Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 307 I Like Low-key

Chapter 307 I Like Low-key

Wang Lu is beautiful and talented, she can be regarded as the girl of heaven, and her personality is a bit domineering,

She thinks that Su Qing looks like a little white rabbit on the outside, but don't look at the little white rabbit on the outside, maybe it's just a protective color, and it's a Tyrannosaurus rex inside.

"Su Qing, from the Lingzhi Department,"

Su Qing's reply was very simple, without saying a word, she is not good at chatting with strangers, her face is calm, her breathing is steady, and she doesn't seem to be running for a long time, just like taking a walk in the garden, very relaxed.

"Hush,,, how old are you, it seems,, you are still very young, which family do you come from, I have never seen you before, I am from the Venus Wang family."

Wang Lu adjusted her breathing as much as possible, and activated the Bright Heart Jade Girl Art.

Su Qing: "Well, 12 years old, from Mengyuexing."

Wang Lu exclaimed loudly: "What, God, you are only 12 years old, did you make a mistake, you should be in the intermediate class, but you were admitted to Qinglan College, what the hell is Mengyuexing?"

Su Qing said lightly: "Well, I skipped a grade."

Wang Lu breathed anxiously and then quickly, and said in a series of words:
"Hoohoo, I know about skipping grades. We are from a big family. That child has never skipped a grade. Normally, he is admitted to college at the age of 16 to 18. I haven't heard of anyone who started college at the age of 12. You Isn't it too monstrous?"

Ever since the empire kept records, geniuses have emerged one after another. All kinds of super talents are as bright as stars. Every generation has a generation with amazing talents, but I have never heard of that person who started receiving college education at the age of 12.

Su Qing said with a pure face: "Well, it's very average, I just have a good memory,"

Wang Lu: "Then what the hell is Mengyuexing? I haven't heard of it. It's also a medium-sized galaxy?"

"The original galaxy is at the outermost edge of the empire, which is relatively remote."

Su Qing originally didn't like to talk to people, because she was afraid of contacting people. It's better to have acquaintances by her side, so she can be more normal.

Once she was the only one talking to strangers, she became like this, asking a question and answering a sentence, and still acting indifferently, making people feel aloof, as if she didn't like to talk to people, but in fact she didn't know how to chat with people.

Because of this, in the six years of the intermediate class, Su Qing didn't make a good friend, and she was scared away by her cold and indifferent personality, thinking that Su Qing had high eyesight and didn't like to talk to them.

Su Qing didn't bother to explain. If you don't have friends, you don't have friends. She is still clean. Anyway, she is also very busy. She is studying cultivation with her ancestors, and she has to watch Meng Hao to study for the homework of the intermediate class, so she doesn't care.

Finally admitted to the college, the long-standing goal has been achieved, and Meng Hao can be let go.

The last time Meng Hao asked her to try to make some friends, and she had a girlfriend who could talk intimately. She remembered it and tried to find the right one, and Wang Lu sent it to her door herself.

So Wang Lu called her, and she didn't refuse. She stepped up a few steps and ran side by side with Wang Lu, and answered whatever she asked.
Su Qing blinked her clear eyes and looked at the girl around her. She was about 20 years old, tall, glamorous, and outstanding. She was a big beauty. Maybe she really found a good candidate for a good friend.

"Primitive galaxy?" Surprised, Wang Lu accidentally tripped over a rock. Fortunately, Su Qing reacted quickly and grabbed her.

"Be careful, look at the road, there's nothing to be surprised about." Seeing Wang Lu's performance, Su Qing chuckled unkindly in her heart, and spoke more naturally.

"How can I not be surprised. It is shocking enough for candidates from the original galaxy to be admitted to Qinglan College. Besides, you are only 12 years old, which is rare even in the entire empire."

Su Qing smiled lightly, "Maybe I'm lucky, this year's test paper is easy."

Wang Lu refuted her loudly, "It's so simple, it's so hard to die, the pharmacy exam actually requires a new method to refine raw bone pills, I can't even refine first-level pills, so I have to choose potions, so I don't lose points , if I really want to have that ability, I will definitely pass the exam to the top ten academies of the Central Galaxy."

