Chapter 308
As for Chen Hongfei, apart from suffering a little at the beginning, he didn't feel his legs running, and then he simply hung his whole body on Meng Hao's arm, and was taken away by him. Apart from being a little dizzy, he saved his energy and didn't howl.

As Meng Hao surpassed one student after another, he also shouted to cheer up. Fortunately, Meng Hao was simple-minded and didn't care.

Meng Hao was also looking for Qingqing's location, but unfortunately, he didn't see it when he came down from the mountain. It seemed that Qingqing ran ahead of them.

The road at the foot of the mountain was a bit better. Meng Hao breathed a sigh of relief and continued to speed up. Chen Hongfei was a little dumbfounded. This speed caught up with the flying board. It was the first time he saw someone who could outpace a vehicle.

Meng Hao quickly passed the large group of people and caught up with the first group of people. When he could see the finish line, he finally saw Qingqing running with a very tall girl.

Seeing Qingqing's leisurely look, she knew that this kind of running was just a child's play for her, not challenging at all, and even she felt that running around was just enough to warm up.

Seeing that the finish line was less than a few hundred meters away, and the students in front had already passed by, they swiped off the wristwatches issued by the army on their wrists, and all the data records were transmitted to the optical brain.

The students who ran to the finish line sat down on the ground and didn't want to get up after scanning one by one.
Being reprimanded by the instructor to stand up, walk slowly to relax, let the body slowly slow down from the high-speed rotation, and absolutely not sit on the ground directly, everyone knows the truth, but climbing mountains and mountains for hundreds of miles, let these gangs only stay in the practice room at home, The young masters and ladies who have been trained have suffered a lot.

They singled out the talented elite who were not very talented. They were asked to run on the first day of military training, which consumed energy without technical content.

Su Qing's expression warmed up, she saw Meng Rong, why is there still a person hanging on her arm?

It turned out to be Chen Hongfei, and that's fine. I knew that Young Master Chen was a second-generation ancestor who could talk about it. Sure enough, he had to ask Meng Hao to help him run. It seemed that if Meng Hao hadn't carried him, he probably wouldn't have been able to go up the mountain. enough trash.

"Qingqing, I finally caught up with you. We didn't run hard at first, and it wasn't Young Master Chen. We couldn't run after a while."

Su Qing said softly: "You put him down quickly, it's almost the end, and the instructor will say that the grades are unqualified."

"Oh, oh, yes, Chen Hongfei, hurry up and run a few steps by yourself, or your grade will be a duck's egg."

As soon as Meng Hao put Chen Hongfei down, he was about to fall to the ground, his legs were stiff, Meng Hao had no choice but to slow down and continue pulling him, but Chen Hongfei's legs couldn't move and could only drag on the ground.

Su Qing waited for them to approach, Wang Lu glanced at Meng Hao, who is this boy?Seems to be very familiar with Su Qing,

But she didn't ask too much, and waited until she reached the finish line.

Chen Hongfei's legs were numb and stiff, and he couldn't walk for the time being. Meng Yu turned to Su Qing,
"What about Qingqing? His legs can't move, and I can't support him all the time."

Su Qing glanced at him and said, "His legs are probably numb, and he lacks exercise. I will help him activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and he will run fast immediately."

Su Qing ran to the side of the two, kept the same speed as Meng Hao, and drew a talisman in the void with his finger.
Chen Hongfei still didn't know what Su Qing was going to do, so he asked inexplicably, "Qingqing, what are you going to do?"

Su Qing had a serious face, and it took a lot of effort to draw a talisman in the void. She could barely draw it, but she couldn't stick a piece of talisman paper on Chen Hongfei, so that was the only way.

However, the quality of the magic talisman drawn by the void was not good, and the energy dissipated after a while, which was just right for Chen Hongfei to use.

Su Qing ignored him, concentrated on finishing the last stroke of the magic amulet, and gently threw it on Chen Hongfei's lap,
"Meng Yan let him go, he can run away by himself."

