Chapter 351
Su Qing stared at Wang Lu's chest bitterly. She was not short, but she hadn't reached the age of development, she looked thin and tall, not as graceful as an adult girl.

Wang Lu slapped her forehead, "Hey, don't tell me, it's true, that girl is about the same height as you, but her figure is much stronger than yours. I really admitted my mistake. She wears the same school uniform. It's very likely that she's just a fool. "

Su Qing snorted in displeasure, "Sister Lulu, you don't know how to look at the school badges worn by others. They all have names on them. As for admitting mistakes, it's because you are sloppy and come to settle accounts with me."

Wang Lu smiled awkwardly, "Hehe, I was in a hurry and didn't look at it. I thought it was you. That girl was going to the pharmacy building for class, and she was walking in the same direction as me. Of course I thought it was you."

Su Qing smiled and said: "It's good to be clear. Zhou Ya must have admitted the wrong person. She told me twice, and she was furious at the time. You are all equally sloppy. How can there be such a similar person!"

After this incident, Su Qing also forgot, Zhou Ya and Wang Lu never mentioned the matter of admitting the wrong person again.

Su Qing reckoned that the girl might be a student from the previous year, either from the Department of Spiritual Planting or the Department of Pharmacy. Otherwise, why didn't she admit she was wrong during the military training.

In the past six months, Su Qing's body has developed rapidly, she has grown taller, and her figure has become curvier. The biggest change is that her face has become less immature, her baby fat has gradually disappeared, and she looks more and more like a big girl. Mature, people who don't know clearly can't tell that she is only 12 years old.

Even if they haven't seen Meng Hao for a while, they will say that Qingqing has grown up, and she is really a girl who has changed a lot! !The expression of an old father made Su Qing seem to kick him.

No matter how Su Qing's appearance changes, her heart is still the same. She likes to be quiet, and occasionally goes out with a few girlfriends, and most of them stay in the dormitory to practice and study.

Su Qing went to the black market to sell a large number of high-level potions and earned a lot of money, but he still didn't save enough interstellar coins to buy a mecha.

The price of the mecha is too expensive. Even if it is a second-hand one, Su Qing can’t afford it for the time being. She can only cultivate more high-level elixirs and save money slowly. You can’t go to the black market to sell medicines often. It’s okay to go once a few months. , Too frequent is prone to problems.

Buying pills on the black market is more expensive than medicines, but Su Qing dare not sell the pills she made. This is not Mengyuexing. Once her pills are circulated, the consequences will be disastrous. Someone will definitely want to find out the source .

Su Qing didn't think that what she did was very secretive and would not be found out. As long as she was determined, her traces would be found no matter what, and in the end she would be found out. It's better to be safe.

Originally, Su Qing thought that Wang Lu and Zhou Ya would admit their mistake only when they saw students with similar height and appearance by chance.

But when she herself was recognized by others, she felt that things were a little strange, and there should be something inside.

Su Qing was going to the teaching building of the Department of Pharmacy that day, and Wang Lu also reserved a seat for her. She hurried out of the Department of Lingzhi and went to the Department of Pharmacy. Class was due in ten minutes, so she couldn't be late.

Surrounded by students rushing to the classroom, there are many people coming and going.

At this time, a bright and generous girl ran up to Su Qing, and said with a surprised expression:
"Didn't you ask for leave? Why are you back in class again? Is your mother better?"

Su Qing gave her a weird look, didn't recognize her, thought she wasn't talking to her, and continued to walk forward in silence.

The girl was in a hurry, stepped forward and grabbed Su Qing,
"What are you doing? Why don't you talk? What are you doing so fast? Do you know that today is the old-fashioned lecture on new alchemy techniques, and you are rushing back to class. Don't worry, we will definitely be able to get to the classroom before the bell rings."

Su Qing saw the girl holding her tightly, so she could only ask suspiciously:
"Are you talking to me?"

The girl said with a condensed eyebrow: "Yes, otherwise! You are really good. You can hold back for so long without talking to me. This is not in line with your personality. Is your mother not in good health?"

