Chapter 510
Because I come here once a year, the teachers who lead the team go through the procedures familiarly, assign rooms to each student, issue room cards, and let them go back to the room to rest first. After lunch, the teachers of each department are holding a meeting for the students of the department. , Talk about some matters during the game.

Su Qing shared a room with Zhou Ya, Li Hong, and a girl from the same class. The room had four bedrooms, exactly one for each person.

As soon as Zhou Ya entered the door, she shouted: "Finally, we can keep our feet on the ground. Qingqing, Li Hong, Zhang Lan, we all go back to the room to wash, rest and sleep, and then go to the restaurant for dinner. We can choose the room at will, and I live in this one."

Zhou Ya walked over and pushed open the door of the first bedroom on the left, and entered with a salute.

Su Qing followed closely behind. They were all old classmates for many years. How polite are you?
Li Hong and Zhang Lan also pushed the door and entered. It was inconvenient to do anything on the spaceship, and they had to rush down to take a shower because there was not enough water.

When we arrived at the hotel, we still hadn’t taken a good shower and changed our clothes, slept and rested, and greeted the game with a full attitude.

This time it's not a competition on the star network, but an actual battle with real knives and guns on the spot. They are all facing the elites of the medium galaxy and the talented students of the central galaxy, and no one is good.

Every student must go all out, must eat well, rest well, and cultivate enough energy, and then carefully analyze the opponent under the guidance of the teachers of the department, and actively prepare for the battle.

The [-] colleges and universities that entered the finals, the student materials and videos of the participating students have been sent to each person's communicator. Although the teachers and students have been analyzing and sorting out the materials after the preliminaries, there are too many materials. One There are dozens of students in the department, and there are a total of [-] schools with many departments. As you can imagine, how much data needs to be analyzed. Even so, it depends. Some students with particularly low strength can be ignored. Those gifted students must not be missed. Need Focus.

That's why the teacher said that there will be a meeting after dinner, and each department will gather in one room to start analyzing the seed players from other colleges and how to deal with them.

Although it is tedious and complicated, no one complains. If you want to get good results, you must know your opponent, otherwise you don’t even know who the opponent is. Isn’t that blind crossing the river?
Su Qing's brain is so good, she can memorize all the information with just a quick scan. She has already studied it thoroughly, not only in her own department, but also in the martial arts department. Simulate those students' tricks and fight against Meng Hao, let him break it.

The teachers were all busy sorting out the information, but Su Qing was fine. No matter where she went or what she did, nothing could move her in the slightest. She felt that life and death were no big deal, and everything could be done as she wanted.

Go in and close the door, wash and change clothes first, then sit cross-legged on the bed and meditate for a week, the fatigue of the body will disappear,
This time, when I went out, I left the house to Bai Qian. I left a lot of supplies for Bai Qian. Anyway, the three of them would not starve to death. I also gave Bai Qian a bank card, and I paid directly for what I wanted to buy. The three pets were very happy. Being smart, there should be no problems in human society for many years.

Su Qing only brought Da Niu out, and did not bring him. Da Niu had no place to stay. Before he came out, he prepared a lot of vegetables and corn stalks for Da Niu as food. After eating, he would be hungry first, and he would not be able to eat for a few years. Even monsters can't starve to death.

Su Qing sat cross-legged on the bed, and his Yuanshen poked out, wanting to see what the Imperial Capital Star was like. Luo Zilan floated away when the spaceship stopped, and came back after saying that she had had enough fun. Can't stop it at all.

Su Qing's soul is floating in the sky above the college area. Looking down, the tallest building here is ten floors. The architectural model is very distinctive. Students from various colleges are bustling with each other. There are also some small commercial areas here to supply students with need.

The real business district of Tianlong City is not here. Tianlong College is known as the top-ranked college in the empire, and its campus is bigger than Qinglan College. Su Qingpiao came to the college to see how strong Tianlong's students are.

Looking around the classrooms one by one, Su Qing found that the students of Tianlong College were really talented, and most of them had the strength of Zhou Ya. No, the group of students they came here are already the best, but they are close to the middle class of others.

If it weren't for the opportunity of the secret realm, Wang Lu would not be as good as the top students of Tianlong Academy.

Su Qing was even more surprised by the students of the Martial Arts Department and the Mecha Department of Tianlong Academy. Are they students?He was already no less than instructor Lin Yuyang. Sure enough, his reputation was not in vain, and it must not be easy for a student to suppress Meng Hao.

Originally, Su Qing didn't pay much attention to the genius of the Central Galaxy, but Yang Yu who met in the secret realm was a student of Tianlong.
From Su Qing's point of view, he is a piece of trash. With such a good talent, he didn't dare to fight hard. He almost died in the secret realm. He didn't expect Yang Yu to be a special class. Tianlong's students are still very good. I can't blame him for the big competition every year. It is ranked first, Qinglan's best time, only ranked in the [-]s, and it was hundreds of years ago. Qinglan has been hovering around the [-]s for decades, because the martial arts department is not good, and has been Can't make it to the finals and lose points seriously.

Fortunately, this year, Meng Hao suddenly emerged and led other students from the Martial Arts Department to enter the finals in one fell swoop.

Meng Hao said that the students in the Central Galaxy are very good, but Su Qing didn't quite believe it. Seeing the training situation of the students in Tianlong Academy, Su Qing couldn't help but be convinced. It would be nice to be admitted to Tianlong Academy, but unfortunately it is impossible.

The backwardness of Mengyuexing's education environment made Su Qing have great limitations, and it was useless if the best talent could not jump out of that range.

Hey, it seems that I saw someone I know. Yuanshen saw a man and a woman walking on the campus. Although the two looked very strange, their aura made Su Qing feel very familiar. They must be someone she knew.

Who is it?Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Su Qing searched quickly in her memory. Her life was very monotonous. Except for her classmates at school, she rarely had contact with other people. How could she possibly know someone who went to school at Tianlong Academy.

Her social life is very simple, she is basically her classmates at school, she has only been to Goth Star once in these years, and then she fell into a hopeless mystery. By the way, the aura of the man and woman is obviously the brothers and sisters of the Yang family, it turned out to be them.

Back then, Yang Jing said that her family was in the imperial capital, and sure enough, their brother and sister were both admitted to Tianlong Academy. The privileged class is different, and the number one academy in the empire can enter as long as they want.

Although their appearances were completely different from those in the secret realm, Su Qing could tell that they were Yang Jing and Yang Jun based on their aura. Their elder brother Yang Yu should have graduated long ago.

Su Qing just paid attention to the pair of brothers and sisters, and didn't pay much attention to them. There is no need to use them now. In case Su Qing encounters trouble one day, she will contact them at that time. Don't forget her hands. There are tokens.

Su Qing continued to wander around to see what the First Academy was like?

After visiting Tianlong Academy, I will go to other colleges for a stroll. Unfortunately, Su Qing has just entered the Jindan period after all, and the scope of Yuanshen is limited, so he can only return in the end, otherwise Yuanshen will consume too much.

Su Qing returned to the room, and immediately meditated and rested to recover the exhausted soul.

At noon, Zhou Ya knocked on the door and asked everyone to go out to eat together. After the meal, there was a meeting to listen to the teachers explaining the competition process and precautions. The teachers are experienced and come here once a year. This is the first time for the students to come to Tianlong City.

Su Qing finished the meal with the students, and then twenty or thirty students from the Lingzhi Department sat around in a large room. Several teachers in the department took turns to explain the precautions to everyone, especially emphasizing that they are not allowed to be alone during the competition. go out.

(End of this chapter)

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