Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 374 The Amazing Change

Chapter 374 The Amazing Change

Under the instructions of the staff, Su Qing filled in the names of the vegetables, put them in the designated positions in order, and closed the lid.

The staff pressed the switch and began to detect the energy value of the vegetables. The value rose all the way at the beginning, surpassed the value of ordinary elixir in an instant, and continued to climb. It stopped when it was close to the ninth level.

Su Qing was also very shocked, couldn't the aura be detected?Why is the energy value so high?Almost reached the ninth level.

Wang Lu, He Shilan, and the staff were all shocked. It was just vegetables. As for carefully cultivating them like this?Too much of a waste of power, right?

It’s not that planters can’t grow high-level vegetables. The key is that no matter how expensive vegetables are, they are not as valuable as spiritual plants. From the perspective of economic benefits, it’s too uneconomical. Many planters just grow a little to eat themselves.

Therefore, high-level vegetables are very expensive. Vegetables that can reach the eighth level are already sky-high prices, let alone those that are close to the ninth level.

The staff pressed the switch, and the tray containing the vegetables popped up automatically. He operated on the optical computer for a while and issued a paper certificate. The virtual document was also sent to Su Qing's communicator. After Su Qing paid the fee, the test was completed Completed,

Su Qing calmly stepped forward to pack her own vegetables, turned around and said to Wang Lu:
"Let's go back."

Wang Lu and He Shilan felt very heavy. Originally, they hadn't paid much attention to the few vegetables Su Qing planted, thinking that Zhou Ya was making a fuss out of a molehill, but it turned out that they were wrong.

Huang Yunbi took away no less than 20 catties of vegetables back and forth, and she even argued with Zhou Ya, making several people almost broke up.

Seeing the result now, the two of them felt mixed emotions, and they didn't know how to face Su Qing.

Vegetables of this grade start at at least 10 interstellar coins per catty. In that case, Huang Yunbi would just take Su Qing's vegetables worth more than two million interstellar coins for nothing, which is not a small amount.

Although 200 million is not much for the two of them, it is still a lot, and it is enough to pay Su Qing's tuition and living expenses for one year.

The more they thought about it, the more ashamed they became. At that time, they were really fooled by lard. They didn't know that there were no simple things cultivated by the students of the Lingzhi Department.

The three returned to Su Qing's dormitory in silence. Su Qing put the dishes in the refrigerator, poured a glass of water for the two, and asked strangely:

"What's the matter with you, why haven't you talked? I don't feel used to it."

Wang Lu scribbled for a long time, and finally said:
"Qingqing, I'm sorry, we were wrong about the vegetables, I don't know how valuable the crops you plant are, so I stood directly on Huang Yunbi's side and made you feel wronged.

The vegetables that Yunbi took away are already worth several million. Although you don't care about it, that large sum of money is already your annual expense. "

He Shilan also nodded, "Su Qing, we shouldn't jump to conclusions if we don't understand things clearly. It's no wonder Zhou Ya can't see it."

Su Qing nodded calmly,

"Oh, I see. It's okay. Didn't we agree that if Huang Yunbi wants to eat vegetables in the future, can he buy them with money?"

Wang Lu smiled wryly, feeling that Su Qing was really naive,
"What you said is simple, your vegetables cost at least [-] interstellar coins a catty, how can Aunt Huang afford it? Shilan and I can't buy a few catties even if the monthly living expenses of Shilan and I are added together, and our plan can't be carried out." up."

Su Qing looked at the two of them indifferently, and groaned coldly in his heart, if it is true that he does not know the pain without the knife being inserted into his body, he will need to pay a lot of money, and you are reluctant to part with it.

In the past, she said righteously and solemnly that she wanted to help the mother and daughter of the Huang family, but now she has not retreated. Human nature is like this. If it doesn't involve self-interest, if you ask others for morality, you will change when it's your turn, and you won't be willing to pay.

Even if Wang Lu and He Shilan wanted to help Huang Yunbi, they would not be out of bottomless kindness when it might harm their own interests.

He Shilan frowned, worried and didn't know what to do. After all, Huang Yunbi was her good friend, and she still didn't know how to tell her that Su Qing's vegetables were expensive, and they couldn't afford them.

Seeing their sad faces, Su Qing simply suggested:

"You are all pharmacists, so you don't know how to study Aunt Huang's illness. When she gets sick, you can check her in person and ask the professors for advice. Can you refine a medicine for treatment? Don't always stare at her. If I don’t let go of vegetables, I have never heard that eating a la carte can cure diseases, and I still need medicine to treat diseases.”

Su Qingxin said, these two stubborn people know how to sell vegetables with money, why don't they know if Huang Yunbi's mother is really sick?

If you want to see Huang Jing's sickness, you just have to wait, you won't be able to wait in your lifetime, why worry about not being able to afford vegetables.

Wang Lu's eyes lit up,
"That's right, Qingqing, you are right, we pay for the food, it is better to help the aunt to treat the disease, this is what our pharmacists are good at, we don't know there is a professor, we have seen the state of Aunt Huang when she got sick, Collect good information and study it carefully.”

He Shilan nodded, part of pharmacy itself involves the field of medicine, it can be said that every pharmacist is also a doctor, and can treat people in the hospital.

Now the two of them stopped worrying, and began to discuss with high spirits again.

Su Qing watched the two leave with a smile, seeing their impatient looks,

Laughing inwardly, Huang Yunbi's mother and daughter are getting annoyed. After a long time, Huang Jing has never been sick again, and she is still in good health, living younger and younger. How will Wang Lu and He Shilan treat them? Lied to them.

Haha, Su Qing smiled unkindly.

Huang Jing just woke up when the sky was bright. Looking at the time, it was already 8 o'clock. Huang Jing wondered why she didn't wake up until this time. She must have delayed making breakfast.

She hurriedly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, walked out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom to wash up. Fortunately, today is a holiday, otherwise it would be a disaster, and she would be late for work.

When I opened the door, I saw my daughter busy making breakfast in the kitchen.
Seeing her mother getting up, Huang Yunbi smiled and said to her, "Good morning, Mom, you're up."

Huang Jing: "I got up late, why didn't you wake me up, I slept so badly."

Huang Yunbi said indifferently: "Today is a holiday, why did I tell you, you work so hard every day, sleep more, I made breakfast, you go wash up, it's ready to eat."

"Well," Huang Jing didn't say much, her daughter has been used to doing all kinds of housework since she was a child, and it's not difficult for her to cook a meal.

Huang Yunbi rubbed her eyes and murmured:
"Strange, am I dazzled? Mom looks so good, her skin is much whiter and tenderer, she looks several years younger."

Huang Jing walked into the bathroom, went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face, suddenly her hands stopped, she looked at herself in the mirror in surprise,

Is that woman with powdered face, white and tender skin and ruddy complexion himself?what happened?When she woke up, she was ten years younger and looked very good.

Only then did Huang Jing feel that not only did she look good, but she was also extremely relaxed, as if she had been reborn, and Huang Jing couldn't figure out what was going on.

The mother and daughter were sitting at the dining table having breakfast, Huang Yunbi kept looking at her mother, and couldn't help asking:

"Mom, your complexion looks very good, it's because you slept for two hours more, then you should take a good rest in the future."

Huang Jing said suspiciously: "I'm also wondering! I feel very relaxed and comfortable, like a mountain that has been pressed for a long time has finally been unloaded, and my energy is surprisingly full, and I have endless energy."

Huang Yunbi guessed: "Maybe you didn't have enough sleep before, and you should pay attention to rest in the future. In just one day, you are several years younger."

(End of this chapter)

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