Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 281 Soul Deception

Chapter 281 Soul Deception

The stall owner pressed the protective door lock, and after various verifications, the warehouse door opened.
Inside are all kinds of ore materials, jade, Pei Cui's, black jade, tourmaline, there are quite a lot of types, all of which are rough stones, not polished, and there are all kinds of colorful and beautiful diamonds, gemstones, stones, anyway, the interstellar world , found that there are many kinds of minerals, as long as they look good, they can be made into jewelry, and Su Qing doesn't know all of them.

Several bags of spiritual stones were piled up in the corner of the warehouse, and Su Qing felt the spiritual energy as soon as he opened the door.

Except for monks, supernatural masters can't feel aura, even with special equipment, they can't detect it.

"Sir, take a look. This kind of jade is all here. You said it would cost several thousand catties. It is impossible. Who would buy so much? Otherwise, you can look at other materials. My family has a very complete range. If my family doesn't have You don’t need to go anywhere else, I dare say that no one in Bailang City sells jade materials as complete as my family’s.”

Su Qing randomly picked and picked a few pieces of good jade, intending to buy them, throwing them together with those spirit stones, and asked in a deep voice:

"Together, how much is the total?"

The stall owner showed surprise on his face, and the customer was really happy, and immediately said:

"That's a total of 30, oh no, it's 25 interstellar coins."

Su Qing said coldly:
"You figured it out, are those bags of jade or stones, are you sure? Don't make me come back to you and return the goods."

The stall owner smiled slyly, "How can that be? All I give you is the purchase price. Although the quality of the jade is not so good, it is definitely a kind of jade in terms of quality, and it may increase in value in the future."

But I was praying in my heart. I finally met an alien who didn't know how to do it. I must not let this big fish escape. If he bought all the goods purchased with [-] interstellar coins, he would not only lose money but also earn money.

Su Qing: "I'll take all 15 interstellar coins, otherwise I won't want a piece, I'll go directly to Jingyun Market to see, you are not honest in your business, you are fooling me with associated mines."

"Hey, okay, let's make a deal of 15."

The stall owner was really afraid of the fish that took the bait, so he ran away and sold it quickly. Those stones didn't know what minerals they were, and the mine didn't find out, so they were treated as waste and no longer mined.

Su Qing took out an anonymous bank card and asked the stall owner to swipe away 15 interstellar coins.

Su Qing's eyes wandered, and with a sneer, he glanced at the monitoring equipment in the corner of the room,

Then I reached out to touch those spirit stones, and all the bags disappeared immediately.
The stall owner was not at all surprised that Su Qing had storage containers.

Anyone with a little money in a medium galaxy can afford a storage device. The price mainly depends on the size of the space. The smallest is only half a cubic meter, which is enough for ordinary people, such as himself, to carry some important items with him.

Put away the spirit stone, Su Qing walked out the door first,
The stall owner locked the door and was about to talk to Su Qing, but when he looked up and met Su Qing's gaze, he was confused for a while.
What Su Qing used was a soul-hunting technique, which was better than the soul-searching technique, and would not turn people into idiots.

Su Qing didn't open his mouth, and asked him directly where he bought the Lingshi with his mental power.

The stall owner's mind has been controlled, and he answers what he asks, which is not adulterated at all.

He said that this kind of jade was mined in the Woyan Mountain in the morning and evening star of the central galaxy. After testing, it is not metal, nor does it belong to jade, nor does it contain energy, so it is useless. He thought it was a good thing. Take the goods back and sell them.

Unexpectedly, after entering and returning, it was particularly difficult to sell, basically no one cared about it, and a lot of funds were suppressed, and I regretted it a long time ago.

Su Qing kept in mind that Chenxixing and Woyan Mountain were banned by the soul of the stall owner. Anything about this kind of ore was taboo.
He also deleted all his memories of buying and selling Lingshi today. Once he tells about Lingshi, his soul will be directly banned and smashed into pieces, becoming an idiot.

