Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 352 Who is Su Qing?

Chapter 352 Who is Su Qing?

Su Qing logged into her account on the optical brain, and kept typing and recording in the notes.

Professor Zhao is refining Yunshen Pill, and it is actually successful. Yunshen Potion is a necessity for mech masters. After exhaustion, mecha masters can persist for a while as long as they take one Shenshen Potion. Although The after-effects of Yunshen potion are relatively large, but as long as you can defeat the enemy, it is still very worthwhile.
Professor Zhao used a new alchemy technique and modern equipment to successfully practice Yunshen Pill, which surprised Su Qing. It is really feasible! !

It was very difficult for Su Qing to refine the Yunshen Pill by himself. Unexpectedly, this Professor Zhao could refine a simple version of the Yunshen Pill. Keep up with the times.

Professor Zhao in front of the podium is saying:

"Students, it is very easy to refine low-level elixirs, and generally three-star pharmacists can do it, but elixirs above the fifth level are important resources for supernatural masters to advance. Without the support of high-level elixirs, cultivation Ability is difficult to advance, ability cultivation is the most important thing for every ability master,
Grandmaster Chen Jingyu of Tianlong Academy, researched and summarized this set of alchemy techniques, which is definitely the gospel for all supernatural masters. You should study hard, and with the experience summed up and perfected by the predecessors, you will be able to quickly master this alchemy technique. Pharmacology, successfully refined high-level pills, which of the following students would like to come up and try to refine Yunshen Pills? "

Many students enthusiastically raised their hands to sign up, shouting to try,
The distance between the teacher and the students is not very close, and the students mainly use the teaching holographic image in front of them in class, and can clearly see the scene of the teacher's refining from all angles.

I am afraid that there will be a fryer during refining, which will hurt the students or disturb the teacher's refining.

Professor Zhao can see everyone's name on the teaching machine. The lit ones are those who raised their hands to sign up for refining. Among the lit up names, the still dim names are very conspicuous.

This Professor Zhao has a bit of a mischievous personality, everyone is rushing to go, but he doesn't choose you, he likes to choose those few special people,

The whole class knows this Professor Zhao's bad habit. Every time he wants to answer a question, he is not active. If he doesn't want to be called by the professor, he has to pretend to be active. As long as he does it the other way around, he will definitely be able to avoid it.
But Su Qing took Professor Zhao's class on the first day, she didn't know, she was still simulating and researching in her mind, she didn't want to join in the fun of the refining technique that the teacher just talked about, but Professor Zhao just called her name.

Professor Zhao looked at the students below with sly eyes, and said in an old voice:

"Then I will choose Su Qing to come up and try to refine it. Which one is Su Qing, please come up."

Su Qing was still imitating the new refining method in his mind, and he was a little confused when he suddenly heard his name. What's going on?She didn't point out her name, so why call her to go up and refine it.

"Student Su Qing, are you there? Please come forward," Professor Zhao called again,
The students below began to whisper to each other, asking who is Su Qing, and is there such a person in their class?Everyone shook their heads, they didn't know each other!
Su Qing didn't know what to do. Professor Zhao called him twice, if he didn't go there, he wouldn't be able to attend classes in pharmacy in the future.

Su Qing had no choice but to stand up. Just as she was about to walk forward, the girl next to her immediately shouted softly:

"Yunbi, what are you doing? I didn't call you."

"The teacher called me. My name is Su Qing. I told you that you misidentified the person."

After Su Qing finished speaking calmly, she walked to the podium.

The girl was left alone in a daze, muttering:
"I'm not dreaming. Good friends can admit their mistakes, but the two of them look too much alike."

Su Qing walked up to Professor Zhao and said calmly:
"Teacher, hello, I am Su Qing."

Professor Zhao looked at the little girl in front of him and asked, "Well, Su Qing, can you refine medicine?"

Su Qing nodded and replied without hesitation: "Yes!!"

