Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 506 The Graduation Competition Begins

Chapter 506 The Graduation Competition Begins

Zhu Xiuyun ate the New Year's Eve dinner with Uncle Su's family. Su Feng's big family, sons, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren, the old couple laughed and were filled with happiness. Only Zhu Xiuyun smiled on his face, but his heart was filled with bitterness. Take a look at the granddaughter in the video, soon, the granddaughter will come back to pick her up.

Time flies, the new year is over, and the new semester begins. This year, Su Qing, Meng Yu, Chen Hongfei, Zhou Ya, Wang Lu, etc. will finally usher in the graduation competition. After this semester, they will leave the campus and go their separate ways. , officially started his career.

Teachers, professors, and department heads of all departments are rushing to finish the courses of the new semester, and then start to review, so that everyone can go to the school library to read books and check information. For the students of Dabi, the teacher even gave special instructions.

Because of his good performance and rapid improvement in grades, Chen Hongfei was also selected as a member of Su Qing's team.
Not to mention, I am afraid of being serious about anything. Once I focus on something, I will definitely be able to do it well. Originally, Chen Hongfei's grades were only average.

He is originally a wood-type supernatural power, and he is amazingly talented in giving birth to plants. The teacher quickly decided on him as the firepower output of the team, and other students were responsible for some technical problems.

This made many people in the class start to look at this scumbag with admiration. They didn't expect Chen Hongfei to have such high superhuman abilities besides dating girls.

As the big competition is getting closer, all the students participating in the competition are hurrying up to make the final assault and strive for good results in the preliminary competition, because the preliminary competition is held on the star network, when the time comes, the students can go directly to the school's star network cabin to log in to the star network .

Su Qing is nourished now, with Bai Qian as the all-round maid, Bai Qian will handle many tasks without having to do it herself.
She also reads a lot of life tips on the Internet by herself, and manages Su Qing's life very well. Su Qing feels that Bai Qian has the potential to become a full-time wife, and she doesn't even care about the cultivation that monsters value most. up.

Dedicated to experiencing the benefits of being a human being, she also likes to watch idol romance dramas, and is immersed in false love and hatred every day.

Originally, the fox girl was affectionate and liked to have emotional entanglements with human men. It was nothing more than that after the fox turned into a human form, she envied the love between men and women in the world and wanted to experience it!
Su Qing had warned Bai Qian a long time ago that she should not attack the boys in the school. There are too many supernatural teachers here, so it is very likely that she will discover her identity. She likes love games, and she will try it with an ordinary man in the future.

Bai Qian is not a young fox either, after all, she has lived for so long, she still has the strength to concentrate, she very firmly stated that she just likes to watch the series, and she doesn't want to experience it for herself.

With Bai Qian to help with the trivial matters of life, Su Qing devotes all her attention to her studies. Even if she studies well and has a high level of cultivation, the competition between colleges is comprehensive, and any weird questions may come up. Query information.

The libraries of major colleges and the virtual libraries on the star network are full of students, and they are all making their last efforts.

In the tense study atmosphere, the preliminary round of the All-Imperial College Competition began, because all the colleges in the entire empire were involved, and the empire was vast, including three major galaxies and many planets. If you want to compete at the same time, you must be on the star network.

This competition is no less influential than the annual intermediate class graduation exam. After all, it is a contest between college students, and they have risen by an unknown number of levels.

Although many of them are still students, their ability is no less than those of professional ability masters. Once they can show their faces in this competition and perform well, they don't have to worry about their future.

At the same time, the annual competition is also the most intense competition among the various colleges. According to the results, it can be proved that the students trained by the college are the most powerful, and more outstanding intermediate class graduates will be absorbed to apply for the exam at the end of the year.

The college graduate competition held every year attracts the attention of the military, various government departments, even interstellar pirates, and various forces in the Federal Republic. They will see how many outstanding people there are in this class of students, and if there are suitable ones, they will recruited into their own forces.

The hostile forces are studying the next generation of the empire, who are the elites, and are collecting more detailed information on individuals.

The annual Grand Competition is also a stage for young people to show off. Students who stand out in the competition every year will eventually become great figures and grow into leaders in all walks of life in the empire.

Of course, there are also students who performed well at this time, but failed to succeed, and have since been eclipsed and lost to everyone.

Qinglan College, as one of the top [-] university colleges in the empire, will definitely stand ready to achieve better results, and the ranking cannot drop.

Su Qing, Meng Hao, Wang Lu, and most of the small group participated in this competition. Originally, the dozen or so of them were all elites from various departments. They must participate in this competition to win honor for the college.

Although everyone thinks well, the strength lies in where the strength lies. The students with strong strength are all in the colleges with higher rankings. The central galaxy accounts for most of the places, and the middle galaxy ranks only at the bottom. The goal since then is to keep the original ranking and strive for a few more advancements.

In the intense and tense atmosphere, the participating students from all departments entered the star network cabin in an orderly manner, began to log in to the star network, entered the specially set competition address, and started the first round of preliminary competition.

There is no competition in the preliminary round, and they are all kinds of basic knowledge exams. The questions are very difficult and strict, and many ordinary colleges are eliminated directly. This time, [-]% of the students are eliminated. They are all ordinary colleges. They had already expected to run with them.

Only a few students in the original galaxy can pass the preliminary competition in each class, [-]% of the students in the medium galaxy pass the preliminary competition, and all the students in the central galaxy pass the preliminary competition.

After a month of recuperation, the second round of preliminaries will be held on the star network. This time, the competition will start, divided into groups and individual competitions. According to the number of points, the top [-] schools will be selected to participate in the finals.

There are many colleges in the Galactic Empire. For the [-] places, the student unions of various departments are fighting to the death.

Fighting in the martial arts department, mech department, supernatural department, and animal science is the most cruel. Fortunately, they all compete on the star network. Even if they are killed by their opponents, they are not really dead. Once they die or admit defeat, it means The student is disqualified from the competition, and the college doesn't get any points.

Competitions in the Artifact Refining Department, Pharmacy Department, Spiritual Planting Department, and Array Department are relatively less intense, and the competition is all about the students' technical level.

The students from the central galaxy beat the students from the medium galaxy, and the students from the primordial galaxy who accidentally passed the preliminary round were even more powerless to fight back.

For example, several academies in the medium galaxy are ranked within the top 100, which are stronger than some academies in the central galaxy.

Wang Lu's Department of Pharmacy, Su Qing's Lingzhi School, Gu Rui's Artifact Refining Department, and Tsinglan College's students from each department that participated this year broke through the encirclement, defeated their opponents, and entered the next round of competition.

The level of Qinglan's various departments ranks very high in the empire, so the major forces are not surprised. What surprised them most was the rise of the martial arts department of Qinglan College this year. A student named Meng Hao made everyone's eyes shine. By the time of the rematch, every course was excellent, even his teammates were not bad.

Everyone discussed that this year's Martial Arts Department of Qinglan College is good. It is rare that they have been hiding for so long, and now they are revealed. Once the scores of Qinglan Martial Arts Department go up, this year's ranking may move up a lot. This makes the original ranking Several colleges in front of Qinglan College began to get tense.

(End of this chapter)

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