Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 513 The Geniuses of Qinglan College Get Together

Chapter 513 The Geniuses of Qinglan College Get Together
He immediately reported to the higher-level person in charge about how Qinglan College's grades are calculated, and at the same time notified the staff to send two more testing instruments. If one has a problem, it is impossible for all three to have problems.

The person in charge of the college competition was very efficient, and the instruments and appraisal experts arrived at the scene together.

"Master Xu, you are here. It is this spiritual plant. I saw it with my own eyes. It was spawned by participating students. The energy contained in the test is very high, several times higher than other students. It is too abnormal. The results of Qinglan College , we cannot make a judgment."

The teacher who presided over the competition anxiously explained the situation to an old man,
Zhou Ya and the others were dumbfounded by what happened, only Su Qing calmly sent a message to the department head.

At this moment, the head of the Department of Qinglan College also came to the competition site. After standing on the side to understand the situation, his eyebrows were furrowed. How could such an accident happen? According to the general situation, it is no problem for his students to get a middle grade. With Chen Hongfei's blessing, he was able to achieve above average, but the teacher who presided over the competition said that the results of the instrument test were several times higher than others, which is very abnormal.
Seeing the old man, the head of the department felt relieved. Xu Zhengqing, a visiting professor of Tianlong Academy and the greatest cultivator in the empire, once researched a variety of high-yield energy crops, so that the people of the empire no longer have to worry about food.

There is no problem if Xu Lao is here, and the real score can be judged for sure. Maybe the instrument is not broken, and the test is the real score.

He arranged it on purpose. This team not only has the powerful Chen Hongfei, but also the extremely talented Su Qing. Although Su Qing has not been outstanding all the time, the head of the department knows that her supernatural ability is very powerful, but she is not good performance

Otherwise, which student can not only learn the homework of this department well, but also take care of another more complicated subject, and learn it very well. Everything shows that Su Qing can learn the homework of the two departments with ease.

Director Zhang of the Lingzhi Department silently waited for the results of Mr. Xu's appraisal. All the students' Lingzhi retest results were fine. Does it mean that there is no problem with Qinglan College's grades?
The host teacher asked: "How is Master Xu? Is there any problem with this spiritual plant?"

Xu Zhengqing looked up at him, "Are you sure that this spiritual plant was born on the spot by a student, and it never left your sight."

"Of course, even if I didn't keep watching, there are so many people present, there is no chance of losing their bags. Besides, this kind of precious spiritual plant can only be planted in the imperial family's spiritual herb garden. Once you leave, it will be spawned. There is no such thing as Medicinal properties, only those cultivated by the national teacher will have enough energy to grow, and there is no possibility of cheating."

"Well," Xu Zhengqing nodded, "Send it to the instrument for testing!!"

"Okay," the teacher ordered the staff to remove the spiritual plant and send it to the instrument for testing. The number was still beating non-stop.

Director Zhang saw the rising numbers on the instrument, even if he was prepared and his heart was beating wildly, he couldn't believe it. This spiritual plant was really born by his students?

The test result was still the same as the first time, the host teacher looked at Xu Zhengqing, wanting him to make up his mind.

Xu Zhengqing said affirmatively: "The grades are no problem, let's record according to the results obtained! The energy contained in this spiritual plant is pure and powerful, and it is full of medicinal properties. It is not wrong to have the breath of those five children."

Although surprised, the host teacher nodded, "Oh, okay."

All the people present showed unbelievable expressions. This result is actually real and effective. Although there are many doubts in their hearts, no one dares to raise objections to the results of Master Xu's appraisal. Everyone has seen that the results of the three instruments are the same. Can be considered real and effective.

Even so, most people still think that this result is tricky, and it is impossible to achieve this result with the strength of Qinglan College.

But the organizers of the contest even invited Xu Zhengqing, even if they had doubts, they didn't have any evidence.

Hearing that the result was valid, Zhou Ya and the others cheered, and Su Qing also smiled. No matter what the result is valid, it is better than doing it all over again.

The head of the department excitedly took Su Qing and the others back to the rest area of ​​their school. The other teams had already finished the game and came back.
Everyone's grades are not particularly ideal, it's okay, not much different from every year, but the students' faces are still very bad, because their scores in the Lingzhi department may drop a lot this year because of the defeat in the answering competition.

They also heard that the most promising Su Qing team had problems, and the department heads hurried over, naturally panicking, worried that their team's performance would be even worse.

As soon as Su Qing and the others came back, they were surrounded by everyone, asking questions in a hurry,

Chen Hongfei is most concerned about this kind of brilliant and face-saving thing, and he was the first to speak: "Don't worry, our Lingzhi Department has made great achievements this time. The elixir we spawned is overwhelming. No one has a higher score than us. , it is possible to get the first place, and the total score of our college will not be low."

As soon as Chen Hongfei finished speaking, everyone couldn't wait to ask,

"Young Master Chen, what's going on, your grades are really so good, haven't you met a first-class college?"

"The first place, it's a bit of a big talk, even if your team's strength is average, you still have to arrange a team from the top ten colleges. Is it possible that you are stronger than them?"

Even several teachers looked at the head of the department. The head of the department smiled and said nothing. In fact, he was also dizzy. He didn't know if he was dreaming.

"Really, can I lie about such an important matter? Just because they doubted the results of our team, they invited the planting master Xu Zhengqing to appraise it. Mr. Xu said that our results are valid, so our Lingzhi department this time It’s a great achievement.”

"Really, that's great, haha,"

"Finally don't worry, we won't be the worst class, and we will be recorded in school history in the future."

The competition of the Lingzhi Department is basically over. According to their own calculations, the results are very good, and the scores are much higher than the previous ones.

There was a problem in the Lingzhi competition, and the person in charge who soon reported the competition, he just smiled and didn't pay much attention to it. Even if Qinglan College used methods, their technology could not be found out, even if they were capable,
But after a while, anomalies appeared in other arenas and reported to him. In the Artifact Refining Arena, someone forged a magic weapon, and it would vibrate. The quality was very high. Many experts said that the student used a The ancient refining method, the magic weapon produced by refining is even inferior to the students of the Artifact Refining Department of Tianlong College, and it is actually from Qinglan College.

The person in charge showed a playful smile, "It seems that Qinglan College has produced a few great geniuses this year, and they all like it and get together."

As for Meng Hao from the Martial Arts Department, he was already famous during the preliminaries and preliminaries, but the students of the top ten academies in the Central Galaxy commented that that's all, they are stronger than those weak chickens, and they are not their opponents.

It is this evaluation that has shocked many people. You must know that the martial arts department of Qinglan College has not entered the finals for many years.

Before the smile of the person in charge faded away, the communicator received another message. A student named Wang Lu from Qinglan College refined the Dichen Pill in a pharmacy competition. That student's ability to control fire was very precise. According to the analysis of several pharmacy masters, Wang Lu's supernatural ability is probably very high, not much worse than them.

(End of this chapter)

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