Chapter 371
At the critical moment, He Shilan gave her strength, "Wang Lu, count me in, and I will also pay for helping Auntie buy vegetables."

Wang Lu nodded. The girls who spoke just now spoke very realistically. They are still students, and their money is all given by their families.

But she had already said her words and couldn't take them back. She knew she was trying to be brave, but Yun Bi wept sadly. She couldn't just watch and persuade Su Qing not to ask for money. She didn't have the cheek to bully her little sister again and again.

Huang Jing waved her hands in panic and said:

"No, no, I can't let you spend money. You are still students, and you are all given money by your family. How can I, an adult, let you buy it for me for two bites? Auntie will have no face in the future."

Huang Yunbi wiped the corners of her eyes and said very firmly:
"Liu Yan is right. Your monthly living expenses are not enough for you to spend on your own. If you have rich money to help me, my mother and I are making some money. It is still okay to buy it with Su Qing once a week."

Huang Jing also said:

"That's right, listen to Auntie, let's buy vegetables by ourselves. That classmate Su Qing, the vegetables you grow can really relieve my illness. I don't often get sick. Just eat once a week. You and my family Yunbi are good. friend,

I definitely can't let you suffer, but you also know that our mother and daughter are not rich, so why don't you give us a discount on the vegetables you grow? "

Holding the cup in both hands, Su Qing nodded very solemnly,

"Yes, but I have only sold elixir. I have always eaten the vegetables I grow. If I sell them, I need to send them to be tested and graded before I know the price."

Huang Jing smiled and said, "You go to test it, and tell Yunbi the price later, and let her buy it directly from you."

Su Qing didn't refuse either, she just nodded and spit out a word, "Okay,"

Wang Lu wanted to say something more, but felt that it was inappropriate to say anything, so she had to forget it.

Although there was a little unpleasantness just now, since the matter was resolved, everyone started chatting and laughing happily again, acting like a normal person, showing that sisters are affectionate, mothers are kind and sons are filial.

It’s really interesting for Su Qing to look at this scene. She almost fell out just now, but in an instant she can laugh and eat and drink together. This kind of behavior also requires a strong mental quality to do it. She can’t do it, she will feel aggrieved enough, so she doesn’t talk It suits her very well.

The Huang family's mother and daughter were very upset. The matter did not achieve its goal. Whether the little girl Su Qing's EQ is too low, or she just doesn't let go, it seems that she has to continue to think of a way.

Su Qing heard that Huang Jing was ill, and eating those spiritual vegetables could relieve the disease, which may be due to the spiritual energy nourishing the body. I really can't tell what is wrong with Huang Jing just by looking at it. Her face is rosy and her complexion is healthy. patient.

To judge whether there is really something wrong with her body, Su Qing needs to use spiritual energy to give her a full-body examination, but it is too weird to do so, and she can't find a proper reason. She doesn't want to expose herself, so she keeps quiet and looks for another opportunity.

She has always shown a taciturn personality, and she doesn't like to talk too much when there are many people. Everyone doesn't know what she thinks in her heart. It seems that no matter what others say, she always has a calm expression, and at most she shows a smile.

Among the crowd, only Su Qing was the most authentic. Even the bold Wang Lu would hide her dissatisfaction in her heart, and continued to chat and laugh with everyone without any grievances under her mask.

Su Qing couldn't do it in her previous life, and she still can't learn it in this life.

The Huang family's mother and daughter are really interesting, it's definitely a way of thinking, if you want something, you don't ask directly, you have to go round and round, there is no such beautiful thing in the world, who is willing to give you good things for free, and make a fuss I just want everyone to force her to let go,
Wang Lu definitely wouldn't do that, so it became crowdfunding, but who likes to be taken advantage of?

The girls directly expressed their reluctance, and the pressure turned back on Su Qing. Unfortunately, Su Qing pretended to be stupid and didn't understand. It would be embarrassing for anyone else, and the mother and daughter would surely be tricked.

The society is very simple, and the complicated thing is people, why not just say that I want your vegetables, but I have no money, can I get credit?Su Qing gave their mother and daughter a high look.

It's a pity that they didn't do this. They always wanted to use the smallest cost to achieve the greatest benefit, but it didn't affect Su Qing. She had nothing to do with them to play, learn more about human nature, and gain some social experience.

Huang Yunbi's birthday party came to an end with everyone's thoughts on their minds. Wang Lu and the others got on the speeding car and returned to school.

In the car, Wang Lu hesitated for a while, then said to Su Qing:

"Qingqing, there is no class tomorrow, we will go to test with you to see how much the vegetables you grow are worth, Shilan and I are thinking about how to help Yunbi, although Auntie said that we don't need our help, we can't really just let it go .”

Su Qing: "Well, yes,"

The others didn't speak, just staring at themselves in a daze or watching the news on the communicator. When there was no time to go, the laughter along the way and Wang Lu's words made many people smile sarcastically.

After Su Qing returned to the dormitory, Huo Miao brothers and sisters were not there again.
It was still early, and she entered the starnet cabin when she had nothing to do, and went online for mecha training. During this time, Wang Lu and the others took up too much of Su Qing's free time, and she hadn't been on the starnet for a long time.

Su Qing is very proficient in practicing mecha driving. She has been planning to take the test of mecha master, but she has no time. If you still have time today, why don’t you give it a try?
Meng Yu sent her a message, saying that he practiced the mecha every day with Chen Hongfei and the others on Xingwang. He has already piloted the mecha well, and he will be able to take the mecha master exam in more than a year.

Their martial arts department has a mecha course, which is more convenient to learn, but in the first year, it is all theoretical knowledge, and they have not been exposed to real mechas, so many people practice on the star network.

Meng Hao's ability to learn how to drive mechas is already very good. His physical strength and mental strength are no worse than Su Qing's. The only difference lies in his learning speed. He still needs to study those complicated mecha principle courses for a year. in order to master it proficiently.

Su Qing practiced driving the mech for a while in the virtual training room. According to the training manual, all the movements can be completed proficiently.

Moreover, Su Qing uses manual control and uses mental power to control the mecha. Su Qing will complete it faster. It is better to keep a low profile. It is enough to be admitted as a one-star mecha master. In the future, it is enough to be qualified to use mecha.

After doing the moves once, Su Qing felt that there was no problem, so she directly signed up for the assessment of a one-star mech master.

It is very convenient to assess mecha masters on the star network. Everything is approved by the system. The process is simple, but the content of the assessment is very difficult. If you do a wrong step, you will be judged as unqualified.

After Su Qing enters an address, it turns into a streamer and is automatically sent to the Mecha Master assessment site.

There are not many people in the assessment points in Bailang City. There are very few ordinary people who take the test of mecha masters, and the supernatural masters are concentrated in the army and schools. There are fixed time assessments every year. The assessment points are usually sparse. Not a few people.

When Su Qing came, there were only three people in front of him, and one branch could provide 100 people with simultaneous assessment at a time.

Su Qing directly entered the virtual mech master assessment site, entered her ID card number, and was randomly assigned a room. Starting from the most basic principle, the written test, this was too simple for Su Qing, and she got full marks.

Then there is the hand speed test, which is not difficult, Su Qing took another test, the highest score in the entire empire so far, of course, this score is not made public, otherwise it will definitely shock the entire empire.

Next came various physical tests, strength and speed, etc. whether they met the standards, and Su Qing passed all of them with the best results.

Only after passing the above assessments can you go to the actual operation of the mech assessment, and make various actions according to the regulations, which are divided into manual operations and mental operations.

(End of this chapter)

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