Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 379 Mercenary City

Chapter 379 Mercenary City
There are many jade slips about formations in the space. Su Qing read them quietly and memorized them all, and kept studying them in his mind. If he didn't understand, he directly asked the ancestor,

Luo Zilan's level of formation is only average, and she doesn't understand many advanced formations, so Su Qing has to learn by herself, and has nothing to do to pass the time.

There is also a gravity room and a kung fu room on the spaceship. Meng Yan likes to practice martial arts the most, otherwise he will feel uncomfortable all over.

Meng Yu also couldn't practice Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu. Although he had just practiced the kung fu, his progress was not slow, and he quickly entered the initial level of Qi training.

Su Qing is not teaching Meng Hao spells, and wants to wait until Meng Hao's Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu has been cultivated to a high level, and Meng Hao will not be insane and out of control. Otherwise, let him master powerful abilities, and she will fight it herself But what about Meng Hao?After all, that set of exercises is evil.

When Meng Yan was practicing, Chen Hongfei and the others would also practice against him, but Meng Hao's cultivation base was already much higher than theirs.
The first time he practiced against Meng Hao, he lost his strength and knocked Wang Bin into the air, almost causing him serious injuries. He was sent to the medical recovery cabin quickly, and he was fine.

Chen Hongfei looked at Meng Hao in shock, "Brother, okay, I haven't seen you for more than a month, your skill is so high, it's too powerful, you can go to the martial arts arena on Xingwang and challenge those masters."

Seeing that Wang Bin was fine, Meng Hao breathed a sigh of relief. Hearing what Chen Hongfei said, he shook his head and said:

"I don't want to go to the fighting arena. There are seniors everywhere. I'm sure I can't beat them."

Meng Hao knew that his skill was higher than others, and he used to use [-]% of his power when training against Chen Hongfei before. Since he practiced the Heavenly Dragon Wuxiang God and Demon Kungfu, his skill has greatly improved. , How can others stand it.

It seems that I can only use [-]% of my strength in the future, otherwise the teachers will find out immediately when I am in school, and it will be troublesome to ask the reason. If you increase it a little, everyone will feel normal.

After this incident, Chen Hongfei and the others never practiced against Meng Yan again. Wang Lu had known herself for a long time, and never thought of fighting Meng Yan. After the military training, she knew that Meng Yan was much stronger than her.

Two days passed quickly, the spaceship landed on Gothic Star, and a few people walked out of the airport and needed to take an aircraft to a city near the Hengduan Mountains.

As soon as everyone disembarked from the spaceship, someone greeted them. The Chen family also has business in Gothic Planet. In Tianyang City near the Hengduan Mountains, there is a luxury hotel of the Chen family. Many tourists choose to stay at the Chen Family Hotel.

The hotel manager has long been waiting to welcome Chen Hongfei and his party at the space port. When he saw the crowd, he greeted them with a smile.

"Young Master Chen, hello, I'm Tianyang City, Zhao Shirong, the general manager of the hotel under the Chen family, and I'm here to pick you up."

Chen Hongfei nodded, "Well, hello, I'm sorry to trouble you, then let's go, go back to the hotel and settle down first."

Zhao Shirong smiled and said, "Alright Young Master Chen, please follow me."

Zhao Shirong was only polite and courteous to Chen Hongfei, entertaining him with a lively chat and laughter, and didn't care much about other people.

It didn't matter to Su Qing and the others, they came out to play, and the Chen family provided food and lodging, so what else could they choose, the Chen family's employees naturally showed great hospitality to Chen Hongfei.

Everyone followed Zhao Shirong into the aircraft and flew towards Tianyang City.
When they arrived at the hotel, Zhao Shirong called the waiter and arranged rooms for everyone. Su Qing still shared the same room with Wang Lu, but the room had its own independent bedroom, and the conditions were very good.

Chen Hongfei was on the communicator, inviting everyone to come out for dinner, go for a walk in the city after dinner, then come back to rest, and go to the mountains tomorrow morning.

