Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 336 Underground Qinglian

Chapter 336 Underground Qinglian
When they walked into the main hall, Luo Zilan asked Su Qing to touch the statue of the patriarch enshrined in the main hall. The stone seat of the statue was more than one meter high, and suddenly a portal appeared,
Luo Zilan urged: "Go in quickly and close the door immediately."

After Su Qingfei went in, he pressed the same position inside, and the stone seat immediately returned to its original state.

Su Qing really doesn't understand what the people of Qinglian Sect are doing?Make a tunnel at the feet of the ancestors, and a group of monks can see at a glance with their spiritual senses. Not everyone knows what is hidden.

"Old Ancestor, the people of Qinglian Sect are so ridiculous, they actually dug a hole under the feet of the Patriarch, and they were discovered by a casual sweep of their spiritual sense."

Luo Zilan snorted coldly, "You think you are the only one who is smart, try it, can your spiritual sense penetrate that kind of material?"

Su Qing's consciousness went out, and she was startled. Really, even if it was a rock, her consciousness could penetrate it. It was so thin as a layer of stone, but her consciousness was actually blocked.

"Understood, this material is specially designed to block the scanning of the mind. I was also surprised to find that mechanism. I entered through the gap and found the hidden place here."

Luo Zilan didn't say that she was almost trapped inside and couldn't get out. She couldn't talk about embarrassing things.

Su Qing lowered her head when she came in just now, but after entering, she found that this is a passage, the height is not low, and she can stand up straight.

Luo Zilan said excitedly: "Come on, let's see if this is the formation core of the Qinglian Sect. If you can refine the formation core and activate the formation, only we can enter in the future. In this way, the Qinglian Sect belongs to the formation." We're gone, what can we do with such a large site."

After Su Qing heard it, her heart was also moved, yes!With the entire sect as the site, how many elixir can be planted, and the Qinglian sect has spiritual veins underground, the aura is stagnant, foggy, and things can't grow well. With this place, she and Meng Hao don't have to worry about resources at all in the future.

"Then what are you waiting for, Patriarch, let's go quickly, don't let those soldiers and students evacuate everything that belongs to me, my God! Patriarch, why didn't you say earlier, I came here from the very beginning, This is a big loss.”

That money fan Su Qing made Luo Zilan laugh out loud,
"Look how stingy you are. After such a big incident, you don't let people from the military come in and walk around. Don't you find it strange that the entire sect disappears inexplicably?

Anyway, let them get some benefits and seal the mountain gate. After you graduate, you can clean up the Qinglian sect. At that time, the rumors will not be so tight. "

Su Qing thought about it for a while. Now that he has small arms and legs, he can't fight those people. Six years later, he may enter the golden core stage.

Su Qing ran forward quickly, the passage was not long, and soon came to a room, and sure enough, there was a door here, blocked by the ban, with various runes flashing, very complicated, Su Qing could only understand a little bit , it was Luo Zilan's on-site teaching that he understood the principle of the ban.

Sure enough, what the ancestor said back then made sense. As an alchemist, you should also learn the knowledge of formations and talismans. See if you can use it now. Understand.

Su Qing's ability cannot break through this restriction. The person who installed the restriction has a very high level of cultivation, and the rune knowledge is extremely profound, which is far from being able to be broken by a small foundation cultivator.

But don't forget, Su Qingyou's ancestor left a box of magic charms, which will expire soon if you don't use them anymore.
With a movement of Su Qing's fingers, a stack of mountain-opening talismans was held in his hand. Standing far away from the restriction, he began to throw them one by one. Su Qing was afraid that the burst of energy would collapse the passage, but unexpectedly, there were protections on the top of the wall. Rune, even if the sky falls apart, it won't collapse,

Su Qing couldn't help sighing that the seniors of the Qinglian Sect were too far-sighted and made this place really strong, which was too suitable for her to violently destroy it, otherwise it would be bad if the rumbling sound spread out.

