Chapter 515

The master of pharmacy just means that they have reached a certain level in supernatural powers. As for how far they can refine pharmacy, it depends on how many levels of pharmacy they can refine. According to the grading of pharmacy refining, a nine-star pharmacist is already very powerful up.

The imperial capital gathered all the brilliant pharmacists in the empire, and there are dozens of Guangda masters. Except for some belonging to the pharmacist union, most of them are controlled by the royal family and major families, making it difficult for high-level pharmacists to flow to the ordinary market. , the upper-middle class medicines are mainly circulated in the market, and the high-level and ultra-high-level medicines are very rare, because they are all monopolized by the upper class.

Although Wang Lu has reached the level of a grand master with supernatural powers, she is far behind in refining medicine, so she has not been exposed. However, with the accumulation of years, Wang Lu will one day become a master of medicine, whose name is given by the medicine master. The union is documented here.

After Su Qing visited with his teachers and classmates, when he walked out of the pharmacists' union, it was still early in the evening. Everyone wanted to go to the gate of the palace, maybe they could see members of the royal family!

Not everyone can approach the imperial palace at will, but people are allowed to stand across the road from the imperial palace and visit the gate of the imperial palace. As long as they do not approach the gate of the imperial palace, the imperial family is still very polite to the public.

The flying car can only be parked on another street. People who want to take a look at the palace have to walk to the opposite side of the palace to see the gate of the palace. There are a lot of tourists from alien planets here. Every day, many people gather on the opposite side of the palace to take pictures and videos.

It would be a pity not to take a photo here when you come to Imperial City, so when someone suggested it, all the staff agreed.

Su Qing, Zhou Ya, and Li Hong walked together, following the flow of people.

On the opposite side of the road, ten steps, one post, five steps and one sentry, are all guards in uniform. The majestic palace is gradually revealed in front of them. There is nothing magnificent, carved beams and painted buildings, just ordinary walls, which are very high, with many security systems and monitoring equipment installed. , the main entrance of the palace looks luxurious, solemn and solemn, and the door is closed. It is not the arrival of important people or festivals. The main entrance of the palace will not be opened at will.

This road is a dedicated passage for the royal family, and ordinary people are not allowed to set foot on it. Only those with sufficient status can drive in.

So Su Qing and the others could only walk over step by step, and they had to be on the opposite side tens of meters away, and they could only look at the gate of the palace from a distance.

When they arrived at the main entrance, everyone took photos to commemorate them. Su Qing couldn't help but take a few photos and send them to grandma to make her happy.

"Qingqing, come and take some more photos for me, and then send them to me,"

Zhou Ya and Li Hong posed in various poses. Su Qing turned on the camera function of the communicator and took pictures of them. The moment the shutter was pressed, a speeding car stopped at the gate of the palace.

Su Qing just glanced casually, didn't pay much attention, and continued to take pictures of Zhou Ya, but when a beautiful girl walked out of the speeding car, the crowd let out a whisper,
"Look, it's Her Royal Highness Princess Jing'an. God, I actually saw Her Royal Highness with my own eyes. The little princess grows more beautiful and looks like a queen."

Zhou Ya and Li Hong turned around quickly, wanting to see what the little imperial princess looks like?

Su Qing's eyes are so good. I have seen the girl's appearance for a long time. She is dressed in the uniform of Tianlong Academy, wrapping the girl's slim figure, with a graceful and luxurious temperament. It can be seen that she has lived a good life since she was a child, and she walks naturally and gracefully. She took a special look at this girl. The people on the side smiled and waved their hands before continuing to enter the side entrance of the palace.

Princess Jing'an's move made the crowd cheer, even Zhou Ya was a little excited, and asked Su Qing if she had photographed the princess, Su Qing nodded, with some deep thought in her eyes, it turned out that she was a princess, and her background was indeed big enough.

After punching the card in the palace, everyone found a restaurant for dinner, and the teacher led the team back to the hotel. Tomorrow, we will continue to wander around the major cities in the imperial capital. Take the city light rail train in the distance, and just drive the speeding car nearby. Three days are enough to visit a lot out of place.

I don't know what Meng Hao bought. The 10 million interstellar currency Su Qing gave him was not enough, so Su Qing gave him another financial card.

Three days later, all the teachers and students of Qinglan College packed their bags and prepared to leave the Imperial City and return to school. Everyone was in a very good mood.

Early in the morning, all the teachers and students stepped into the flying car briskly, leaving the planet where they had been staying for more than ten days, the heart of the empire, and they don’t know when they will come back next time. At that time, they will definitely step on God again with a brand new identity. All stars.

Su Qing looked at the changing scenery outside calmly, and listened to the old ancestor muttering for almost an hour that they were all good things and top-secret information in the palace.

It can be determined that the national teacher of the empire is a comprehension practitioner, but the level is very low.

According to the news that Luo Zilan has found these days, all major families have collections of self-cultivation techniques, but they are too difficult to cultivate, and they have long been shelved and have given up cultivation for a long time.

Since a long time ago, everyone has started to practice supernatural abilities, because those cultivation methods are really incomprehensible and impossible to practice, and the cultivation civilization has long been a legend.

There are only extremely rare people who are still unwilling to give up, but they have passed on very hard, such as the lineage of the national teacher, they inherited from the Tianjimen in the era of cultivation,
Tianjimen is good at divination, divination, fortune-telling and astrology, etc., and it is not as good as other sects in terms of practice.
Especially after the great changes in the world, only some low-level disciples were left, and one generation was not as good as the next generation. Later, a lot of information about practice gradually became incomplete, and the descendants were confused. It was extremely difficult to select each generation of national teachers, because no one I know that monks can use spirit stones to assist in their cultivation, but no one can refine them if they want to take pills. The potions refined by supernatural masters have little effect on monks.

Each generation of national teachers must select hundreds of children and let them practice basic skills since childhood. Only those children who can practice successfully can be candidates for national teachers. In the future, he will inherit the position of the national teacher.

It is said that the founding emperor of the empire was inextricably linked with Tianjimen before the founding of the country. It was under the guidance of Tianjimen that the founding emperor established the first fleet to wipe out all resistance forces and establish the empire, so the royal family respected Tianji The sect is the master of the country, and they depend on each other.

After all, Tianji Sect is a line of cultivation, and many skills have been passed down. The ability to predict light is very much needed by the royal family, not to mention many basic skills of monks, which are very useful.

And Tianjimen can only rely on the support of the royal family, using countless resources to practice hard and maintain the inheritance.

It is very difficult to find a suitable candidate for the successor of each national teacher, just because as time goes by, most people don’t know that cultivation requires people with spiritual roots to practice, and with the war, some people even forget to test the spirit stone how to use.

Therefore, the children selected according to the standard of supernatural ability, without spiritual roots, no matter how hard they work, they can't practice those exercises. Only a few appear occasionally, so that the lineage of the national teacher has not been broken. It all depends on the strong support of the royal family, otherwise those outstanding The child has already practiced supernatural powers, who would waste time on the illusory cultivation of immortality.

A long time ago, the civilization of comprehension was destroyed, leaving only low-level disciples, and many of them had just entered the sect and hadn't learned many skills, while ordinary people in the world survived.

The major families of those mortals took the opportunity to snatch the resources of a lot of cultivation sects, they rose up randomly, but they couldn't understand the exercises, and they rarely succeeded in cultivation. As time went by, they gradually gave up and began to research their own abilities. system.

(End of this chapter)

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