Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 375 Depressed Huang Yunbi

Chapter 375 Depressed Huang Yunbi
Huang Jing didn't know the reason, so she could only believe what her daughter said.
After eating and packing up, Huang Yunbi sat on the sofa and watched some online news, Huang Jing cleaned the room, did the laundry,
Huang Yunbi glanced at the busy Huang Jing, and couldn't help asking: "Mom, you don't really want to spend money on Su Qing's vegetables, do you?"

Huang Jing paused, stopped what she was doing, looked at her daughter and said:
"Yunbi, when I got sick, although the pain was unbearable, it wouldn't kill me, and I passed it. In addition to daily expenses, the family's money also needs to save money for your school, buy various cultivation resources, and vegetables. Never mind."

Huang Yunbi shouted angrily:

"Mom, how can I forget it? I have worked hard to plan the current situation. If we persist, Su Qing may let go.

Even if she doesn't want to, Wang Lu and Shilan will help us. Both of them have very rich families, and there is that rich young man named Chen Hongfei. If I work hard on him, maybe the vegetable problem will be solved. "

Huang Jing said in disapproval:

"Yunbi, it's wrong for you to do that. How can we ask others to pay for us! We can't ask for Su Qing's vegetables for nothing.

She is alone, and her family can't be relied on. Our mother and daughter are better than her, how can you have the heart to bully a helpless little girl. "

Huang Yunbi disagreed and argued:

"She is helpless, very pitiful? Mom, it's not what you think! On the surface, Su Qing is very pitiful. She is an orphan who came from a poor family in the original galaxy, but you haven't seen Su Qing's situation at school. ,
She lives in a luxurious single-person dormitory, and uses the best ones. She has her own storage, a star net cabin in the room, and two cats. That poor person will be like her,
It is said that her living expenses are earned by selling potions and cultivating elixir. I don’t believe it at all. I am also a pharmacist. You know how much money I can earn. She must have the support of a financial backer. Vegetables, we might grind her down after a while. Su Qing's emotional intelligence is a bit low. Unless we say it clearly, she won't be able to hear the implied meaning at all. "

Huang Jing frowned and said, "Is what you said true? Even so, I don't think so when Su Qing opens her mouth to give you vegetables. She didn't let go of what I said yesterday. It's not that the child has a low EQ. Generally taciturn people are very smart, they see things thoroughly, but they don't like to talk, maybe Su Qing has already seen through your mind."

Hearing her mother's words, Huang Yunbi looked a little uneasy, and shouted out of composure:

"Impossible, just Su Qing's brain, how much scheming can she have, she is indeed extremely gifted in learning, and ordinary people of that kind have low EQ, otherwise how could she teach me a lot of medicine refining skills, which are better than those taught by the school teachers. "

Seeing that her daughter refused to accept her statement at all, Huang Jing had no choice but to say:

"No matter what, I don't support you plotting against Su Qing. You will definitely regret it. I feel much better. I can persist for a long time without getting sick. Don't think about vegetables for now. I really can't stand it. I'll buy some vegetables later. a little."

Huang Yunbi suppressed the uneasiness in her heart,
"Well, once you get sick, I will go to Su Qing and give her some money to buy some vegetables to save her life. I think she will definitely not refuse at that time."

As soon as the mother and daughter discussed it, He Shilan and Wang Lu excitedly sent a video to Huang Yunbi.

The video was connected, the two parties greeted politely, and then Wang Lu told about the fact that they and Su Qing went to appraise the vegetables,
Hearing that the vegetables grown by Su Qing had almost reached the ninth level, both mother and daughter's faces changed in shock. Now that it's over, the price must be too high for them to afford.

The mother and daughter looked at each other, all their original plans fell through, even if they wanted to buy it, they couldn't afford the money.

Hundreds of thousands of interstellar coins and a catty of vegetables are absolutely unaffordable for them.

Huang Jing's salary is already very high, but she is just an ordinary person and not a supernatural teacher. Although she earns a lot of money, it is already very difficult to provide a supernatural teacher to school. If Huang Yunbi can not solve part of it by herself, the money she earns is not enough to spend. of,
He Shilan and Wang Lu didn't see that the mother and daughter looked bad, and continued to chatter non-stop.

The mother and daughter understood. Wang Lu knew that vegetables were expensive and they couldn't afford them, so they wanted to help them with medical treatment.

Wang Lu said very sincerely: "Auntie, you must notify me when you are sick. We will go and see your condition. We will use all our connections to study this disease, and we will definitely cure you."

What can Huang Jing say, it is impossible to discourage the enthusiasm of the two girls. She has seen countless doctors and supernatural masters, but they can't find out the cause of her illness. Her illness can't be cured at all.

I had no choice but to smile kindly and say to Wang Lu, "Okay, thank you two for taking your troubles, we, Yunbi, are so lucky to have good friends like you."

Next, Huang Jing explained her illness in detail, when it started, how often it happened, and what happened each time. Wang Lu asked very carefully and returned the notes.

Seeing the serious looks of the two girls, Huang Jing sighed and let them do what she wanted, it won't get better anyway.

After turning off the video, Huang Jing was fine. She had been here for so many years, but she had to endure it and let it go.

Huang Yunbi's face was gloomy, and she was very unhappy. I really didn't expect that Su Qing's vegetables would be of such a high grade.

It turns out that it is true that her talent in spiritual planting is higher than that in pharmacy. The vegetables she grows at will are all high-level varieties. Then the elixir she cultivates has more energy, and she has to be short of money, so her plan has to be restarted The layout is done, this time it's a bit difficult, it's okay to be more challenging,
There was a firm light in Huang Yunbi's eyes. She would not give up on exploring Su Qing's interests. She just didn't like it. Why did Su Qing, who was born in poverty, live better than her.

Since the inspection of the vegetables, He Shilan and Wang Lu seldom came to the dormitory to look for Su Qing. They were busy researching Huang Jing's condition, looking up information on the star network, and consulting with many supernaturalists and pharmacists. She cared more than Huang Yunbi, her own daughter.

Huang Yunbi may be used to her mother's illness, and she was very healthy when she was not sick, so there is no need to worry.

She is just like a normal person, what to do, she will still come to Su Qing to exchange medicine refining, and ask Su Qing to guide her in refining some high-level medicines, but she never mentions vegetables.

More than a month has passed, and Wang Lu will ask every few days, how is Huang Yunbi's mother's condition?
Huang Yunbi said she was fine, and now her mother is in good health, very healthy.

After many times, Wang Lu began to wonder whether Aunt Huang was really sick, and her attitude became more and more sharp. She didn't want to be deceived.

She is not a person who can hide her emotions, Huang Yunbi can see this, she is also very puzzled,

In the past, her mother would have seizures every half a month, and if painkillers didn't work, she would go home to rest and fight hard.
Every time she sees her mother in such pain, she feels like a pinprick in her heart, because eating Su Qing's vegetables can relieve her pain, so she has the cheek to ask for more vegetables, but she didn't expect to be said to be taking advantage.

But it has been a long time since her birthday. Not only has her mother not fallen ill again, her body is also surprisingly good.

I can't blame Wang Lu's changing attitude, she is becoming more and more rude to her, even Shi Lan started to ask her cryptically if her mother is not sick at all, now it's as if she lied to everyone, she has no reasonable explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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