As for the monitoring system, she doesn't have to be afraid. She bought it normally, and most people would not find out his identity. There is no such person in the world. The only loophole is the bank transaction records, but Su Qing uses a bearer card, and the bearer card doesn't matter. It is difficult for the end user to confirm who handled it. Some cards are constantly circulating in the hands of various people, and it is difficult to check. Generally, this kind of card is mostly used in black market transactions.

It only took a few seconds for Su Qing to release the soul-hunting technique, and the mental communication was very fast. The stall owner said casually: "Sir, go slowly, and you can come to me next time if you need anything."

"Well, it works well. I'll buy it again. Goodbye." Su Qing walked away quickly after speaking.

The stall owner was left behind, and murmured in confusion: "This is my customer, what did he buy, why can't I remember it, strange?"

Su Qing wanted to rush back to the hotel quickly, but the car was too slow, flying in the sky was very dangerous, and she didn't understand the city's traffic rules. In Su Qing's opinion, they just flew randomly, but they just wouldn't bump into each other.
Su Qing simply disappeared, and ran back along the main road with the magic of shrinking the ground to an inch, and walked thousands of miles. Although it was not close to the hotel,

After Su Qing used the spell, she returned to the hotel downstairs in a few minutes. She tapped her toes, jumped up, flew up the floor, and jumped into her room through the open window.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao, who were lying on the mat, suddenly opened their eyes and entered a state of alert.
But soon relaxed again, they smelled the owner.

They sent voices to Su Qing one after another, "Master, how long has it been since you came back? It's really fast, we'll just take a nap."

Su Qing showed her figure, she looked like two pets, and she still disliked her going out for too short a time. I don't know how much risk she took. Once someone found out, the consequences would be unpredictable, and there was no one to help.

The sorrow of the little people can't be shown even if they have the ability, it can't compare with those children of aristocratic families who have powerful backing,
As a grassroots, if you have no background and show off everywhere, if you don’t know how to keep a low profile, you will be boycotted and even eradicated by all major forces.

The most typical example is the Monkey King in Journey to the West, who is dissatisfied with everyone. He doesn't know a little bit of worldly wisdom, so he just knows how to be brave and ruthless, and make a big fuss. Boycott it, under the Five Elements Mountain for 500 years,
If you want to figure it out, you have to follow the trend and understand the situation. At the beginning of the westbound journey, you refused to change after repeated admonitions and were beaten up. Later, you didn’t learn to be smart. You know that all monsters have backers, and you will kill them if you dare not go up. You know how to deal with them. The monkey finally transforms, is bound by the rules, and integrates into the big group.

So if we have the ability, we can't show off everywhere and make enemies of the whole world. We still have to slowly blend in and become people of this world.
Su Qing has been facing the entire interstellar world with trepidation. She must not reveal the truth about her cultivation. Now is the era of supernatural masters. She will be a supernatural master, not prominent or conspicuous. If she develops her own strength well, no one will target her.

Su Qing quickly changed her clothes and removed the disguise medicine, restored her original appearance, and then checked carefully with her spiritual sense in the room to make sure that there was no monitoring equipment before rest assured.
Although the ancestor helped to check it a long time ago, she is going to do it again. The matter is so important that she can't be negligent. She still wants to live a few more years in a normal way and doesn't want to wander in the stars.

Who knows if there is anyone who knows about spirit stones. Since people in the central galaxy know the legend of elixir, there must be records about monks, so it is very likely that they know the minerals of spirit stones.

Therefore, one should not take things lightly and be cautious everywhere. As for Chenxixing's Lingshi Mine, he had to take a look at it when he had a chance.

Seeing that it was still early for dinner, Su Qing simply continued to practice. Venus Star's aura was several times stronger than that of Mengyue Star, so it would be a waste if he didn't practice.

(End of this chapter)

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