Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 330 Breaking the Formation Base

Chapter 330 Breaking the Formation Base
Many students can only go down and wait, anyway, they don't know how the students pass the news, more and more people gather here in the ruins, they don't even care about finding the task box, the ancient ruins are so interesting, they all come to watch the excitement.

Not to mention that Meng Hao commanded well, Su Qing only told him to attack the weak points of the formation, and how to get everyone to work together to attack together was arranged by Meng Hao himself.

Su Qing couldn't help nodding when he saw Meng Hao's actions. His years of subtle influence were not in vain. Those military strategies and the main points of war were often told to him as stories, and they were still effective.

Those with more powerful abilities stand together, those with stronger body strength stand together, and those with the same ability form a team, the weak point of the formation is not that big,

The destructive power needs to be sustained, so Meng Hao divided the group into groups, and each team stepped forward to attack the weak points of the formation.

The formation didn't move at all, but the rebound force was not small, and he had to be careful not to be hit by his own people. Meng Hao's method was to let them attack and move away from that range quickly.

Everyone stepped forward to attack in this order, a large area of ​​flames for a while, a large area of ​​wooden swords for a while, and a large area of ​​metal flying thorns for a while. These are the most skilled and powerful attack techniques of each person. Bursting momentum.

The ability master finished attacking, and the students with stronger bodies began to step forward. Many people had exhausted their powers and still had their own strength, so there were more people attacking the formation this time, and they punched and palmed together to attack the formation. Meng Hao will stop him in time.

After everyone attacked, when it was Meng Hao's turn, he stepped forward alone, took a deep breath, and used the most powerful move in the body training technique, shouting loudly, "Ha!!"

A palm slapped towards the enchantment, like overwhelming mountains and seas, with a loud bang, the white mist scattered light, shook a little, a small crack appeared, and quickly closed again,
The crowd was amazed with a whimper, it really worked!
Meng Yu didn't ask Su Qing to try it, but arranged for everyone to continue attacking. Many people had exhausted their powers, so Meng Yu asked them to go down first and others to come up.

After the second wave of people come up and launch a new round of attacks,
Su Qing saw that it was almost done, so she stepped forward and said:
"Let me come in the end. I think it should be fine. Meng Yan, please tell everyone to be careful. There may be a huge change after the formation is broken. Everyone stand firm."

Su Qing's voice is very low, only people nearby can hear it,

Meng Yu nodded, and shouted at the top of his voice, as to whether they listened or not, it was up to them, if something happened, they were responsible for it.

Su Qing held the knife in his hand, waved it and slashed at the formation, covering the spell with the wood aura, and with one move, flowers flew, and a green knife light blasted up with full power.

Those who don't understand watch the excitement, and those who understand shrink their pupils. What kind of kung fu is this, and it actually forms a saber qi.

What Su Qing saw in her eyes was different from others. She could see that she had entered the loophole last night, and the crack was getting bigger and bigger. They could really break through the formation.

The students attacked the bottom base of the formation. Su Qing swung the formation and the base was already cracked, just a few more blows would be enough.

Just don't make everyone bother, the energy of all of them combined is not as good as her and Meng Xiao's two attacks, and the power of the supernatural power is still far behind that of a monk.

Su Qing stared at the crack, pointed to a place,
"Meng Hao, if you hit here again with the greatest strength, I think it's almost done."

Meng Yu nodded, feeling that there was something wrong with his eyes, it was nothing at first,
When he used the body refining technique to attack the formation, he could clearly see that those large formations were composed of densely packed runes, how could Qingqing know where to attack, there was a mysterious thing at that point, and there was a hole in it.

Could it be that Qingqing could see clearly like him? Meng Yan looked at Su Qing the same way, and Su Qing nodded at him.

Meng Hao understood, Qingqing could indeed see the cracks,

He was ready, exerted enough strength, and punched up, and no one else could see it. Meng Hao and Su Qing watched the crack in the base of the formation grow bigger and bigger, and there was a slight click sound.

The green vine in Su Qing's hand rushed into the gap and tried hard, but it didn't move at all. Su Qing turned to everyone and said:
"Let's work together, work harder, there is already a gap, let's expand the gap together."

Wang Lu said excitedly: "Su Qing, it's real or not, I can't see it."

But without hesitation, he grabbed Su Qing and threw the green vine,
Li Kai, Chen Hongfei, and Meng Hao took the initiative to grab the green vine and drag it back. Seeing this, other people also came up to grab the green vine. It was strange to say that no matter how many people grabbed the green vine, the length was enough.
Chen Hongfei asked uncomfortably: "Qingqing, is your supernatural ability working? Don't force us to pull it off."

Originally, with Chen Hongfei's own ability, he couldn't climb the [-]-meter peak. Who would let the students have so many geniuses!
With the green vine hanging down from Su Qing, those who are good at mechanical physics, and the students who found the superpowers of the gold department, cooperated with each other to make a pulley, and climbed up the mountain easily, and Chen Hongfei followed.

He still hates it, the pulleys don’t work well, it would be nice to have a flying board, in the interstellar era, who still uses primitive tools, everyone doesn’t like him, some people still hate it, if you have the ability to do it yourself!
"Don't worry, as long as you hold onto it and don't let go, even if it falls, the green vine will not break, and I will pull you up."

Seeing that the gap in the base of the battle formation has widened a lot and he is about to succeed, Meng Hao said excitedly:
"Don't talk nonsense, I'll call one two three, pull hard."

In fact, if Su Qing swung his knife again, the foundation of the formation must be broken, but that would be too showy, so he simply pulled everyone together, as if he was able to enter the ruins as a result of everyone's concerted efforts, and he would not be particularly conspicuous. Pay attention.

Sure enough, no one doubted it. Even if there were a few who saw something and said nothing, the most important thing was being able to enter the ruins. Regardless of who commanded or who had the highest ability, it was important to solve the problem of the mask first.

Following Meng Hao's call, everyone grabbed the green vine and exerted force together. The main force was Meng Hao and Su Qing. Together, they would have a gravity of tens of thousands of catties.

Kacha, the sound of Kacha was endless, until everyone felt a light in their hands, and a huge boom sounded, and the foundation of the formation was completely destroyed.

Seeing everyone standing in a row, Su Qing saw Meng Hao blocking everyone's view, waved his hand and put away the formation foundation, and it can be refined into a new formation flag under the furnace, so don't waste it.

Meng Hao turned around and shouted to everyone: "Catch it, stand still and don't fall, there is hope, pay attention."

No one saw what Su Qing did, and they couldn't see what was there, it was just a momentary thing.

Everyone asked the students in front of them, have they succeeded?
After the foundation of the formation is destroyed, the energy transmission of the entire formation will not be smooth,

Su Qing looked at the mountain guard formation, the light flickered a few times, and then all dissipated, yay!It can really be broken, this formation is too rubbish!It is also any powerful formation, if no one maintains it, there may be problems after tens of thousands of years.

Suddenly Su Qing's expression changed drastically, and he turned around and shouted to his classmates:

"Be careful, hold on to the green vine and don't let go, something has happened."

This was the first time Meng Hao saw Su Qing turn pale with fright, and he was also a little flustered. He grabbed the green vine with one hand, stood firmly on both feet, and reached out to grab the classmate behind him.
"Do as I do, everyone grabs the classmates around you, hurry up."

The students in the back didn't know what was going on, and it was too late to catch the students in front.
As soon as Su Qing finished shouting, within two seconds, everyone felt that their feet were not stable, the whole mountain was shaking, the broken stones on the mountain, the grass and trees rolled down, and it was very painful to hit everyone, and many people screamed in panic.

(End of this chapter)

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