Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 516 Border Conflict

Chapter 516 Border Conflict
Through Luo Zilan's narration, Su Qing finally understood what was going on, and it all happened tens of thousands of years ago.

After the destruction of cultivation civilization, human beings entered mechanical civilization, and science developed rapidly, forming two systems combining technology and abilities.

Su Qing couldn't help sighing, I don't know what kind of powerful force could destroy the entire cultivation world, leaving only three or two kittens, maybe it wasn't destroyed, but everyone traveled to another space to avoid the enemy or they were all in If you are locked in one place and can't get out, you may die together with the enemy.

In Su Qing's wild imagination, the flying car stopped at the space port, and the teachers and students of Tsinglan College got off the car and were about to enter the school's spaceship and leave the imperial capital.

They had just walked into the lobby of the spaceport, and the picture on the huge star video wall that was broadcasting the program changed instantly, and a news anchor appeared. The female anchor said in a hurried voice:
"Dear viewers, we are now interrupting an important piece of news. On September [-]th in the year of ×××× in the imperial calendar, a patrol fleet of the Fourth Army of our country stationed on the border and a fleet of the Federal Republic clashed at the junction of the two countries. The two sides briefly Fighting, after the incident, the commander of the Fourth Army immediately dispatched a support fleet to the local area to learn more about the situation, please keep an eye on the Central News Channel for the latest situation.”

After this piece of news was broadcast, many people talked about it. There has been no war in the empire for more than [-] years. The last war was a long time ago. It was the war where Huang Jing’s boyfriend died in battle. Since then, the two countries have been peaceful Coexist, develop interstellar in different directions, and sometimes join together to develop a planet.

Conflicts are not new, but the Central News Channel will deliberately interrupt the broadcast. It seems that the situation is not simple, and everyone is talking about it.

Su Qing doesn't care about this, the border of the empire is far away from them.

The teachers and students of Tsinglan College boarded the spaceship on time, left the imperial capital, returned to Venus, and started a new life.

At this time, the great hall where the palace was discussing affairs was solemn, from His Majesty the Emperor to all the ministers, everyone had a serious face and remained silent.

Yan Zexi, the emperor of this generation of the Galaxy Empire, was a handsome middle-aged man. He was tall, with stern eyes, and he pressed down on those ministers with a charming aura, showing his dissatisfaction.

Finally, someone couldn't bear the pressure and said, "Your Majesty, maybe it's just a small conflict about resources. We don't have to go to war with the Federation. After all, there has been peace for more than [-] years."

The person who spoke was the Minister of Finance of the Empire. He really didn't want to start a war.
If we really want to fight the Federal Republic in an all-round way, the empire will not have the advantage. At that time, the finances will be tight, and the army will suffer heavy losses, causing a series of problems.

"Then how can we do it? Step back step by step. We have retreated several times. Why should we jointly develop the newly discovered resource star this time? The star was discovered in the direction of our country. I suggest fighting a battle to let the Federation know We are powerful, and we will not dare to reach out easily in the future, just like 20 years ago,"

He Cangming, the First Marshal of the Imperial Army who spoke, was a mighty and strong old man, dressed in military uniform, and spoke sonorously.

The opening of the two broke the dignified atmosphere, and other people dared to express their opinions one after another. With the strength of the empire, it is not impossible to fight a war.

Although the royal family has great power in the entire empire, the major families do not give up much. The one among the ministers is not from an aristocratic family. Once there is something that needs to cut benefits, the major families and the royal family will argue with each other. No one wants to sacrifice their own. Strength, let the opponent take advantage.

The Fourth Army is controlled by a big family. The border was originally a good place. It has not been at war with the neighboring Federation for many years. The entire Fourth Army will frantically expand its territory outwards to find various resource stars, and it will be very rewarding.

But once a war starts, there will be no benefits, and many people will die. The expenditure on various weapons, warships, and logistics materials is an astronomical sum, and the appropriation of the empire's finances is simply not enough.

To put it bluntly, no one wants to suffer, lose their own interests,
However, the military department strongly supported the start of the war. Even many generals of the Fourth Army did not object to the war, otherwise they would have dispatched a support fleet so quickly.

He Cangming is a pure soldier, he doesn't think about those things, and strictly implements His Majesty's instructions. The military and government officials have always liked to sing the opposite. Schedule more things.

Someone sneered and said, "Old Marshal He, since you have been clamoring for war, why not take the First Army to fight the Federation, the Fourth Army is only responsible for guarding the border."

The First Army belongs to the royal family, which is regarded as the central army. He Cangming was supported by the emperor alone. He can sit safely in the position of marshal, which is the strong support of the royal family.

Yan Zexi's face was very ugly, and he looked at the minister with acupuncture-like eyes. It was impossible for the First Army to leave the Central Galaxy. Different armies were stationed in each major galaxy, representing all forces. The First Army was Although the royal family also has management power over other armies, the control ability is not so strong.

From the First Army to the Ninth Army, the strength became weaker and weaker, and there was not much oil and water in the place where they were stationed.

"The First Army must not act rashly. It is a barrier to protect the central galaxy. Let the Fourth Army, Fifth Army, and Sixth Army each draw out a fleet to test the reaction of the Federation."

Yan Zexi said eloquently that since he ascended the throne, he has been competing with the major families, and has achieved a lot of results. He has consolidated the imperial power. Most of the power of the army is in his hands. Some families are too firmly controlled. , He insisted on going to war because he wanted to use the war to attack the Fourth Army.

The other ministers wanted to speak, but were stopped by the emperor's knife-like gaze, okay!Then try it, and then let the fleet belonging to the royal faction test the waters, just to eliminate those disobedient people in the army.

This meeting was decided among different minds, and the war against the Federation began.

There has been no large-scale war between the two countries for more than [-] years. Once the decision to go to war is confirmed, all major departments of the entire empire must start to formulate plans. The military staff will study the trend of the war and how to attack the opponent. A video conference was held with the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, and the entire state machine was in operation.

On the side of the Central Galaxy, the troops were preparing to deploy troops. During the war, news came from the border. The fleets of the two countries exchanged fire and accidentally exploded a black hole-like substance. Now that place is getting bigger and bigger, and there are all kinds of strange things. A strange voice came.

The reinforcement fleet of the Fourth Army has arrived and brought all the soldiers back. They stopped in the distance to observe the black hole. The hole belongs to an invisible substance, which should be a kind of energy. What is it that the existing equipment cannot detect?
This made the monarchs and ministers of the central galaxy a little bit at a loss, whether to fight the battle with the Federation, is the black hole dangerous, and what is hidden inside?
Perhaps because the empire has not encountered such a thing for thousands of years, humans have long forgotten the danger of wormholes.

When Yan Zexi encountered any difficult things, he would go to the national teacher for consultation. In fact, the so-called national teacher is like the royal staff, using their skills passed down from ancient times to help the royal family manage the empire better.

The national teacher of this generation is called Cheng Lang. He is in his sixties this year and looks to be in his thirties. He is younger than the emperor.

The National Teacher's Mansion is just behind the imperial palace. In a large separate building, it is the place where the national teacher, his disciples and servants live. Only the best people among them will be recognized by the national teacher as disciples and teach them in person. .

(End of this chapter)

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