Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 509 Reaching the Imperial City

Chapter 509 Reaching the Imperial City

It turns out that Qingqing has made greater progress in these years, and Meng Xiao's pride and arrogance have suddenly dropped a lot. At first, he thought he was very good. If he had to compare himself with others, he must be much stronger than Wang Bin, Chen Hongfei, and Wang Lu. The geniuses in the central galaxy showed a little bit of inadequacy, and they had no chance of winning against Shang Qingqing.

It is also thanks to Qingqing being able to serve as a training partner for him, which made him realize many of his shortcomings.

How could Su Qing know what Meng Yan was thinking?She concentrated on using various means to fight against Meng Hao. No matter what tricks Meng Hao used, Su Qing could easily catch them, and then quickly counterattacked.

Most of the moves used by Su Qing are the usual moves of the geniuses in the Central Galaxy.

For this reason, the two of them also watched a lot of videos of duels between martial arts students in previous martial arts competitions, and looked at the attack methods of gifted students from other colleges. Su Qing used this to simulate attack moves, and asked Meng Yan to analyze those moves and figure out the solution. method.

Teachers of the Martial Arts Department have been using this method all the time, but Su Qing has a higher level of cultivation and a different vision, so he will solve it in a simpler way, which makes Meng Hao suddenly realize that the trick can still be used in this way.

In this way, the two of them had to fight each other for two hours every night on the star network, and Meng Hao's fighting power soared, which was higher than the level in the preliminaries.

Su Qing analyzed the video of the previous graduates' battles, as long as the luck is not too bad, it is not a problem for Meng Hao to get a good ranking.

There are more than [-] people from Tsinglan College participating in the graduate contest this year. In addition to the principal, team leader, school doctor, weapon and armor maintenance workers and many other supporting staff, there are more than [-] people in total. All of them boarded the school's spaceship , Flying directly to the Imperial Star, the spaceship needs to sail for a week to reach the Imperial Star.

There is nothing to do in the spaceship, most of the students are nestled in the room to rest and chat, very few people are still chasing the teacher to ask some questions, it really is hard enough.

Su Qing, Zhou Ya, and Wang Lu chat together every day, surfing the Internet, and the girls talk about all sorts of strange topics. Anyway, they are not in a hurry to compete, and it is too late to learn now. Besides, the finals are definitely not a problem that is blatantly written in books. If it can be so Simple is strange, when the time comes, they can only play by ear and try their best to do their best.

Although Qinglan is not as good as the top ten academies, the scores of their Qinglan academies are not significantly different from those of the top [-] academies in each competition.

As long as the students' basics are not bad, the finals will all depend on their on-the-spot reactions, and they will almost reach the imperial capital, no matter how hard they work, it will be too late.

The few girls who are in a good relationship talk most about the famous places in the imperial capital. The palace must have a look, and the major guilds will also go to see. They are all future planters, pharmacists, and refiners. Teacher, it is also necessary to visit the guild headquarters, as well as major markets and famous business districts.

Someone said coolly: "You all think well, we are here for the competition, how can we have time to go out to play, after the competition, the teacher must have taken us back directly, that is to sit in the car and take a look at Tianlong The scenery of the city, it would be nice if we could visit Tianlong Academy, nothing else."

Wang Lu said unconvinced: "How do you know, the teacher won't give us a few days off, and we can have the opportunity to come to Tianlong City several times in a lifetime, that is the capital of the empire, the center of the entire empire, and the most powerful figures in the empire are here. Without seeing it with your own eyes, are you willing to walk around Tianlong City?"

The girl spread her hands, "Wang Lu, what's the use of arguing with you, if you have the ability, go to the principal."

Wang Lu didn't speak anymore, she was so powerful that she didn't dare to ask the principal.

Zhou Ya quickly changed the subject, "Our students in this class have already achieved the best grades ever. How much do you think we can improve this year?"

"I estimate that I can enter the top [-]. After all, this year's martial arts department will not hold back."

