Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 380 Blood Wolf Mercenary Group

Chapter 380 Blood Wolf Mercenary Group
Everyone also needs to wear a set of protective clothing, which can protect the whole body and resist ordinary injuries. It seems that the Chen family is really well prepared.

The weapons and equipment used by the bodyguards are not here, these are for a few children to play with.

Professional bodyguards don't know how to use these toy-like weapons. They all have their own customary weapons. The Chen family should help prepare the supplies.

Chen Hongfei and the others chose what they needed, and went back to their rooms to rest, waiting to enter the mountain tomorrow morning.

The blood wolf mercenary group is a medium-sized mercenary group with more than [-] people, the majority of them are supernatural masters, and the rest are special soldiers who have retired from the army. , a ruthless man who fought bloody battles.

The leader of the blood wolf mercenary group is Xie Jiahao, a middle-aged man. Their mercenary group has been active in the depths of the mountains of various planets for a long time, hunting and gathering, and maintaining the expenses of the entire mercenary group.

This time, he accepted a job as a protector online. Because the other party offered him a lot of money, Xie Jiahao took it without thinking too much, and the two parties signed an employment contract.

According to the agreement, Xie Jiahao brought more than [-] people from the group to Chen's Hotel early in the morning to pick up the client and go to the mountain for fun.

He had heard of the Chen Group, and he must have brought the young master into the mountains to play around again, so Xie Jiahao asked the powerful players in the group to go into the mountains to fight strange beasts, and he took the rest of the people to accompany the young master Chen Go for a walk in the mountains.

He took people into the hotel and explained the situation to the front desk. The reception lady told them to sit down on the sofa in the lobby and wait a while, Young Master Chen and the others were still eating.

Chen Hongfei and the others got up early, and they are about to enter the mountain, who will delay the time, they are eating breakfast,

Hearing that the people from the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group were coming, Chen Hongfei immediately said to the waiter: "Understood, let them wait."

The hotel waiter agreed, and went to the lobby to reply to the mercenary group.

Wang Lu inevitably sneered again: "It's just going to the mountains to play around, and you are also a bodyguard and a mercenary. You might as well be carried by the bodyguards. What kind of adventure is this?"

Chen Hongfei retorted:

"What do you know, a brainless woman? It's written in the manual. We just need to go and see the mysterious places one by one. Maybe we'll be lucky enough to encounter some ruins. You think we're here to fight alien beasts, so what? It’s meaningless, treasure hunting is the main purpose, in case there is another relic, Qinglian Sect just appeared suddenly, without the leadership of the mercenary group, how can we reach those places safely.”

Wang Lu snorted coldly and ignored him. After all, the uncle who paid the money, the Chen family organized the trip. The Chen family paid for all the food and lodging. All the staff around him are subordinates of the Chen family. How could she fight him hard? !
Chen Hongfei and the others finished their meal, went back to their room to sort out their equipment, put on protective clothing, and gathered in the hall to prepare to set off.

Wang Lu saw Su Qing stuffing some food, water and basic items into a backpack and carried it on her back, and asked her strangely,
"Qingqing, you can't fit in your storage container, and I still have a spare, I'll help you."

Su Qing shook her head, "No, I am prepared for any danger. In case our storage device cannot be opened, the contents in the backpack can save lives."

Wang Lu laughed, and said with disbelief, "Don't be kidding, why is the storage device useless?"

Su Qing said with a serious expression:
"I'm not joking, there are many mysteries, the abnormal magnetic field will affect the storage device, it will not be opened, and the contents will not be taken out. How are you going to spend it in the deep mountains?"

Wang Lu was taken aback, is that so?She thinks it makes sense, and they all say that eggs should not be put in one basket, but should be separated to spread risks.

She also took out her backpack, filled some of the supplies, imitated Su Qing to fasten the dagger around her waist, packed everything up, and walked out of the room.

