Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 508 Su Qing is a sparring partner

Chapter 508 Su Qing is a sparring partner

At the end of the preliminaries, this year's graduates of Tsinglan College performed very well in the big competition, making the principal, teachers of various subjects, and department heads laugh from ear to ear.

Su Qing, Zhou Ya, and Wang Lu didn't consume as much energy as the martial arts students, and they could move around freely. When Su Qing saw the three of them, they knew that they were dizzy and very uncomfortable.

He hurried over to help them out, Zhou Ya and others also ran over to help.

Su Qing took out a jade bottle and stuffed each of the three with a pill, which melted in the mouth. Meng Hao recognized that it was the Yunshen Pill refined by Qingqing. He also had it himself, and it was very effective in restoring spiritual power.

Wang Bin and Ma Junhui felt that the elixir entered the stomach, and soon a cool energy flowed to the head, and the dizzy head immediately healed a lot, and the people were refreshed, and they were no longer dizzy.

The two of them were particularly envious of Meng Hao, it was nice to have a younger sister who could refine medicine and grow spiritual herbs.

Who doesn't know that although Su Qing is a student of the Department of Spiritual Planting, he still takes pharmacy courses every day. It can be said that Su Qing's refining medicine is not inferior to that of students of the professional pharmacy department, and it may be much higher.

The head of the Department of Pharmacy has been brooding about Su Qing's refusal to transfer to another department for several years. Every time he sees Su Qing in class, he feels depressed. But he is reluctant to part with this gifted student, and the courses he should teach are still complete. Church Su Qing.

Therefore, Wang Bin and Ma Junhui were not surprised that the elixir refined by Su Qing was effective.

The three of them got better after taking the elixir. Chen Hongfei clamored to celebrate. A group of people walked out of the optical brain room and went straight to the restaurant they frequented to celebrate that they all entered the finals and would go to the Imperial Capital Star for a visit.

This year's students have surprisingly good grades, and all the departments have entered the finals. It was absolutely impossible in the past. Some departments with weak strength or bad luck encountered strong opponents may be eliminated in the preliminaries.

There were not many students participating in the big competition. There were twenty or thirty people in each department. The cheers of hundreds of people did not attract much attention on campus, except for the students of the same class.

Two months later, the school will arrange for the students participating in the competition to set off to the imperial capital, and some academies in remote galaxies will set off now.

The Venus Star is not far from the Imperial City Star, and there is still time to recuperate. The teachers of each subject hurry up and guide them according to the problems of the students in the preliminary round, so that there are few mistakes in the final round.

Meng Hao told Su Qing about the problems he encountered in fighting against the Central Galaxy students,

He felt that Qingqing's strength was stronger than his, but she lacked combat experience, but her vision was better than his, and she might be able to find a way to deal with it.

"Meng Hao, you don't need to pay special attention to the battles on the starnet. Those are virtual after all. The starnet cabin can't accurately scan out your real strength, such as your strength, physical strength, and various spells, which can only simulate part of it. Your strength is no worse than them, just do your best, with Lingboweibu you can avoid anyone's attack,

In martial arts, you should not lose points. You may be close to mech battles and theory, but you are already the best student in the martial arts department of Tsinglan College. Don’t worry too much. During this time, I can give you As a sparring partner, we will go to Starnet to fight against each other, and together we will find out the loopholes in those students' moves. "

Su Qing's words made Meng Hao feel better. When he heard that Su Qing was going to be his training partner, his eyes lit up immediately.
He no longer knows how high Qingqing's cultivation is. Qingqing hasn't made a move for several years. Ever since she came out of the secret realm that year, she said that she has advanced. Meng Yan has long wanted to try her and Qingqing's cultivation. , how much difference there is.

If Su Qing knew what Meng Yan was thinking, he would definitely laugh and say, 'Young man, you will be directly crushed. '

After all, the time for Meng Hao to practice the exercises is still short. Faxiu has just entered the Qi refining period, and his body training has entered the foundation building period. Once Meng Hao enters the Jindan period of body training, Meng Hao will have the strength to fight against Su Qing. Of course In the end, he will still be suppressed by Su Qing. Su Qing has a complete inheritance and practiced since childhood. He is more proficient in the use of spells and has many equipment bonuses.

Meng Hao only learned imperial fighting and martial arts from school teachers and military instructors. Su Qing taught him body training and Tianlong Wuxiang Shenmogong, which are not offensive skills.

Meng Hao's combat moves are all learned at school, and many of them are constantly honed in the battle. The moves created by himself are the highest level of fighting. Both body and law are already considered top masters among the younger generation.

Su Qing originally wanted to teach him a sword technique, but he was afraid that it would not be exposed too early, and he would not be able to resist using it in battle, so Su Qing planned to pass it on to Meng Xiao after graduation and before he went to serve in the army, so that He uses it when he is really fighting the enemy.

Nowadays, the competitions between college students are all small fights. Only when entering the army will they really face the test of life and death. The battle between the two countries must be endless, bloody and cruel. It is also very dangerous. There are many unknown and powerful creatures living on those inaccessible planets, and that is when Meng Yan uses his highest combat power.

Now that Meng Hao's performance is too good, he will be noticed by many people, which is not conducive to his future development. If he wants to gradually rise from a small person, he should not be too brilliant, but show his fangs bit by bit until he grows into anyone. A powerful existence that cannot be suppressed.

In the past few years, Su Qing has not taught Meng Hao any new exercises. He has figured out them all by himself, which is more practical. If Su Qing can serve as a training partner for Meng Hao, he will further improve his ability to respond in battles. In the college competition, it is no problem to deal with those students.

The two of them rented a practice room on Xingwang. Meng Hao wielded a large sword, while Su Qing still used a long sword. The two of them came and fought together.

Su Qing is not as powerful as Meng Xiang, but she can use various spells. The star network can simulate various supernatural abilities, and the star network cabin will convert into data output according to the user's physical and mental aspects, so many of Su Qing's spells can be used. It can be used, she deliberately uses every kind of spell in the battle, constantly cross-using it.

In order for Meng Hao to adapt, in the final match, Meng Hao is likely to encounter various supernatural masters, so he has to get used to this way of fighting,
Meng Xing dodged Su Qing's attack, thinking happily, fortunately Qingqing was there, otherwise there would be so many supernatural masters from different departments fighting against him,

There are very few students in the martial arts department who can be his opponents. Although Su Qing has little experience in fighting, he has many means, high cultivation, and various attack methods emerge in endlessly, which makes Meng Hao tired of coping, but he has accumulated a lot of experience.

Meng Hao seldom practiced against Su Qing before. At that time, Su Qing was young, and Meng Hao didn't dare to fight with her. What if he missed and broke Qing Qing, he would be hammered to death by the elders.

Later, when they were admitted to Qinglan College, the two were busy studying and had no time to practice against each other. It was Su Qing who guided Meng Yu to practice.

This is the first time they have fought against each other. When they were in the hopeless secret realm, Meng Hao knew that Qingqing's fighting power was very strong, she was as fast as the wind, she had great strength, her sword light was fast, and her magic spells were amazing. In particular, she could fly. With all kinds of equipment, Meng Hao felt that he was far behind Su Qing.

A few years later, Meng Hao went through a lot of hard training and experience, and thought that the distance with Su Qing had been shortened. Only after the real fight did he find that Su Qing was stronger than he thought, and every move showed great strength. , and Qingqing's speed is astonishing, her moves are complicated, and she can use various spells, which made him frantically fight.

(End of this chapter)

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