preparation. Unexpectedly, the aura mask on his body was not cancelled.

The stall owner led the way, walked out of the market, walked along the main road like a residential area, and said as he walked:

"Sir, don't worry, I have been doing business in the market for many years, and I have a very good reputation. I will never do anything to deceive customers."

Su Qing continued to remain silent, saying less and making fewer mistakes, which would also make people feel unpredictable,

Sure enough, the stall owner, no matter what he introduced, praised his goods for being good, but the other party remained expressionless, and he began to feel uneasy.

What kind of person is this? Does he really want to buy jade materials? He is not a mercenary. If you don’t buy things from those people, you will go to Jingyun Market, and you will definitely not come to the morning market for ordinary people to buy daily necessities.
I have done business all these years, and I haven't offended anyone. Is it just looking for trouble?The other party looked a little mysterious, and he didn't seem like a local, and he spoke with a slight accent.

A businessman is sometimes very sensitive, but in order to make money, he is reluctant to give up the business,

The stall owner firmly believes that no one dares to make trouble in the center of Bailang City. The law and order in Venus is very good, especially in the capital, where petty theft is common, and no one dares to commit murder and arson in major cases.

In today's interstellar society, as soon as a person is born, all information will be recorded by the optical brain. It is impossible to achieve a perfect crime, and it will be investigated immediately, especially since there are monitoring equipment everywhere.

Soon, they came to a place that was obviously a warehouse. The warehouse rented by the stall owner was not big, just a room of more than 20 square meters. There has been a theft.

If it wasn't for this customer, he would not have asked the customer to come directly to the warehouse if he just opened his mouth and asked for a few thousand catties. After all, what should we do if there is a robbery?
But the stall owner had a hunch that this customer really wanted to buy jade, and he wanted to close the deal out of luck.
(End of this chapter)

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