Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 514 Record-breaking ranking

Chapter 514 Record-breaking ranking
No matter how calm the person in charge was now, there was a trace of surprise on his face.

The strength of Qinglan College can only be regarded as the top-ranked college in the second echelon. Why do students with amazing talents appear again and again? Shouldn't such students be admitted to first-class colleges?

It seems that this year Qinglan College can rise to the top [-] by relying on these talented students. Unfortunately, it is just like fireworks, although it is brilliant but short-lived, it will drop next year unless it can continue to recruit a few students. A student-like gifted talent.

The person in charge was just surprised, and then watched the video of the competition scene, and stopped paying too much attention. As the leader of the Ministry of Education of the Empire, he has seen as many gifted students as stars every year.

There are only four Qinglan colleges, which is nothing at all, and there are not no ones who are better than them. The reason why the top ten colleges can always maintain their rankings is that they have gathered the best teachers and students in the empire.

The students with the highest talents every year will definitely be proud of applying for the top ten colleges. The second echelon colleges are all inferior choices. It is not uncommon to have a few students with high talents occasionally. It is important to be able to continue to develop. Qinglan can't reach it at all. that level.

The person in charge couldn't have expected at this time that Qinglan College had indeed been silent for several years, but when Su Qing and Meng Xiao became famous all over the world, many people found out their resumes, only to know that the Generalissimo and the Goddess were admitted to the university when they were young. Pass Qinglan College.

Since then, Qinglan has ushered in one batch after another of talented students to apply for the exam. The college keeps raising the admitted scores, but it can't keep up with the increase in the number of applicants. It will be many years later. Today, the two are still very Sentimental, the goddess blindly likes to keep a low profile, and she doesn't have the kind of pride to conquer the world.

This year's college competition is over, and all kinds of news are flying all over the star network, discussing every gifted student.

Although Meng Fan, Wang Lu, and Gu Rui are as brilliant as shooting stars, they are not that conspicuous when they are with the geniuses from the top ten colleges. It is just that they leave a deep impression on some people. Most people pay attention to the talents from the top ten colleges. The pride of heaven.

However, some people also discussed that the sudden rise of Tsinglan College is too incredible. A college of a medium galaxy has produced several amazingly talented people, which greatly increased their total scores. They were originally ranked around 90th. Surpassed many colleges in the central galaxy, ranked 56th,
This result surprised many people, thinking that the results were faked, and the special situation of Su Qing's game was also reported. Some people thought that Qinglan College used some means, but no one found out.

For this reason, the leaders of the Ministry of Education came out to clarify that the results of Tsinglan College were true and effective. All the participating students, teachers, and staff were present at the scene, so it was impossible to fake it, not to mention the appraisal results of the cultivation master Xu Zhengqing.

Even if there are still people who have doubts, it can't change the result. The director of the Lingzhi Department of the top ten colleges and several professors joined together to personally test the Lingzhi plant, and finally came to the conclusion that Lingzhi is a student of Tsinglan College. It was spawned on the spot, because there was no chance of cheating. The spiritual plant seeds were borrowed from the royal family, and the spiritual plants that were spawned had to be returned in the end. There was no such spiritual plant in the outside world.

Even if it really existed in the wild mountains, Tsinglan College would not know that the competition was to give birth to this kind of spiritual plant, and it was prepared in advance, so the conclusion is that the spiritual plant was really born on the spot.

As for why the energy is several times higher than that of other students, it is puzzling. On the outside, this spiritual plant is no different from the ones spawned by other people, but the energy is surprisingly high.

The reason was that no one thought about it, and they didn't see it. Xu Zhengqing saw it at the time. It was not a new spiritual plant, but it was clearly a elixir that had grown for several years, and it must have stronger medicinal properties.

But the host teacher said with certainty that Lingzhi was born on the spot by a few students of Tsinglan College, and he also felt the breath of five children on Lingzhi, so things are very strange?

Xu Zhengqing was not a high-profile and serious person, so he said that the results were real and effective, and that Lingzhi was fine, but he didn't mention any doubts in his heart.

Of course, no one will question his appraisal results. Although many people on Starnet have doubts, they are just talking. Without real evidence, the results cannot be changed.

After the ranking came out, the whole Qinglan College erupted in enthusiastic cheers, how many years, they have not achieved such a good result,
In the hotel, Zhou Ya and Li Hong hugged each other, and Chen Hongfei screamed happily, wishing to tell everyone that the last match would not be possible without his efforts.

Su Qing showed a faint smile, feeling that this is very good, Tsinglan College is her alma mater, she has learned a lot of knowledge in six years, both teachers and classmates have taken good care of her,
During her studies at school, there was no major conflict. She didn’t feel the kind of teacher’s treatment of students based on family conditions, and bullying incidents among students. The memories left by her campus life are full of happiness. hapiness.

Because the students performed so well this year, the principal and the teacher who led the team decided to reward the students and play in the Imperial City for three days. They will act in groups. Each group will be led by two teachers. The school will arrange the vehicles and play area uniformly, and the students will not be allowed to go alone. action,
Even so, hundreds of students cheered happily. It's great. Finally, I can see the real face of the Imperial Capital, and I can also bring some gifts back to my family and friends. What a face.

On the second day, I took the speed car rented by the school, and a group of students and teachers set off to visit the Imperial City. The famous scenic spots should not be missed, and they took pictures with each other. In the commercial area, they must go shopping to experience the prosperity of the central area of ​​the empire.

Su Qing and Meng Hao were not divided into a group, so Su Qing directly gave him a financial card with an amount of more than [-] million interstellar coins, and asked him to buy whatever he wanted.

Su Qing also bought a lot of things generously, all of which were gifts for grandma, Uncle Su's family, and the Meng family. Even Yang Dayong's family, several teachers of Mengyuexing, and professors of Qinglan College did not fall.

It costs tens of millions at once. I can't help but spend interstellar coins in the imperial capital. I earn less money. I can't survive here. It's not easy to live in the imperial capital!

After shopping, Su Qing and his team first went to visit the Planters Union, where there are celebrity stories about planters and some rare plant exhibitions, so you must not miss it when you come to Imperial City.

Su Qing walked with a few classmates in the exhibition tube of the Planters Union, and carefully watched those strange plants. All the rare plants that humans can find in the universe are gathered here. There is a text introduction next to it, with the name of the plant and where it came from , What are the uses, growth habits, etc.

The students of the Department of Spiritual Planting were very interested in this. After reading the plants, they were people who had made outstanding contributions to the plantation industry in the past. Among them was Xu Zhengqing who Su Qing had seen.

Not far from the planter union is the pharmacist union. Su Qing told the teacher that she wanted to take the opportunity to visit. The teacher knew that Su Qing also majored in pharmacy, and it was not easy to come to the imperial capital, so he agreed. Learning books complement each other, and they can also go and have a look.

So a group of people went to visit the hall of the pharmacy trade union's external exhibition to learn about the history of imperial pharmacy. Su Qing was better at pharmacy, so of course he didn't want to miss it.

In particular, I read the introductions of those great masters of pharmacy very carefully. Xie Yuxin, who was a member of the pharmacist union of the imperial capital star, had been to Mengyue star, and Yang Wei also taught her how to make pills. I heard that she was the member of the pharmacist union. Long Shaoyang's disciple, Su Qing saw Shaoyang's introduction here.

(End of this chapter)

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