A stack of mountain-opening charms was used up, Su Qing walked in and took a look, hehe sure enough, everything is afraid of quantitative changes, and the accumulation of a few magic charms will not break any restrictions.

The ancestor didn't let him come last night, otherwise there would be other people and things, and the entire Qinglian sect would be his own.

But she didn't want to do it either, Luo Zilan said, there is a formation connected with the mountain protection formation, and now the formation is forced to close, she just needs to break the restriction, otherwise she will be busy.

Su Qing walked through the portal and found another passage, what the hell, isn't it just a passage, there is something confidential, and some secret room is specially set up, which is a waste.

There is no way to continue to move forward, the aura is getting stronger and stronger, and it has already reached the ground, and the passage is not so easy to pass through. Various prohibition formations have been arranged along the way. Empty.

You must know that these are the talismans drawn by Luo Zilan. If it hadn't been for the serious and irreversible loss of spiritual energy over the years, Su Qing would not be willing to use them at all, so I will explain everything here.

Su Qing broke through the last restriction, and has already walked into the depth of several hundred meters underground, where the spiritual energy gathers, and it is almost forming spiritual liquid.
My goodness, Su Qing felt like she was soaking in a pool of spiritual liquid, every pore of her body was greedily absorbing the rich spiritual energy.

The mist formed by the spirit energy obscured the sight. What is in front?This is not like the control center of the formation.

"Old Ancestor, can't there really be treasures here?"

Luo Zilan seemed to be thinking about something and didn't reply her.

Su Qing walked to the end, took out a small fan, and fanned it left and right a few times before dispelling the dense fog and clearing her eyes.
I saw a green lotus growing in a pond full of psychic liquid, and a drop of psychic liquid rolled down from time to time on a few verdant green lotus leaves.
"Wow! The ancestor is so beautiful, I can't complain that he is called the Qinglian sect. It turns out that there is a green lotus. I don't know if there is a lotus root. Is it delicious? Can it be refined into a magic weapon?"

Luo Zilan suddenly said: "Qingqing, you are really going to post this time, do you know what it is?"

Su Qing was stunned, and asked: "What, isn't it just a lotus flower? It must be a treasure, can it be used to refine medicine?"

Luo Zilan said slowly: "It is said that in the prehistoric era, a chaotic green lotus appeared in the world, and it nurtured five lotus seeds, all of which turned into the power to call wind and rain. That lotus also withered. I suspect that this is the legendary chaotic green lotus."

Su Qing smiled and said: "Hehe, it's impossible. Legends are generally exaggerated and unbelievable. Even if Qinglian becomes a spirit, she can only turn into one beautiful woman, and five of them. It's too fake."

Su Qing walked over and wanted to touch the green lotus to see if it was real. It didn't have any fragrance, so it couldn't be a fake, right?

"Didn't you say, Patriarch, that there will be something controlling the formation of the Qinglian Sect here? See if it's this lotus. Don't fantasize about chaotic Qinglian!"

Luo Zilan became a little angry when Su Qing refuted her guess, hum!What does the little girl know, Qinglian only exists in legends, when has Qinglian been seen in the world, is it not that one?
Under the anger, he said a little angrily:

"Maybe that green lotus is the center of control, otherwise you should try to refine it."

Su Qing had already walked into the spiritual liquid pool, and gently brushed the lotus flower with her hand, hey! !It seems that it is really a lotus flower, and I even reached out to touch it, and there are actually lotus roots,

Plants in the cultivation world are strong, they can survive without sunlight, and they absorb a lot of spiritual fluid every day, isn't it true that the whole lotus is a treasure.

"Hehe, it's so itchy, don't touch my feet all the time, don't eat me, okay?"

Su Qing was startled by the sudden appearance of the voice, her hair stood on end, and she shouted in horror,

"The ancestor has a ghost."

With a whoosh, he jumped several meters away, which frightened Su Qing.

(End of this chapter)

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