Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 372 Secret Detoxification

Chapter 372 Secret Detoxification
Those who can pass this step are basically guaranteed to be admitted to the Mecha Master.

The last assessment is actual combat, as long as you beat a mecha master of the same level. Of course, actual combat is also a virtual mecha master automatically generated by the system, not a real battle.

Su Qing's manipulative ability is so powerful, he can kill the opponent with three strikes, five divisions and two. After the one-star mecha master passes the examination, it will be recorded in Su Qing's file, and you can see the mecha master's name directly by swiping your ID card outside. badge.

Continue to test for higher-level mecha masters, and the difficulty will gradually increase. You need to drive mechas to fight in different environments and terrains. There are also battles with strange beasts and mecha masters of the same level. It is very complicated, and the entire empire exceeds five stars. The mech masters are already elite.

Su Qing is not very interested in driving mechas. As long as she can pass the assessment and become a one-star mecha master, she is qualified to drive mechas. The rest is not a problem. She will rarely use mechas in the future, so there is no need to waste time.

Su Qing was very happy to pass the test of the mech master, and came out of the star network cabin, thinking about cooking a meal to reward himself,
Su Qing went upstairs and pushed open the door of the planting field. All kinds of vegetable spiritual plants inside were lush and full of vitality.

She picked a few vegetables at random, took them to the kitchen with a basket, cooked two stalks of spirit corn first,
Add a piece of spiritual noodles, wash two handfuls of spiritual vegetables, cut them up and wait for the pot.

The vegetables Su Qing grows are full of spiritual energy, which is several times higher than ordinary spiritual plants. She specially arranges the gathering of spirits to grow them. Can they not be delicious?And it has great benefits for the body. It is trivial to keep fit, and eating it regularly can prolong life.

I can't blame the Huang family's mother and daughter for always thinking about it, knowing that they can't afford it, but they still don't want to give up.

Su Qing planted that small piece, and it was just right for her and Meng Jian to eat. If there were two more people, she would have to use the spawning spell. Although the energy of the vegetables grown in that way remained the same, the taste was not as good.

It's not that Su Qing is reluctant to give Huang Yunbi food, but she has bad intentions. Su Qing doesn't want to spoil her, but wants to see how she can do it, so that she can eat her food without spending a penny.

After eating, Su Qing prepared cat food for Huomiao brothers and sisters and put them in their rice bowls.

Don't even think about seeing two cats during the day. If it wasn't for Su Qing's rule that they must practice at night, they wouldn't want to come back, and they would be so happy to play every day.

As the sky darkened, Su Qing sat cross-legged on the ground and said to himself:
"I'll go to Huang's house later to see what's going on with Huang Jing's illness. If it can be cured, please do me a favor. Who told me to be relatives with them!! Patriarch, are you going or not?"

Luo Zilan floated out of the space, and asked confusedly:

"Where are you going, I also designed mech runes!"

Su Qing said lightly: "Go to a relative's house, she is sick, I will show her secretly, and if it can be cured, I will cure her."

Luo Zilan: "The woman surnamed Huang? Although the blood of that woman is partly similar to yours, it is very weird. It seems that something is missing. Forget it, I don't understand it. I'll go and see it with you!"

Su Qing is not out of kindness, but wants to see if she cures Huang Yunbi's mother, will they continue to covet her vegetables? It can be saved, otherwise, Su Qing really doesn't want to talk to Huang Yunbi.

During this period of time, I have taught her how to refine medicine, which is enough for Huang Yunbi to become a high-level pharmacist.

Another point, no matter what Huang Yunbi did was right or not, if everything she did was really for her mother, she would be considered filial piety and not useless.

After 12 midnight, the entire campus gradually became silent, and at this point most people fell asleep.

Su Qing put an invisibility talisman on her body, flew into the air, and started to fly to the community where Huang's family lived. Now that Su Qing has understood the traffic rules of Bailang City,
There will be no problem of almost hitting the aircraft like the first flight.