Professor Zhao: "Can you understand what I just said? Do you remember everything?"

Su Qing continued to nod and said: "Yes! I understand and remember everything!"

Professor Zhao was a little surprised by Su Qing's answer. He had seen a lot of proud and confident gifted students. Like Su Qing, who even said he understood the new alchemy technique taught by the teacher, he was a bit too arrogant and didn't know how to measure. Professor Zhao's face darkened,
"Then you use the new alchemy technique to refine Yunshen Pill once. I will see if you make mistakes in those steps, and then point out your shortcomings.
The students below look carefully, the deficiencies that appeared in Su Qing's refinement also exist in you, well, you go to refine, the elixir is ready. "

Su Qing calmly walked to the refining furnace, checked all the equipment and elixir first, and cleaned them up. This is the basic principle of a pharmacist.
Then start to purify the liquid medicine, there is nothing special about this step, everyone can do it very well,

The students below couldn't tell that Professor Zhao's vision could be described as vicious. Even if he didn't reach the Grand Master of Pharmacy, he was still a nine-star pharmacist.

Looking at Su Qing's technique, he knew that this girl was an excellent pharmacist, and she was very talented. She refined it cleanly and neatly, without any faults. It was almost perfect, so she nodded approvingly.

The most important thing about alchemy is that in order to accurately control the heat in the next step of congealing liquid, one must concentrate on paying attention to the alchemy furnace at all times. If the medicine is distracted, the liquid will be burnt, and the alchemy will fail. The most dangerous thing may be There will be a fryer.

So Professor Zhao has been standing nearby, just to be ready to save people at any time. He is still a high-level supernatural master. It is still possible to stop the power of the fryer, and the students must not be injured.

It is the first time for Su Qing to use modern medicine refining equipment to refine Yunshen Pill. She doesn't know if it will be successful, but according to what Professor Zhao just taught, Yuanshen is used to the extreme, controlling the liquid and temperature exactly. Waiting until the condensed pill is formed, the pill can be seen to take shape,
Professor Zhao next to him was stunned. He himself did not know how many times to succeed in refining. Su Qing was able to grasp the essence of refining just after getting started. Seeing that the elixir was about to be successfully refined, wizards, they There is such a monstrous student in the department, why didn't he notice it before.

Su Qing secretly used a little alchemy method, divided the pills, collected the pills and synthesized them in one go, and spit out the spiritual energy to fly out a few pills in a roll, and put them into the porcelain bottle next to it.

There was no sound in the classroom, and all the students watching almost dropped their jaws. Su Qing’s alchemy technique is so cool, they feel ashamed that they can’t do it. If it’s okay to refine low-cost pills, Yunshen Dan dare not even think about it What's more, Professor Zhao gave a new medicine refining technique for the first time today, and Su Qing's success in refining it is absolutely jaw-dropping.
Everyone doubted in disbelief that the girl would be a classmate in their class, huh?No, the name the teacher called seems to be Su Qing, is there such a person in their class?

Someone whispered: "Hey, He Shilan, who is that girl? She looks a bit like Huang Yunbi. Why did the teacher call her Su Qing? Who is she?"

He Shilan, the girl who misunderstood Su Qing, shook her head and whispered:
"I don't know. I thought it was Yunbi, so I pulled her in. She really looks like Yunbi!"

The students on the side nodded and said:

"At first glance, it looks quite similar. When she was refining alchemy, she felt completely different when looking at the holographic image. Su Qing is obviously younger, with a thinner body and a cold temperament. She is different from Huang Yunbi's lively and laughing personality."

He Shilan nodded, it was so embarrassing, she really admitted the wrong person, and by chance, she met a girl who looked like Yunbi, who also came to the Department of Pharmacy, and she didn't pay attention in a hurry, but she was Ma Daha's personality, Everyone is used to it,

After the successful refining at the front desk, Su Qing silently looked at Professor Zhao, asking if I could go back?

(End of this chapter)

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