Su Qing injected a wave of spiritual energy to activate the divine movement talisman, and Meng Hao also obeyed and let go of Chen Hongfei. There was a faint light on Chen Hongfei's legs, but it did not attract attention.

Before he could react, the amulet exploded, making Chen Hongfei's legs involuntarily run forward, faster and faster, past many people, and went straight to the finish line.

This made Meng Hao and Wang Lu dumbfounded, it was amazing, Su Qing threw it casually, and the kid rushed forward like the wind, but no one paid attention to Chen Hongfei's screams.

He was terrified right now, why couldn't he control his legs, his legs were just a little numb, what did Qingqing do to him?
In this fearful state of mind, Chen Hongfei rushed all the way to the finish line screaming, without even scanning his watch, passed the finish line, and continued running without stopping.

It made him even more frightened, and he shouted loudly: "Instructor, help me! I can't control my legs anymore, and he keeps running forward by himself, help me!!"

At the beginning, no one paid attention to him, but when he ran more than ten meters, some instructors tried to stop him, but it didn't work, and he continued to run.

It was still Lin Yuyang who flew out, lifted his collar, tapped Chen Hongfei's legs a few times, and used supernatural powers to soothe the muscles on his legs, and Chen Hongfei's legs stopped twitching. The scene at that time was really ridiculous ,

The tall and ruthless chief instructor lifted Chen Hongfei with one hand, his legs were still moving forward, and it was the chief instructor who cured him.

This picture made all the students dumbfounded, what's going on?
Seeing that Chen Hongfei's legs were not moving, Lin Yuyang threw him to the ground and said coldly, "Medical team, take him away."

Chen Hongfei wailed and was carried onto a stretcher and sent to a medical vehicle for treatment.

Meng Hao, Su Qing and the others rushed to the finish line behind Chen Hongfei. After scanning their watches, they walked slowly in random places.
Meng Hao approached Su Qing cautiously, "Qingqing, is Chen Hongfei okay? They have all been carried into the medical vehicle."

Su Qing said indifferently: "No problem, his leg will hurt for two days at most. He is too lack of exercise, just let him get used to it, otherwise he will work harder when he starts formal training tomorrow. We are doing it for his own good. The therapeutic device will recover after taking random photos, and he is fine."

Meng Hao thought about it, and nodded in agreement.

Wang Lu opened her mouth to say something, but held back, really wanting to say, it's for his own good, that boy almost scared to death,

This girl Su Qing is also a black belly, but how did she do it?A few random clicks in the air can make people run forward desperately, which makes her very curious.

"Meng Hao, let me introduce you, this is Wang Lu from the Department of Pharmacy."

Only at this time did Meng Hao have a chance to see the girl who has been following Su Qing, yay!Big beauty! !If Young Master Chen saw it, he would definitely not be able to walk.

It was the first time Meng Hao saw such a pretty girl, and he greeted shyly:
"Hello, my name is Meng Yu from the Martial Arts Department, Qingqing's elder brother. Qingqing from our family is timid and shy, and doesn't like to talk. You will take care of her in the future."

Wang Lu raised her eyebrows and said, "You are Su Qing's elder brother, why don't you have the same surname?"

Meng Hao touched his head innocently, "We are neighbors in the same village. I brought up Qingqing since she was a child. Our two families have a very good relationship. Isn't it her brother?"

Wang Lu nodded, "Then you are also very good, and you can be admitted to Qinglan College from the original galaxy."

Meng Hao smiled happily,
"It's all thanks to Qingqing helping me with tutoring. Otherwise, with my ability, I would never pass the exam. At that time, I also worked hard. In order to prevent Qingqing from going to school on a distant planet alone at a young age, I worked day and night Studying, fortunately I was admitted to the same school as her, otherwise our family would really worry that she would go to school by herself at a young age."

Wang Lu smiled and said, "You guys have a very good relationship,"

"Hehe, of course, Qingqing is timid and afraid of others. I am an older brother. I must take good care of her and prevent others from bullying her."

The three walked casually for a while, then found a place to stand and wait for the students behind to finish running.

(End of this chapter)

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