In an instant, Su Qing came to the window of Huang Yunbi's house, used an escape technique to pass through the wall, and entered the room. The room was pitch black, and there were two obvious breathing sounds.

Su Qing reached out with her spiritual sense, found Huang Jing's bedroom, and entered directly.

Standing by the bed, Su Qing saw Huang Jing who was sleeping soundly. With a wave of her hand on her face, Huang Jing fell into a deep sleep. She would never wake up until tomorrow morning.

Su Qing pulled out Huang Jing's hand, pressed her fingers on her wrist veins, a burst of spiritual energy came out, and began to swim in the meridians of her whole body. The meridians of mortals are delicate and fragile. Su Qing understood what was going on.

When Huang Jing was young, she should have served on the border. There are many undeveloped planets on the border, and the conditions are very difficult. When she goes out to carry out exploration missions, once there is a problem with the supply, the soldiers need to solve it on the spot.

She may have eaten something and planted a special toxin, which does not kill people, but hides in her body like tarsal maggots, causing unbearable pain from time to time, and all medical methods can't find it out.

Because of that kind of toxin, only the aura of a monk can detect it. Fortunately, Su Qing is an alchemist, and he learns all kinds of elixir. He is familiar with the properties of medicine, and he will understand after a little exploration.

Su Qing said softly: "Ancestor, Huang Jing is poisoned, just force it out, but the toxin has penetrated into the bone marrow, and the toxin is forced out, Huang Jing's body will be damaged a lot, and she will lose her lifespan."

Luo Zilan said indifferently,
"That's not easy. First use the rejuvenation technique to cure her, and then take a pill of Peiyuan Pill to strengthen the Peiyuan, so as to ensure that she will be alive and kicking, and she will be ten years younger."

Su Qing snorted coldly in her heart, what the ancestor said was really easy, that is to say, she can use these methods for treatment, and no high-level ability master can do it.

Aside from other things, a pill of Peiyuan is worth millions of interstellar coins. There is no pharmacist in the empire who can refine it. They can only refine vitality pill and Qi gathering pill. The prescription of Peiyuan pill has long been lost.

Su Qing felt that since she came, she should cure Huang Jing!

Of course she would not be reluctant to give up a elixir, but it was ironic that the mother and daughter of Huang's family tried their best to get her vegetables to relieve her illness, but she did not let go, but secretly tried her best to cure Huang Jing's illness, Is it cheap.

With a wave of Su Qing's hand, Huang Jing floated up from the bed and stood still at a height of more than half a meter.

Su Qing stretched out her hand to hold her heart, aroused the spiritual energy and began to detoxify Huang Jing's whole body,

After sweeping the aura, green dirt began to appear on Huang Jing's skin. A fishy smell came from her face, and her face turned pale. Even in a deep sleep, she began to struggle. Su Qing tapped her body a few times, She is not trembling.

The toxins could not be removed by just using spiritual energy once. Su Qing used a cleansing technique on Huang Jing to clean her whole body, took out a jade bottle and poured out a marrow washing pill,

Ordinary people can't take the elixir directly. She broke off a little bit and stuffed it into Huang Jing's mouth.

Originally, detoxification required an antidote, but where did Su Qing have the time, she specially prepared an antidote, which could only be expelled forcefully, so Huang Jing's body had to suffer some damage,
Su Qing gave her another pill of washing the marrow, and the supernatural master would be in great pain after taking it. Not to mention Huang Jing, if Su Qing hadn't used spiritual energy to continuously repair her meridians, she would have been unable to take it, and would have continued to sleep.

Soon the medicinal power forced out all the toxins that penetrated into the bone marrow, and Huang Jing's body was tossed enough, but her physique was greatly improved.

Su Qing used a rejuvenation technique and a cleansing technique, and then stuffed Huang Jing with a Peiyuan pill. Seeing her face flushed, because of the discharge of toxins, she was more than ten years younger, her skin was radiant and white.

(End of this chapter)

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