Wang Lu pulled Su Qing, ran out of the room, joined the crowd, and went to the restaurant for dinner.

Those bodyguards followed behind a few people, because this is an urban area, and their own hotel is not in danger, so they didn't always guard Chen Hongfei's side.

After dinner, when everyone was walking on the streets of Tianyang City, the bodyguards of the Wang family and the Chen family began to be on alert, closely protecting Wang Lu and Chen Hongfei.

Chen Hongfei disliked the fact that there were too many bodyguards, so he only let four of them follow him when he went shopping.

The bodyguard captain, Uncle Sun, had no choice but to arrange the four most powerful people to protect Chen Hongfei. As for the other students, depending on their luck, if something happened, they would be rescued if they were in trouble. If they were in danger, they should protect Chen Hongfei's safety.

Tianyang City is not too big, and there are very few permanent residents. Most of them are tourists and people from various mercenary regiments. At first, it was just a temporary resting place for some mercenary regiments.
After a long time, as major commercial groups settled in and acquired Yishou and Lingzhi, the city gradually developed.

This place is not as high-tech as other cities. Everything looks very primitive and rough. Many houses are made of local materials and built with stones from the mountains.

Chen’s hotel is already considered the most fashionable and luxurious place in the city. Most residents live in stone bungalows, and many shops like to be built like that.
Most of the people passing by in the street were armed with various weapons, full of evil spirits, and a lot of blood stains on their protective clothing. They returned to the city in groups, and there were also heavily armed mercenaries rushing to the depths of the mountains.

Every shop has waiters who are enthusiastic about attracting business, introducing the latest products on the shelves in the shop.

It is the first time for them to come to such a city, and they feel very fresh. They have seen too many high-tech metropolises, but this is the first time they have seen such a style city. Unique style here.

Many people are setting up stalls to sell things on the street. The city here is not big, and people can travel by stepping on a flying board at most. Flying cars and other means of transportation are rarely used in the city. Most people are used to walking. They mainly enter the mountains and need to walk. The means of transportation are not suitable for use in the mountains.

Chen Hongfei has never seen any good things since he was a child, but he has never seen those things in their original form. He is interested in the goods at the street stalls, but he doesn't buy them casually, he just looks at them.

Many people in the city are selling a kind of adventure booklet, introducing various mysterious places in the mountains, which are specially sold to tourists who come for the first time.

Chen Hongfei and his group saw that the young master of the rich family was out to play, and several people ran up to sell it. Chen Hongfei bought a copy without hesitation. This is like a game guide, and you definitely need to read it to understand it. The various attractions in it are very mysterious. , many people claim to have seen miraculous phenomena.

Everyone bought a lot of small things needed to enter the mountain, but Su Qing and Meng Hao didn't buy anything, they had already prepared everything.

They went back to the hotel after strolling around. There were quite a few people like them traveling on the street. Many of them came in groups, and there were also special tour guides. The Chen family was rich and powerful, and hired an entire mercenary group. There are very few people who bring their own bodyguards, and the main one is Chen Hongfei, the treasure of the Chen family.

After returning to the hotel, Zhao Shirong took them to an underground warehouse where various supplies and weapons had been prepared.

"Young Master Chen, and a few classmates, I have prepared everything for you. You choose the appropriate materials and weapons and bring them with you, so you will be prepared."

The adults think that it's just a few children going to the mountains for a stroll and sightseeing. They are all well-known scenic spots that have been developed for many years. There are few powerful alien beasts, and there is basically no danger, but they must bring all the equipment.

A few people went over, picked up a special backpack for wild adventures, packed some wild survival items, convenient food and water, and weapons, including long knives, daggers and laser guns.

Su Qing only took a dagger and began to pack some useful things in his backpack. Meng Hao took a long knife and a laser gun. Boys prefer hot weapons.

Chen Hongfei also went to put things in his backpack, carried a laser gun on his back, and put a dagger on his waist, feeling full of air.

(End of this chapter)

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