Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 381 Running to the Rift Valley

Chapter 381 Running to the Rift Valley

It is very safe within a few hundred miles of entering the mountains, and there has never been an accident, so don’t be too nervous, just like going out for a walk,
If it is more than [-] kilometers, you should be careful, but it is also a place where people often go. The powerful strange beasts have been cleaned up long ago, so there is generally no need to worry.

The task of their blood wolf is to arrange it along the way, so that Chen Shao and a few classmates can eat and sleep well, and play around leisurely to complete the task.

Xie Jiahao thinks that they must have easily earned the money. Rich people really dare to spend money. When they go out to play, they have to bring dozens of people to protect them.

A group of more than fifty people walked on the mountain road. Along the way, there were many other groups also going to the mountain. Most of them were tourist groups who came to visit. The tour guide led the team holding a banner and introduced various attractions.

Chen Hongfei and the others are inconspicuous in the crowd. After all, there are many people who come out to play, and there are also many people from the mercenary group. With various weapons, they walk fast, overtaking the tourists, and rushing towards the mountains. They don't have time to hurry. If so It took three days to reach the depths of the mountains.

Xie Jiahao stopped by the several scenic spots designated by Chen Hongfei. The first place he took everyone to visit was the Rift Sky Valley, which is a must-see for all tourists.

The terrain of Rifting Sky Valley is a tall mountain, which seems to be split by a huge sharp blade from the sky, forming a huge gap. From the aerial view, it is obvious that the entire mountain is split in half. When walking through Rifting Sky Valley , There is a feeling of a ray of sky.

Passing through the Rift Sky Valley, you can reach Xiatianshui Lake, Tianmu Forest, Wuya Mountain, Wuwang Peak, and several other famous scenic spots.
Those places with beautiful scenery and hidden mountains and rivers are mostly tourist attractions, and they are also the places where the most mysterious events are introduced in the adventure manual.

Chen Hongfei followed the specified tour plan introduced in the adventure manual,
Seeing Young Master Chen's travel itinerary, Xie Jiahao felt at ease. It was a safe place on the periphery, and there had been no problems for thousands of years. Occasionally, some mysterious and strange incidents would occur, but no one was injured or injured.

It's nothing more than where the fog suddenly fills up, the mountain peak shines brightly, and there are mirage scenery in some places, but you can't feel it or enter it when you walk there.

Anyway, there is nothing unusual, there are many mysterious things in the mountains, and some people say that there are monsters in Tianshui Lake!There is no definite evidence so far.

Chen Hongfei and his friends talked and laughed and walked towards the mountains. Everyone was relaxed and happy, no different from shopping.
Wang Lu and Su Qing walked behind the four boys, whispering their own whispers,

Wang Lu won't hold back when she has something to do, so she should confide in Su Qing. She is too troubled now, and she doesn't know whether Huang Yunbi has lied to her or not.

Su Qing looked at Wang Lu, who was full of trouble, with narrow eyes, and said softly:

"Maybe Huang Yunbi didn't lie, it's just that her mother's illness is not as serious as she said, so I am embarrassed to tell you that she is ill and ask you to record the illness. It is not a good thing. I don't need to sell my vegetables to her. I am I grow what I eat, and I don’t want to sell it.”

Wang Lu sighed, "Qingqing, you are still young, how can you understand that people are sinister? No matter what purpose Huang Yunbi lies for, it shows that she has a bad character and is not worth dealing with. My mother told me to keep contact with her less, or I will be betrayed by her one day. Yes, and help count the money."

"Hmm!!" Su Qing nodded, this is true.

Wang Lu is straight-minded, not because she is stupid, but simply because she has little knowledge of human nature. After being out of the society for a period of time, Huang Yunbi's unapproachable methods are no match for Wang Lu, who was carefully cultivated by the family.

Chen Hongfei got over the excitement at the beginning, and felt too slow for walking like this. When he reached the Rift Valley at this speed, he asked Xie Jiahao to speed up, he didn't want to mix with a group of tourists.