Su Qing nodded, "Well, pharmacy is quite difficult, and you are already very good at refining pharmacy without losing points."

Wang Lu was very proud of her proud chest,

"Of course, I am a fire-type supernatural master, and I am most suitable to be a pharmacist. My idol is Li Ningbi from Tianlong Academy. She is so good. Every time there is a video of her refining medicine on Xingwang, I have to watch it back and forth." several times."

Su Qing stared fixedly at this big-breasted girl, and then at her own flat chest, thinking to herself, I will grow up in the future, I am still young!
Hearing Li Ningbi's name, his face darkened. He was in a good mood, so why did he hear this name again.

Wang Lu couldn't see Su Qing's displeasure, and chattered endlessly:

"Do you know Li Ningbi? The future imperial concubine of the empire is beautiful and talented. She also has an amazing wood talent. She is also from the Department of Pharmacy. Huh!! She looks a bit like yours!!"

Wang Lu just discovered that the little girl looks very good-looking, white and tender, and pink, if she is a few years older and dresses up a little, she is really similar to Li Ningbi.

"Okay, don't patronize and talk, you haven't seen many people have surpassed us, do you still want to get a good grade?"

It turned out that when the two were talking, Wang Lu slowed down in order to catch her breath, and was naturally overtaken by many people. As soon as Su Qing reminded her, she immediately stopped her words and stopped talking about Li Ningbi.

"Well, it's true, let's go quickly, and we must strive to be within the hundredth place,"

Wang Lu adjusted her breath, practiced her skills, and sped up her feet, like an arrow flying from the string, quickly surpassing many people.
Since then, she has been concentrating on practicing the exercises and rushing forward with all her strength. Su Qing followed her every step, secretly laughing in her heart, this girl is very easy to coax, she is suitable to be a best friend, not waiting for Meng Xiang and the others, get a girlfriend first.

Wang Lu became ruthless, her figure was like a puff of smoke, and she caught up with the leading group of students not long after.

Seeing the group of people in front, Wang Lu was relieved. Fortunately, she was not left behind too much. A smile appeared on her face, but she froze again.

That little girl named Su Qing was still by her side, never leaving her. Just now, she was focused on running forward and didn't pay attention.
This girl is not simple, otherwise ordinary people would not be admitted to Qinglan College at the age of 12, she thought to herself that she couldn't do it.

Su Qing smiled at Wang Lu, which was already her most friendly expression. In the past, Su Qing would have ignored everyone, otherwise why would she not even recognize her classmates.

Wang Lu's pretty face was a little flushed, and she was wheezing and wheezing even after running hundreds of kilometers with her skills, and she had to exercise her skills to adjust her breath at any time, but Su Qing gave her a smiling face as if nothing happened, which was really unbelievable.

"Are you still running? I think it's almost done. Leave the limelight to others. I like to keep a low profile."

Su Qing intentionally teased this gorgeous girl, feeling that her personality suits her very well.

Wang Lu almost fell down again, keep a low profile, just like you, you can't keep a low profile wherever you go, and the school will pay attention to it when you look at the file.

Wang Lu saw that the finish line was still a few hundred meters away, so she didn't fight anymore. There was no need to show one's true strength in the first day of military training.

"Stop running, our grades are already among the best among nearly ten thousand students, that's fine."

Su Qing nodded, Wang Lu was okay, she didn't try to show off because of her ability, she insisted on taking the first place blindly, she knew how to make choices, she was indeed a genius cultivated by a big family, so she could suppress her desire to win at such a young age.

Seeing that it was about to reach the end, Su Qing's spiritual sense went back to investigate, why Meng Hao hadn't come over yet, it shouldn't have been.

At this moment, Meng Yu was holding Chen Hongfei in one hand, and swung the other hand to maintain a level flight. His legs moved as fast as possible, and he rushed forward like the wind. Nothing could stop him from moving forward.

(End of this chapter)

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