It wasn't until they inquired and gathered everyone that they found that Meng Yu and Ma Junhui were carrying schoolbags, that they realized that everyone had considered the problem of the storage device not being able to be opened.

Only Chen Hongfei didn't have a backpack, only held a dagger, and resisted a laser gun. This kind of hot weapon can only be used when hunting in Tianyang City. When returning to the administrative planet, ordinary people are not allowed to carry weapons with them. Qualified to bring their own instruments.

When Chen Hongfei saw the backpack behind Wang Lu, he laughed and said:
"Wang Lu, you are also afraid that the storage device will not work well, hehe, you all are really worrying!!"

Wang Lu didn't bother to argue with him, but just gave him a blank look without saying a word.

Xie Jiahao of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Corps saw Chen Hongfei and the others approaching, and hurriedly got up to meet them.

"This is Young Master Chen. Hello, I am Xie Jiahao from the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group. Our mercenary group was hired by Mr. Chen to lead you to the mountains. We will arrange the itinerary along the way."

Chen Hongfei nodded, "Hello, Captain Xie, but I want to explain that we are not sightseeing, but exploring secrets and treasures."

Xie Jiahao smiled and nodded, "That's right, it's a treasure hunt, maybe we can find that ruin to open it, and we will follow you to get rich."

Xie Jiahao, as the head of the mercenary group, must be good at dancing, everyone has seen it, but the young master of the rich family is mostly arrogant, so he can say whatever he likes.

Chen Hongfei opened the expedition manual, "Look at these mysterious places, we all have to go and have a look, we can't come here in vain."

Xie Jiahao glanced over, Chen Hongfei marked several addresses in the adventure manual in his hand, nodded,

"Okay, no problem, it's just that we're all done. We're going to stay in the mountains for a few days. I don't know if the young masters and ladies can bear it."

Chen Hongfei said proudly:

"Don't worry, we have all experienced military training. We have all survived such a difficult environment. Don't worry about what kind of difficult environment we are afraid of!"

Xie Jiahao smiled and said nothing, thinking that those pediatrics in the military training are nothing. Fortunately, the places they are going to are several important tourist attractions, and there is no danger. Don't look at the legends that people always see mysterious events. Most of them are fabricated. In order to attract more tourists.

He called everyone to set off. They still needed to fly to the bottom of the mountain and hike into the mountain.

A group of people went to the edge of the mountain and stored the flying car in a special parking lot. This place has been developed very advanced, and everything is no different from the city.
There are also a lot of people entering the mountain. After thousands of years, a very flat and wide mountain road winds and spreads to the distance of the mountain, and there are endless tourists along the way.

It was knowing this situation that the Chen family couple would let their precious son come here for a trip, otherwise how could they feel relieved.

After Chen Hongfei and the others got off the car, they looked into the mountains. The nearby peaks were fairly flat. Deep in the mountains, the peaks overlapped and surrounded, one after another, shadowy shadows looming in the misty clouds and smoke. ,
Chen Hongfei and the others wowed a few times in amazement. It was the first time for those who hadn't seen it before to see mountains stretching for thousands of miles. The vegetation in the distance was dense and green everywhere.

These mountain peaks look like mountains and peaks, but they are only the periphery of the Hengduan Mountains, and they are still very far away from the middle.
The outskirts have been explored by humans for thousands of years, and there has been no great danger for a long time. The mercenaries entering the mountains will not gain much in the outskirts. Now the outskirts are tourist attractions, and a large number of tourists come to check in every day.

Xie Jiahao said to a few people: "Young Master Chen, students, our mercenary group will lead the way, and you and Young Master Chen's bodyguards will follow behind. This journey is basically not dangerous. Let's go to the Rift Valley first."

Chen Hongfei said anxiously: "Okay, let's go, don't be unable to walk a lot in a day, you can march in a hurry when there are few people."

Xie Jiahao nodded with a smile, without any dissatisfaction, and said a few more precautions, and then led the team into the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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