Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 353 The person who looks like me

Chapter 353 The person who looks like me

After Professor Zhao finished testing the elixir, he looked at Su Qing with fiery eyes.

Su Qing frowned, for a few reasons, why didn't the teacher speak?

"Teacher, can I go back to my seat?"

The old professor coughed a few times and showed a very kind smile,

"Student Su Qing, do you have a supervisor? I happen to have no students this semester, so why don't you just be my apprentice? I'm just a little bit worse than the great master of pharmacy."

Su Qing blinked in surprise. It turned out that Professor Zhao had taken a fancy to her aptitude and wanted to accept her as a student, which she could not agree to.

There is no pharmacist in the entire empire who can be her teacher. Even if she agrees, her ancestors will not agree. She has a better inheritance, so there is no need to worship a pharmacist who is as good at refining medicine as her master. .

Su Qing said with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry teacher, I can't be your disciple."

As soon as Su Qing finished speaking, not only Professor Zhao was stunned, but all the students were also stunned. Where did this girl named Su Qing come from? What she did was crazy enough to reject Professor Zhao. Shocked from ear to ear.

Professor Zhao, who studies pharmacy, is already a nine-star pharmacist. He is only one step away from the grand master. Maybe he will become a grand master someday.

Professor Zhao has a weird personality. I don’t know how many people want to be his disciples, but he doesn’t like any of them. Today, he finally took the initiative to speak up, but Su Qing actually refused. It’s unbelievable. How lucky is she? No, if you are too ignorant, you will definitely regret it in the future.

When Professor Zhao heard Su Qing's refusal, his face immediately froze. With his status in Tsinglan College, he proposed to accept disciples, but was rejected, which made him unacceptable.
Students in the Department of Pharmacy, I don't know how many people want to be his disciples, but he doesn't even like it, and he is not willing to find a good seedling after finally finding a good one.

In front of so many people, Professor Zhao felt that he could not get off the stage, and his face immediately became gloomy.

Originally, when it came to accepting students, the professor had to communicate with the students in private first and then make a public statement. He didn't ask directly in front of many people.
But Professor Zhao has a weird personality, and he doesn't follow the general rules. According to his thinking, as long as he is a student of the Department of Pharmacy, he will definitely nod and agree to him without hesitation, and no one will refuse.

But what he never expected was that Su Qing directly refused. How did this end up for him? With anger in his voice, he asked:
"Why, don't you already have an instructor? I don't believe that there is anyone in the Pharmacy Department of Qinglan College who is more suitable than me to be your teacher."

Although there are still three great masters in the Department of Pharmacy, the number of students they guide is already full, and there is absolutely no time to recruit more students, so Professor Zhao said firmly.

Su Qing was very calm in the face of the professor's anger, without any panic, and said calmly:
"I'm sorry, Professor Zhao, the reason I rejected you is not because I have an advisor, but because I'm not from the Department of Pharmacy, I'm just a student who came to observe, so unfortunately, I can't be your disciple."

As soon as Su Qing's words fell, there was a clatter below, causing a commotion. Where did Su Qing come from?They are so good at refining medicine, but they are not from the Department of Pharmacy. This makes the students of their own department feel embarrassed, and the majors are not as good as a student from a foreign department.

Professor Zhao was stunned. He never thought that Su Qing was not from the Department of Pharmacy. What kind of joke are you kidding? A student from a foreign department has such a high talent for refining medicine that he must not let it go. He hurriedly asked:

"Which department are you from? Hurry up and transfer to the department. I'll ask the head of your department to approve it."

Su Qing said honestly: "I am a freshman in the Department of Lingzhi this year. Well, our department head does not allow me to transfer to another department. Professor Li mentioned it a few days ago, and I don't want to transfer to another department myself."

Professor Zhao exclaimed, "What? You are a first-year freshman, and Lao Li has already mentioned that you will be transferred to another department. Then why did you come to the second-year classroom today?"

Su Qing looked up at He Shilan, and said calmly: "Class is about to start, I ran to the wrong classroom in a hurry,"

Professor Zhao's face softened. Although Su Qing rejected him, the reason was enough for him to step down. He is not from the Department of Pharmacy, so how could he agree to you?
But it doesn't matter, he will talk to the director of the Lingzhi Department in private, they can't delay Su Qing's superb talent, otherwise there will be one less great master of pharmacy in the future.

"Okay, you go back to your seat first,"

Su Qing lightly returned to her seat, and He Shilan next to her gave her an embarrassed smile,
Professor Zhao was already giving a lecture, so she didn't say much. He Shilan didn't go up to Su Qing until all the courses were over and she was free to move around:
"I'm sorry, student Su Qing, I mistook the person and dragged you to our classroom without any explanation."

Su Qing asked curiously: "Does your friend really look like me?"

He Shilan nodded, "Yes, you are very similar. Her name is Huang Yunbi. She asked for leave today, otherwise I wouldn't have mistaken her. If you look closely, you can see that you are just a little similar. Your skin is whiter and tenderer than Yunbi's, so it's easy The difference is that I was sloppy, you see your school badge is still wearing it!!"

Su Qing murmured with a little confused eyes:

"It turns out that there is a person who looks very similar to me. Some of my friends complained to me several times a few days ago, saying that I ignored them outside, and I must have admitted the wrong person."

He Shilan nodded, "That's right, it's easy to mistake you on campus, but it wouldn't be so if you were wearing casual clothes outside the campus."

Su Qing's heart was shaken. As a monk, she had a strong premonition. When she heard the name Huang Yunbi, her heart skipped a beat, which meant that she and Huang Yunbi were very destined.

Su Qing patiently asked He Shilan about Huang Yunbi,

He Shilan has a pure personality, she didn't hide anything, she confided everything she knew.

Huang Yunbi was born in a single-parent family. Her mother is a doctor. The mother and daughter lived in Bichenxing. Huang Yunbi was talented since she was a child. After she was admitted to Qinglan College, the mother and daughter moved to live in Qixingxing.

Her mother works in a large hospital, and her income is not bad. In addition, Huang Yunbi is a pharmacist, so she can also supplement a lot of household expenses. The life of their mother and daughter is very comfortable.

These days, Huang Yunbi's mother, Huang Jing, is not feeling well and is recuperating at home. Huang Yunbi asked for leave to take care of her for a day, so she didn't come to class.

Su Qing suddenly asked: "Isn't Huang Yunbi's mother a supernatural master?"

He Shilan nodded. It's easy to guess that supernatural masters usually don't get sick, they can only get trauma. Huang Yunbi's mother is sick, so she must be an ordinary person.

The Huang Yunbi in He Shilan's mouth is beautiful, with a lively and cute personality, can speak well, and is very popular in the class.

The two chatted almost, and it was lunch break, Su Qing got up to go back to the dormitory.

He Shilan said: "Let's go together, we have to go back to the girls' dormitory anyway,"

Su Qing didn't refuse, she nodded, and the two walked out of the classroom together, walking down the stairs,

Su Qing found out that this is the third floor. The classroom where Wang Lu took her to class was on the second floor. She didn't notice it.
The higher the floor, the higher the grade, and the entire building belongs to the Department of Pharmacy. There are many classrooms, and the teaching building is very large. Those who do not attend classes often will definitely feel dizzy.

As soon as the two walked out of the teaching building, Su Qing was stopped by someone. Wang Lu angrily ran forward and asked:
"Su Qing, where did you go? You said you were going to come to class, but why haven't you seen anyone? I thought something happened to you."

Wang Lu stood in front of Su Qing, her tone full of complaints.

"Hehe, Lulu, I really came to class, but I went to the wrong classroom."

(End of this chapter)

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