Chapter 329

Meng Yu walked a few steps closer to Su Qing, and shouted:

"Qingqing, Hongfei, I'm here."

Su Qing nodded to him, and Chen Hongfei warmly greeted him,

"Brother, you are here too. Have you seen it? An ancient ruin, we plan to go in and have a look."

Meng Yu hugged him warmly, "I want to go too, otherwise one military training is not enough."

As soon as this was said, many students unanimously yelled in their hearts. Do you call the military training and the deep mountain experience called fun?
Is there such a thing to play?They were exhausted and their lives were in danger. They were eager to finish and go back soon, but the discovery of the ruins was exciting, and no one wanted to let it go.

Of course, some students will agree with Meng Xiao's point of view. After all, military training is really like playing, not challenging at all.

Meng Yan looked at Su Qing, "Qingqing, you are sure that the mountain covered in the hazy white mist is real."

Su Qing looked at the Qinglian Sect ruins solemnly, nodded,
"We have to find a way to go in and have a look. There must be spiritual herbs everywhere, countless spiritual fruits, and maybe there are many good things such as exercise secret books. If you are lucky enough to encounter it, you must not let it go."

After Meng Hao heard this, his eyes lit up, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go up the mountain quickly."

Su Qing said calmly: "I'm looking for a way up the mountain. You can see that the white light covering it is a kind of enchantment, protecting those mountain peaks. Now we can't get in."

Meng Hao asked impatiently, "Then what should we do?"

"Don't worry, I'm looking for the weak point of the barrier, try to destroy it with external force from that position."

Meng Yu has long been used to listening to Su Qing's words, and what Qingqing said must be right, so he had to wait quietly for the result,

Everyone looked up at the dreamlike fairyland, and there was a lot of discussion. No one took the lead, and they didn't know which direction to start. Some people tried to climb up, but came down again, saying that they couldn't get in because of the white glow.

Su Qing is below, pretending to study for a while, otherwise no one can do anything, why is it only you who come up and come up with a good way, isn't it strange?

With Luo Zilan around, she already knew that mountain was the location of the mountain gate, but it was useless to go up from there, the formation could not be broken, and no one could get in.

She was discussing with her ancestor how to break the formation, and it was impossible to get through the loopholes in the formation they entered last night, unless it was just her and Meng Hao, Su Qing would not be stupid in front of all the students.

Generally, the mountain-protecting formations in the sect have formation flags that control the formations, as long as the formations are closed, but now it is impossible to do so, and can only be destroyed violently, but the mountain-protecting formations are not that easy to be destroyed.

Luo Zilan suggested that Su Qing lead someone to attack together. The position they entered last night,
Where the foundation of the formation has been damaged, you can try to see if it can be destroyed. As long as there is a break in this place, the entire formation will burst apart and disappear, and Qinglianzong will be completely exposed in front of everyone.

Su Qing looked at that direction quietly, and suddenly said:
"Meng Hao, you will lead the way in a while, and I will follow behind. The other students who can keep up are free. They have all been trained in rock climbing. Climbing a thousand-meter mountain peak should not be a problem."


Meng Hao nodded. A thousand meters might be a bit high. If you are ready, many people will be able to go up. If you are not sure, just wait below if you are timid.

Su Qing looked at Li Kai again and said:
"Captain, my brother is from the martial arts department. Let him take the lead in a while. He is rough and thick. If there is danger, let him resist first. When we go up, make sure there is no danger. You are following up."

Li Kai had a strange expression on his face, he didn't know how to react, did anyone say that about his brother?I had no choice but to nod awkwardly.

Su Qing secretly told Meng Hao to start climbing from that mountain peak, which was the place she entered last night. It was very steep, and it was the outermost peak among the sixteen lotus-shaped peaks, and also the highest peak.

If Su Qing flew up directly by himself, they could only climb up with bare hands under the eyes of everyone.

