Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 507 Entering the finals

Chapter 507 Entering the finals
The scores of Tsing Lan College are very close to them. If the martial arts department can rise this year, it will definitely surpass them.

When everyone focused on Meng Yu from the martial arts department, they didn't know that there was a more powerful master in the Lingzhi department, and Su Qing was also Qinglan's secret weapon.

Su Qing's performance in the preliminaries was quite satisfactory, and she was not out of line. If she can pass the competition, she can enter the next round. Anyway, she only participates in the team competition, and the individual competition is handed over to a few talented students in the department. Although they are not very good, but It is not a problem to get points, not worse than last year.

Therefore, Su Qing only needs to ensure that the entire team has a high score. Many people have not noticed that in the team competitions of the Lingzhi Department of Tsinglan College, whether it is a confrontation match, an exhibition match, or a quiz match, the points obtained are surprisingly consistent. On a horizontal line, even if someone in the team makes a mistake and deducts points, Su Qing can still come back.

The students who participated in the competition were still a little nervous, especially Zhou Ya, Li Hong, and Chen Hongfei. Don't look arrogant and domineering in school, they will become kittens here. They made several mistakes. Points will be lost more.

Fortunately, students from other colleges will also make mistakes. Qinglan's students, after all, are strong, and there are two masters, Chen Hongfei and Su Qing. Shortcomings, not to mention the super boss Su Qing, who would have thought that there would be two super masters in a team.

After a few days of competition, all Qinglan College advanced, advancing into the top [-] in one go, and the results were very high, which made the principal and teachers of various subjects almost faint with joy, but still calmly comforted himself, the preliminaries are not good enough What?The main reason is that this time the Martial Arts Department is working hard, and the points are relatively high. In the end, it depends on the performance of the finals.

Five hundred colleges and universities from various planets in the empire struggled to advance to the finals. They had to lead the participating students to fly to the imperial capital Star Dragon City to participate in the finals and rank the latest college rankings. Of course, these rankings have slight changes every year, but basically Has not changed much.

The top ten academies in the central galaxy are always those ones. Since the establishment of the empire, the ten oldest academies have not fallen out of the top ten. They have always been envied by other academies, but they cannot surpass them.
Su Qing and Zhou Ya pushed the star network cabin away, and climbed out with a pale face.

Zhou Ya whispered excitedly, "Qingqing, that's great, we can go to the Imperial Star to compete, hahaha, I knew we would definitely beat our opponents, and when we met the students from the Central Galaxy, we were frightened by several mistakes I."

Chen Hongfei curled his lips, "You girls just can't do it, you stutter when you speak, I have no problem, give birth to Lingzhi, without me, can it be done so quickly?"

Even though Zhou Ya was harsh, she couldn't deny Chen Hongfei's credit. Indeed, he had the highest supernatural ability in the team. He played a decisive role in giving birth to Lingzhi, and immediately opened up the scores with other teams.

"Yes, you, Young Master Chen, have made great achievements."

"Hahaha," Chen Hongfei laughed happily.

All the participating students of the Lingzhi Department entered the finals, and everyone was of course very happy.

On the side of the Martial Arts Department, Meng Hao, Wang Bin, and Ma Junhui opened the star network cabin one after another, and the continuous fighting made them feel dizzy and nauseous. This is a reaction to excessive mental energy consumption.

Compared with the Department of Pharmacy and the Department of Spiritual Planting, the Department of Martial Arts is based entirely on the fighting of students. Competing in martial arts, mechs, weapon shooting, various means of transportation, and the use of battleships all the way, the martial arts department has the most points in the martial arts competition. The opponent will get points, the loser will be out, and every student in Tsinglan College is working hard.

It’s not just Qinglan’s Martial Arts Department that will specialize in special training. Colleges with the conditions will train participating students. Some students’ training is even more difficult than Meng Xiao’s. No one’s good grades come out of thin air. It takes sweat and hard work. .

Meng Hao took the individual competition and the team competition, and fought on two fronts. He consumed more mental power. If it weren't for his good health, strong mental power, and advanced martial arts, he really wouldn't be able to persist. Let Meng Hao display his full ability. After all, it is virtual. Meng Hao faced one battle after another and won very difficultly. Of course, he also lost two battles.

Those gifted students in the Central Galaxy were not easy to fight. Meng Yan could only fight with them many times. In the end, he didn't lose any points or score. Only the two games against the top ten academies lost.

All the schools in the middle galaxy do not like to be assigned as opponents with the students of the central galaxy, and there is still a gap in strength.

Originally, Meng Hao thought that his cultivation base was very high. Whether he was on missions with mercenaries or training in the army, he was able to handle it with ease. He didn't expect to fight with students from prestigious schools in the Central Galaxy. They were no worse than him, and their skills were still faintly superior. It's a lot for him, and he didn't deserve to lose.

Of course, Meng Hao's strength was limited, and it was also a reason why he didn't show it. Even so, it calmed Meng Hao's arrogance a lot.

He hadn't encountered any setbacks in the past few years, so he was naturally a little flustered. He didn't expect to start the preliminaries. Every opponent was not easy, and he finally calmed down a lot.

After the preliminaries and preliminaries, Meng Hao realized how different he was from the people of the Central Galaxy. After graduating from the academy this year, he will directly enter the army, stationed in difficult places, and sharpen himself by the way.

Only in the most dangerous and difficult environment can his cultivation level continue to improve. He strives for more meritorious deeds, all the way to promotion, to the top ranks of the army, and suppresses the Heavenly Dragon Wuxiang Shenmo Kungfu so that he will not lose his mind.

As for Qingqing and the two families, they will buy a manor according to their plan, and let the two families plant various crops together.
With Qingqing as a cultivator, he will definitely be able to grow high-energy crops and spiritual plants well. The two families will not have to worry about food and drink, and the younger generation can also have a good educational environment.

At that time, finding a suitable man for Qingqing is better than finding a man in a hurry now. What good is a man who has just graduated and achieved nothing, and many outstanding students will not look at Qingqing.

He and Qingqing came from bad backgrounds. Many people still don't recognize them based on their identities as college students, and even outstanding people will not marry them.

Qingqing has said a word since she was a child, she would rather be short than excessive, since this is the case, Qingqing's marriage is not in a hurry, he will find a suitable man for Qingqing.

Meng Hao's thinking gradually matured, and he began to arrange the future lives of the two families from his own perspective, and even took care of Qingqing's marriage.

He leaned against the star-net cabin and looked at Wang Bin and Ma Junhui. The two friends also looked pale, covered their mouths, and hadn't climbed out of the star-net cabin.

The two of them have changed a lot in these years. When they first met, they still looked down on Meng Fong. As time went by, Meng Fong showed a strong talent in combat, and he was more and more valued by the teachers in the department. They were selected together as the key students for training, Meng Xiao was the main force, and the two of them were assistants.

It seems to be back in the past. In the secret realm, Meng Hao always intercepted the most dangerous beasts, and then they went up to hunt down the lower-level beasts. Although they would be a little unwilling occasionally, but in the past few years, Meng Hao has become more and more powerful. Strong, when a person is so strong that you can't catch up, you can only give up.

Wang Bin and Ma Junhui were dedicated to assisting Meng Hao, and they had made up their minds that they would follow Meng Hao's footsteps in the future, and maybe someday the three of them would prosper together.

(End of this chapter)

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