Su Qing had no choice but to explain to her: "Student, you are mistaken, I don't know you."

The girl raised her eyebrows and didn't believe Su Qing's words at all, instead she said impatiently:
"Hehe, can you stop playing? Are you going to take a class in pharmacy?"

Su Qing nodded and said, "I'm going to take a pharmacy class, but I..."

The other party didn't let Su Qing speak clearly, took Su Qing's hand, and ran forward,
"Okay, Yun Bi, stop acting. It's not the first time you've done this. Let's go. The old man hates students being late. Hurry up, don't waste time, and wait until the classroom is over."

The two of them quickly passed by the crowd, some students were going to class, and some were leaving without class, many of them hurried towards the teaching building,

Su Qing thought about going to the Department of Pharmacy anyway, so let's go, and the truth will come to light when he meets the girl's real classmates.

When they ran into the teaching building, Su Qing didn't notice that the girl was leading her. It wasn't the first-grade classroom, but the second-grade classroom upstairs. They were all the same anyway, and Su Qing wasn't familiar with the classrooms of the Department of Pharmacy the difference.

The girl pulled Su Qing into the classroom, looking around for an empty seat,

"Yunbi, let's find a place to sit down and finish the class first. I know you're in a bad mood. We'll talk about what you have to do after class."

Su Qing nodded obediently. Anyway, she couldn't explain it for a while, and her classmates will definitely understand when they see the girl.

Su Qing searched around the classroom, wondering why she didn't see Wang Lu, and she didn't know any of the classmates in the classroom, maybe she went to the wrong classroom.

Su Qing asked the girl next to her in a low voice, "Is this class about refining high-level potions?"

"That's right. In this class, Professor Zhao will talk about the refining method of elixir. I heard that it is the latest research of Tianlong City."

Su Qing nodded, still feeling weird.

Soon the class bell rang, and a very old teacher came in. The teacher's hair was barely there, but his face was very healthy and flushed. At first glance, he was a great master of supernatural powers. He should be the Professor Zhao that the girl said.

This class mainly talks about using the new alchemy technique, how to refine elixir. Alchemy is a refining method that has become popular in recent years, and it is much more difficult than refining medicine.

Professor Zhao has paid attention to every step from explaining the properties of medicine to various refining techniques, including temperature control. The medicine refining technique that was originally passed down from the primitive galaxy has long since been improved a lot.

Su Qing listened with gusto, and felt that it was worth researching. It turned out that the master pharmacy masters in the central galaxy had carried forward her simple alchemy a lot, and further improved the quality.

Although the quality of the refined elixirs has not improved much, the types of refined elixirs have increased a lot, which is considered a great improvement, so we can't underestimate anyone, each cultivation system has its own advantages, The advantage of supernatural powers is that it is easy to practice and progress quickly, and it is very fast to get started.

Su Qing thinks that the new alchemy technique taught by Professor Zhao can be further studied. She may be able to refine a simplified version of the fifth-level or higher elixir with the existing equipment. This is a big improvement. Once the simple alchemy technique spreads Hey, medicine pills will replace potions, and the entire cultivation world of the empire will undergo earth-shaking changes. By then, it will be much safer to sell medicine pills yourself.
When Su Qing thought of this, a smile appeared on her face. She really couldn't underestimate the people of the world. She just passed on a little foundation, and after the research of many great masters, she could further improve it.

Su Qing thinks that there are some ways that she can learn from when refining elixir, which can save a lot of spiritual energy.

Su Qing listened to the class very seriously, and when she heard something exciting, she would show a look of surprise, and nodded with a smile. It turned out to be like this.

 When I used to read books or TV shows, I didn’t like the bloody plots the most. Why did I hug the wrong child, why did the child lose it, why did I have a misunderstanding, and I couldn’t explain why my wife and husband both Can admit mistakes.

  It was only later that I realized that the market demanded it, and I could only scatter some blood. Regardless of whether it was reasonable or not, I wrote it that way.

(End of this chapter)

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