Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 350 I admit the wrong person

Chapter 350 I admit the wrong person
A good mech master's salary is extremely high. Whether he is in the army or serving as a guard for a large group, or setting up his own mercenary group to complete various tasks, he will be the main force.

Of course, mecha masters are also divided into levels. People who have just obtained the qualification of mecha masters can only drive the lowest-end ordinary mechas. The higher the level of mechas, the higher the technical level of the pilots. Driving a high-end mecha, the physical strength and mental strength are not enough, it is difficult to move a high-end mecha.

Meng Hao has a background in body training since he was a child, and Su Qing's continuous supply of medicines and elixirs is absolutely no problem, so the two of them are very confident. It is easy for Meng Hao to be admitted to the Mecha Master Son.

Su Qing and Meng Hao wandered around the city casually, shared a video with their family members, and then returned to school together.

After returning to the dormitory, Su Qing installed the star network cabin, and she was relieved after trying it and it worked fine.

Huo Miao and Jiaojiao went out to play again, today is a rest day, Su Qing is free, so she cooks a meal by herself,

Ever since she arranged the array for the planting field, the corn, wheat, and vegetables grown by Su Qing have extremely high aura content. When she is in a good mood, she will cook a meal. After all, Su Qing still can't change the habit of eating.

After dinner, Su Qing began to study the set of Heavenly Dragon Phaseless God and Demon Kung Fu brought back from Qinglian Sect.
Once a cultivator's willpower is not firm and he loses his balance, he will become a demon cultivator, unable to control his bloodthirsty and evil thoughts, and all the demonic nature in human nature will be magnified hundreds of times. People chased and killed.

Su Qing has been practicing for a while, and she feels okay, but some bad thoughts often arise in her heart, but she can control it with a calm mind.

Su Qing thought that as long as he could control it, Meng Hao would be fine.

Wait for a while to make sure that there is no problem, and then pass this exercise to Meng Hao, because she herself is a minor in the Tianlong Wuxiang God and Devil Art, and if she really can't control her demonic nature, Su Qing can just disperse the exercise, not Affect her cultivation.

After having the star network cabin, it is indeed very convenient. Many things in the study can be carried out on the star network, and the privacy is particularly good, so you are not afraid of getting hurt.

For example, if Su Qing wants to refine a new kind of elixir, he can rent a virtual room, set up the data, and refine it thousands of times without any problem. Waste of elixir.

Drawing jade talismans, arranging formations, etc. can also be practiced in Xingwang, and it also saves a lot of materials, which makes Su Qing feel that the Xingwang cabin is too worthwhile to buy.

Su Qing is researching several high-level potions, and plans to refine a batch before selling them on the black market. If she saves enough money, she can buy a second-hand mobile armor first, and do her own research. The ancestor has become addicted to mechas recently, and goes to mechas every day. The department listens to the lectures, and is more serious than her study.

Now that I have told Meng Hao, I have to prepare for the purchase of the mecha. If I work hard to earn money, the family has children, and her family must also have children.

Su Qing usually needs to take a lot of courses, so she has no time to take care of the mecha class. She can only take time to study on the Starnet. Videos and virtual mechs allow beginners to practice.

The first step is the manual operation before getting on the mecha, and it will take a while to train. The most basic control is hand speed. Once the mecha master's mental strength is insufficient, the entire mecha will have to be manually operated by the mecha master. With such a huge and heavy iron lump, the hand speed must reach high speed, otherwise how can the mecha make various flexible movements,
The training items are to improve hand speed, control ability and effective operation, otherwise it will be useless if it is not effective.

Su Qing practiced hand speed on Xingwang. If ordinary people would definitely increase the speed step by step, Su Qing didn't need it. She already has a strong soul, and she is aware of the flow of hundreds of billions of points in an instant. Controlling hand speed is not easy.

After passing the test, Su Qing soon reached the level of manipulating the mecha. Fortunately, the star network is all controlled by the system. If someone sees Su Qing's learning speed, his jaw will drop.

Crazy, this is unscientific. A mecha master must train for at least several years before he can operate a machine. If he fails that kind of training, he can't get on a mecha.

It only took Su Qing a few nights to pass the learning principles and various trainings. Can it not make people stunned?It's a pity that no one knows that Su Qing behaves so monstrously.

After Su Qing quit Xingwang, she also said to Luo Zilan:

"Old Ancestor, it is very easy to control a mecha. I have learned the same principles of mechas. Now if I have a real mecha, I can definitely drive it and make various actions at will. The rest is proficiency. I will participate in disembarking after a while." Try the Armored Master assessment."

Luo Zilan went to the mecha department to attend classes every day recently. She was not surprised by Su Qing's learning speed. Su Qing was a foundation cultivator, and his physical strength and mental strength were thousands of times stronger than those students. If you don't control it well, it's really rubbish.

Luo Zilan: "Well, I have listened to a lot of courses these days, and I feel that mechas are similar to puppets in the cultivation world. Mechas need to be controlled by people, but puppets don't. If we can combine the two, we can definitely design a very The special mecha will be used by Meng Hao in the future."

Su Qing also felt that the old ancestor's idea was good, and said in agreement:
"Then we will start to study the mecha now, and when he is admitted to the mecha master, we will give it to him. With a good mecha, his safety will be guaranteed, and the mecha we have refined, except for Meng Yu I, no one can drive."

Luo Zilan said affirmatively: "Of course!! It's tailor-made, so no one can easily snatch it away."

Everything in the cultivation world needs to be branded with a spiritual brand, or the owner can be used with a drop of blood. After being taken away by someone, only a person with a very high level of cultivation can clear the brand of the original owner, otherwise it cannot be used.

In the college, other students play while studying, participate in various activities and parties, meet more people, young men and women fall in love, discuss handsome men and beautiful women, live happily and busy every day, everyone is very fulfilling, this It was also the happiest day of their lives.

Su Qing is very busy, busy with classes, busy practicing mecha driving on Starnet, carving jade talismans, refining elixir, etc., as well as unshakable cultivation, leaving little time for entertainment.

She seldom participated in gatherings organized by her classmates, at most she would go out shopping with Wang Lu and Zhou Ya to eat, otherwise she would really be stuck in school.

Just because Su Qing seldom wandered around the campus, when things happened, she was very baffled,
It has been several months since the start of school, and the freshmen have already adapted to the life of the school and started a new study career. Everything was fine.

But when Zhou Ya and Wang Lu went to Su Qing to protest more than once, saying that they saw Su Qing on campus and greeted her, she actually ignored her and turned away, leaving only a light sentence,
"You got the wrong person."

When Wang Lu asked Su Qing to settle the score, she was so angry that she insisted on asking Su Qing to apologize.
Su Qing just laughed and said:

"You must have misunderstood the person. Apart from hanging out with you, I also cultivate elixir in the dormitory and read and study. You really want to see me, so how can you ignore you?"

Wang Lu frowned, "Impossible, they have the same height, hairstyle and looks, and they wear the same school uniform."

"You must be delusional. The girls in our school have the same school uniforms. No matter how similar they look, you may be mistaken. Big sister, don't forget, they haven't developed yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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