Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 335 Tips for Going Up

Chapter 335 Tips for Going Up

In fact, the trial stone steps are used by the Qinglian Sect to select disciples. Being able to use supernatural powers means that they have spiritual roots, their aptitude must be good, and the gravity will be relatively lightened. It is easy to pass the trial.

Chen Hongfei ran his supernatural ability, not to mention it really worked, and immediately started running on the stone steps, overtaking everyone with ease, and walked to the front.

Many students who were struggling were stunned when they saw his outburst.
What's wrong with it, this kid was crying and howling just now, and he had to crawl all the way here, which was very embarrassing, but now he ran up, could it be that his behavior at the beginning was just pretending.

Impossible, the ruins are right in front of your eyes, whoever has the mind to hide his strength is really stupid.

Zhang Hui and Chen Fei'er were always together. When attacking the formation, they didn't go up. Such a high mountain was terrifying. They were not as strong as Wang Lu, so they waited at the bottom of the mountain.

When the great change occurred, the two fled to the distance with everyone, and then ran back to walk the trial stone steps together.

The two of them are stronger than Chen Hongfei. Seeing Chen Hongfei striding over, they shouted:

"Chen Hongfei, what's the matter with you, what's the secret to running so fast?"

Chen Hongfei finally walked up this section of stone steps with all his might, laughing loudly, he, Young Master Chen finally came up, and when he heard Zhang Hui's voice below, he grinned proudly,

"Hmph, let you surpass me, and don't pull me, haha! Think of me now! I don't have any friendship like you, so I will tell you generously,
You are all stupid, who are we all?Master of supernatural powers, going to this kind of trial place, of course it will take a lot of effort without using supernatural powers. Everyone is brain-dead, competing with stones. "

After Chen Hongfei finished speaking, he ran away.
At this moment, everyone suddenly realized that they only need to activate their abilities to quickly pass the trial stone steps. It's that simple. Everyone didn't expect it at first, thinking that they had to rely on their own hard resistance?

Originally, they were the elites of various planets, they were all extremely talented children, who had the aptitude to climb the stone steps, and after finding the right way, they all ran up in a swarm.

But the Qinglian Sect is very big, even if there are more people sprinkled in, it's like ants crawling into the vegetable garden, it doesn't show at all.

As soon as Su Qing and Meng Hao finished searching a mountain, Lin Yuyang brought people up.

Su Qing winked at Meng Hao, and said via voice transmission: "You can look for it slowly, I will separate from you."

Meng Yu nodded, and Su Qing disappeared in a flash.

Su Qing put an invisibility talisman on her body. She didn't want to be seen flying around, so she walked too slowly. Qinglianzong is so big, when will she finish walking.

Stealth is the best way to do things. Even if you snatch something that others are looking for, you will not be discovered, so you can only admit that you are unlucky.

For this reason, Su Qing also specially performed the dust purification technique on the whole body three times, so that there is no smell at all on the body. In the end, she was worried that she would be covered with a layer of spiritual energy and multiple protections to be safe.

Su Qing quickly chooses the available things in various courtyards and caves. Many people may be interested in elixir, but Su Qing is very disgusted with the elixir he found, and it is not as good as his own refining!It is also a good pill, who will throw it outside at will, so it must be carried with you.

Encountering a restriction that was difficult to break, Su Qing threw a mountain-opening talisman left by the ancestors back then, broke it instantly, and started scratching when entering, leaving the room empty when leaving, and did not forget to rearrange a layer of prohibition.

The huge roar caused by the mountain-opening talisman breaking the ban is not abrupt, because the Qinglian sect is full of roars at this time.

Lin Yuyang issued an order that each team should focus on protecting the students. What the students discover belongs to them. Don't start a dispute, so that the soldiers can also make a fortune by the way.
When the people from the capital of the planet come, no one will think about the good things. As for now, whoever finds it will get it. The army has always been like this. If you don't need it, you can sell it to the government first.

Even Lin Yuyang himself couldn't bear this temptation, and went straight to the main peak hall. He was not in a hurry to find training resources, but mainly wanted to learn about the sect here, and it would be better if he could find a kung fu method.

It's a pity that I only know the origin of Qinglian Sect at the time of the main hall, and I don't know anything about the exercises.

Lin Yuyang brought hundreds of people and divided them into several small teams to follow behind the students. While on guard at any time, he also sent out manpower to attack the restraints and search for various things.

Items that are too big can’t be taken away, so they can only be found with high value. When they are received in the storage device, soldiers are better than students, and they still carry storage devices on their bodies, while those students can only put them in the backpack behind them. How many things.

Su Qing was very cautious. Whenever she and Meng Hao entered the place at the beginning, when she came out again, she re-arranged the restrictions. Even if the power was not strong, the students could not break through it immediately.
Hehe, she didn't care about whether they would get angry when they tried their best to break through the restriction and see the situation inside.

After Su Qing separated from Meng Xiang, under the leadership of Luo Zilan, he naturally knew that there were no good things. After a search, even if the Qinglian Sect cleaned up when they left, there were still many valuable things left behind. Things are much more valuable now.

Later, Su Qing met many students. Although she was invisible, others could not see her. Su Qing thought that she had already got the big head, so she couldn't compete with everyone, so she gave up.

She sent a voice transmission to Luo Zilan, "Old Ancestor, let's hurry up and go to that special place you mentioned, and not go to other places. If I have time, I might as well pick some fruits. There are not many good things in the whole sect."

Luo Zilan agreed: "Okay, let's go."

At this time, the capital of the planet has already started notifying all parties to gather people to explore and study the ruins.

Lin Yuyang walked out of the main hall of the main peak. He didn't gain much from walking around, so he had to leave and go to other peaks to have a look, followed by a group of personal soldiers.

Lin Yuyang's skill is much higher than that of soldiers and students. He can open the restrictions that others can't break, and he doesn't go in himself. Will not keep it private.

Lin Yuyang carefully observed the structure of the sect everywhere, and at the same time listened to reports from the institute, whether there is any danger, whether everything is normal, and the feedback information is safe and there is no danger.

Such news made him more and more uneasy. It's not that he hasn't explored the ruins before. According to past experience, this is not the case.
Those ruins are not as complete as here. This sect called Qinglian Sect is too weird, and it appears too strange.

It's more like a fairyland than a relic, and the scenery is beautiful everywhere. Even they can't bear to destroy the exquisite ancient buildings, which are full of exotic flowers and plants, each of which is a spiritual plant that can be sold at a high price.

Lin Yuyang left the main peak, and Su Qing came to the main peak with the ancestor in the invisible state, where she had been here last night.

Su Qing asked in surprise: "Old Ancestor, it's here, why didn't you let me try it yesterday?"

Luo Zilan: "You couldn't get in last night. There is a protective formation here, which should be connected with the mountain protection formation. It is probably the control center of the formation.

Only by finding the formation flag or jade talisman that controls the formation, can you control the entire Qinglian sect's mountain protection formation. You can turn off and activate the mountain protection formation at will. Even if you smashed all the mountain opening talismans last night, you still can't break through this formation. "

"No way, it's so powerful. Didn't the outer formation base be destroyed by our joint efforts, and the formation was closed."

Luo Zilan: "You think the mountain protection formation is so simple, it's just that no one controls it. If you only destroy one formation base, it won't have a big impact. If someone controls it, you can abandon the outer formation and activate the second formation." Layer formations are not so easy to break through, and the formations are automatically closed right now, so we can go in and have a look, otherwise it will be difficult to get close to the main hall, so don't underestimate the background of a cultivation school."

(End of this chapter)

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