Although Xie Jiahao was disdainful in his heart, he smiled and said:
"Since Young Master Chen wants to speed up, then we will start to speed up. Whenever you can't run anymore, just say hello, and we will start to rest."

There are still more than [-] miles away from the Rifting Valley, so it's no wonder that a few young students can run.

Xie Jiahao yelled, and started running with his mercenaries. The speed was not very fast at first, but when he saw that Chen Hongfei and the others could easily keep up, he started to speed up.

A group of them overtook the large group of tour groups and ran to the front. Without slowing down, they began to run wildly on the mountain road, flying past many hills.

Everyone else was fine. Although Chen Hongfei had a background in military training, he couldn't run at such a high altitude for a long time.

He looked at Meng Xiao beside him, and said out of breath, "Meng, Xiao, take me with you."

Meng Hao didn't talk nonsense, he hugged Chen Hongfei with one hand, hung him on his arm, and rushed forward without reducing the speed of his feet. This kind of speed was too easy for him, without any effort at all. He could run for several days without stopping. .

After running for more than an hour, Xie Jiahao thought that the group of little fellows would be overwhelmed and asked to take a rest, but he didn't expect that no one spoke, and the footsteps behind him didn't stop.

He turned his head and took a glance, only to find that Young Master Chen was hanging on his friend's arm without any effort at all, and the others could still hold on.

Although he turned his head quickly, he could see the state of everyone clearly with a glance. The six children, except Chen Shao who was being dragged by his classmates, the two boys looked a little unhappy, and the other three ran away. For a long time, not even a drop of sweat came out, and it seemed very relaxed,
This made Xie Jiahao a little surprised. It was no surprise that the bodyguards could keep up. The students were not slow and did not fall behind, which surprised him a little. But this is good, and it can save a lot of time on the road.

As soon as they ran, they soon arrived near the Rifting Valley. Xie Jiahao waved his hand to signal everyone to stop. The mercenaries are used to running in the mountains, so they are basically fine and a little short of breath at most.
Unexpectedly, a few young students were able to keep up with them, and even some of the bodyguards were out of breath.

Chen Hongfei moved his hands and feet, and asked Xie Jiahao: "Head Xie, has the Rifting Valley arrived yet?"

Xie Jiahao pointed forward, "We're almost there. After running for a long time, everyone should take a rest first, and then have the energy to visit the Rift Valley."

Chen Hongfei nodded, sat down on a random stone by the side of the road, took out a bottle of water and drank it, while the others also found places to rest,

The bodyguards of the Chen family were still guarding Chen Hongfei's side, but the boss repeatedly told him not to let the young master have any problems, and absolutely not to go to dangerous places.

Wang Lu was originally suffocating a fire in her heart, and she talked to Su Qing, and then went for a long-distance run in the mountains. It felt like returning to military training, and her heart was much happier.

After resting for 30 minutes, everyone continued on the road amidst Xie Jiahao's greeting, and soon reached the Rifting Valley.

Looking at the photos and introductions in the manual, it is far from the shock of being there. The towering mountains are like clouds, and there is a gap in the middle, which extends to the bottom.

Looking at the mountain range from a distance, it looks like a gap has been opened, but when you get closer, you can see it clearly. This gap is several miles wide, and the length just runs through the mountain range, forming a passage.

Otherwise, if you want to cross this mountain peak, you have to climb up the mountain and then climb down. With the Rift Sky Valley, you can directly cross it.

This gap is very huge, otherwise it is called the Rift Valley. There are many vegetation growing in it. Because of the continuous development of human beings over the years, a landscape has been formed inside for tourists to visit, and for businessmen to attract customers.

Xie Jiahao stood at the entrance of the passage and said: "Young Master Chen, the Sky Rift Valley is here, you can freely visit within this range, it's very safe here."

(End of this chapter)

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