Zhou Ya nodded, "Well, even if the Martial Arts Department can last until the second half before being eliminated, we can all achieve better results than last year. After all, the Martial Arts Department of our college has rarely been able to enter the finals. Even if they don't score a few points, they will played a big role."

Everyone talked about the competition, and everyone felt that this year's results would not be bad.

The teacher who leads the team is studying all kinds of information every day, all of which are the information of students from other colleges. The students analyze and research by themselves. They are definitely not as accurate as the teacher. As a teacher, you have to analyze carefully, and then guide your students according to the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents. .

Each department has three to five leading teachers, and each of them has heavy tasks. They need to constantly watch videos and check information. They are busier than the students, and it is not easy at all.

Su Qing usually keeps silent in crowded places and doesn't get involved in the discussion. She has already planned it out, as long as her team in the Lingzhi Department keeps advancing.

Their current class of students should be the best class in the history of Tsinglan College. Many talented people have been born, and they are more or less related to Su Qing.

Wang Bin and Ma Junhui from the Department of Martial Arts, Su Qing and Chen Hongfei from the Department of Spiritual Planting, Wang Lu from the Department of Pharmacy, Su Qing often taught Wang Lu how to refine medicine, coupled with the experience of the hopeless secret realm, let Wang Lu advance to the rank of Grand Master. The ability is super high, so it's no wonder that the refining of high-level potions failed. That academy can cultivate a great master. All six of them participated in this competition, and the results will definitely not be bad.

There is also Gu Rui from the Artifact Refining Department. Su Qing taught him the magic hammer nine refinements. After more than half a year of hard practice, he can finally master it proficiently.

The magic weapon that Gu Rui has refined now is the real magic weapon, it is very spiritual, a weapon can have spirituality, many people will not believe it.

However, the magical weapons and spiritual weapons refined by the refining masters in the cultivation world are so magical, and many of them need to be refined by a drop of blood before they can be used.

With such a superb refining technique, Gu Rui will definitely be able to completely defeat his opponent, which will shock the entire refining industry.

This year is destined to be Qinglan College, a shining year, many years later it will still be remembered by many people.

The spaceship sailed in the vast sea of ​​stars for seven days, passed through several galaxies, and finally reached the center of the central galaxy, the heart of the empire, Tianlongxing. The spaceship stopped above the space port of Tianlong City, and was allowed to enter after passing a series of checks. within the planet.

Before the spaceship landed, everyone had to go back to the room or seat and fasten their seat belts. After a shock, the spaceship was parked stably, and the broadcast started to let everyone gather at the cabin door, bring their belongings, and line up to get out of the spaceship in order.

Su Qing stepped off the spaceship and took a look at the outside environment. The first thing she felt was that it was huge, very huge, bigger than all the spaceports she had ever seen. Can the spaceport that is also the capital star be smaller?
Spaceships come and go every day, there are so many warships, there is no place to park when they are too small!

Under the guidance of the teacher, everyone got on the flying car and went straight to the academy area of ​​Tianlong City.

The scenery outside can be seen through the car window. The Imperial Capital Star is not full of high-rise buildings as Su Qing imagined. On the contrary, the degree of greening is very high, and the high-rise buildings that appear occasionally are not residential buildings.

The means of transportation here are the most advanced in the empire. The flying cars and aircraft are all the latest models. Some students who are familiar with flying cars exclaimed.

Tianlong City is divided into several major areas, and what they are going to is the academy area, where all the various colleges and universities of the imperial capital are located.

Tianlong City is the center of the empire, and there are several famous colleges. Although only Tianlong College can be ranked in the top ten, the others are also considered famous colleges, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

All the teachers and students of the various colleges who came to participate in the competition were arranged to stay in the hotel in the college area. This is the hotel specially prepared by the empire for the annual competition. It has complete facilities and an elegant environment, and has been well received by previous teachers and students.

(End of this chapter)

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