Su Qing and Meng Hao walked under the cliff, it was not easy to go up, there was no place to step down, Meng Hao turned to look at Su Qing,

Su Qing nodded, and with a wave of his hand, a green vine quickly climbed up the cliff, reaching a height of thousands of meters in an instant.

With Su Qing's spiritual consciousness, he could monitor that the green vines were firmly wrapped around the boulders on the mountain peak, and they were very strong, with no problem bearing a load of tens of thousands of catties.

Meng Hao grabbed hold of it and pulled it hard twice, feeling very strong. As soon as his arms were strong, he stepped off the climbing wall and rushed up, and climbed to that foggy place in a blink of an eye.

Su Qing didn't talk nonsense, she didn't need to use much force to grab the green vine, as if there was an invisible force supporting her feet, she was more agile than Meng Hao, and she climbed up as fast as flying.

The way the two of them climbed the mountain shocked all the students. How can rock climbing be like this?I have learned a lot.

A lot of students who thought they were no worse than them were all eager to try. Young people who are not easy to show off are willing to admit that their skills are inferior to others.

Wang Lu was shocked, grabbed the green vine, and quickly climbed up. She didn't believe that she was not as good as a little sister.

After Su Qing went up, several green vines hung down to facilitate the students to climb. These are the energy bodies formed by her spells, and they will never break. They are stronger and stronger than real ropes.

Just this move is much better than most wood-type supernatural masters. You can imagine how talented Su Qing is. Many people have to be convinced that they really can't do it.

Su Qing and Meng Hao were already standing in front of the light mist, and Meng Hao pushed hard a few times, seeing a thin layer of mist in his eyes, but people couldn't get in.
"Qingqing, how do we get in?"

Su Qing said solemnly: "This is a large-scale formation, and no one can enter it unless it is closed. It has been so long since ancient times, and the foundation of the formation must have been damaged. I just found that the light and fog here is relatively thin. Can't be broken."

Meng Hao asked in surprise: "It's just the two of us, okay?"

Su Qing gave him a white look, and said in her heart that you really think highly of yourself, even if it's possible for the two of them, they can't do it!
"After all, the formation has been in operation for tens of thousands of years. No matter how good it is, it will be damaged. Let's try it, but it's not the two of us. It's about combining everyone's strength. Everyone takes turns to attack, dripping water through the stone, and it will definitely be effective."

Meng Yu nodded, and they all went to the entrance of the ruins. It's a pity that they couldn't get in. Anyway, Qingqing was right. It might be feasible to do it in her way, and there is no other way.

At this time, Wang Lu, Li Kai and others climbed up one after another. Su Qing signaled Meng Yan to tell them what she just said. She didn't want to say it again.
Meng Hao is easy to say, no matter he knows him or not, he is familiar with everyone, and he doesn't mind trouble if he comes up to say it a few times. Of course, if there are too many people, he doesn't need to explain, everyone will tell each other.

This place is halfway up the mountain, and it looks steep from below. It only has a small area, but it is not small, and it can be filled with hundreds of people.

Meng Hao and the others came almost as soon as they arrived, so they shouted loudly:
"Is there any here? The color here is the lightest. After a while, everyone will line up. Listen to me shouting one, two, three, and we will launch the strongest attack together. Break through here, maybe we can get in."

Although there are quite a few of the students who are more powerful, they have no better way, they can only try to attack according to what Meng Hao said,

Wang Lu asked, "Should we attack with our own power or with abilities?"

Meng Hao thought about it and said: "Use whichever attack ability you think is the strongest. Everyone line up, pure power is on the left, supernatural attack is on the right, and the same supernatural abilities are lined up together. Attack a little and don't spread out. , that would be a waste of effort.”

Meng Hao shouted loudly, pulling his neck, arranging the chaotic students. There were still people climbing up from the bottom of the mountain, and soon there was no place to stand. After all, this place is only a weak point of the formation, not the real entrance of the mountain gate.

(End of this chapter)

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