Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 517 The Crisis Is Coming

Chapter 517 The Crisis Is Coming
Before entering the National Teacher's Mansion, hundreds of thousands of children were in a specially built courtyard, and there were special personnel to guide them to practice. Those mysterious, profound and incomprehensible exercises, if you waste five years and have not managed to draw the qi into the body, you will die. A batch of children will be changed immediately until the best of them are selected.

All the children belong to the royal family, and they recruit geniuses with amazing aptitude from all over the empire. After five years of hard work, those who cannot practice will be sent back to their original places to continue their original lives. Many of them will become high-level ability masters, which shows that they are There is no talent in cultivation, but the cultivation of supernatural abilities is very smooth.

After those children enter the body, according to the speed of cultivation, the national teacher will select talented children to take back to the national teacher's mansion, and first accept them as registered disciples, teach them some basics of monks, and this round will eliminate some people, maybe decades You can also choose three or two satisfied personal disciples,
Finally, among these disciples, the most outstanding one was selected to inherit the position of the national teacher. With the support of the royal family, the line of the national teacher was passed down firmly.

Cheng Lang walked in the elixir field, watering all kinds of elixir himself, and the disciple behind him helped him carry the bucket.

Cheng Lang, who was dressed in a white robe, had his black hair tied into a bun and fixed it with a hosta. His expression was focused, as if those elixirs were rare treasures.

Cheng Lang asked in a cold voice: "What do those pharmacists say, can it be refined?"

Disciple Jinming replied: "Master, they said that they can only try, and there is no guarantee of success, and if they succeed, they will only give us half of the elixir."

Cheng Lang: "Well, yes, we will release the elixir, and they can't find all the elixir in the prescription. By the way, have you set off with a pure name? Try to bring people back. The pharmacist union is all idiots, go Once, they returned empty-handed, although the technology has been brought back, how do they know if someone has concealed it, after so many years, the effect is not great."

"Eldest brother has already set off. It is estimated that no one will refuse Master. People will definitely bring it back."

A pair of masters and apprentices were walking around in the elixir field, a figure flashed, and a man appeared near the elixir field, and he said respectfully, "Master of the State, Your Majesty the Emperor invites you to come over."

"Oh, I see."

Cheng Lang answered casually, and did not leave the medicine field slowly until the water was poured, went back to his room, changed his clothes, walked to the front palace, came outside the room where the emperor was handling official business, and was notified by the guards,

Cheng Lang walked in with a blank expression, and made an ancient salute to the emperor, "I have seen Your Majesty."

Yan Zexi raised his eyes to look at him, and smiled, "The national teacher is here, please sit down quickly, and someone will serve tea."

Cheng Lang walked over and sat down naturally.

The maid brought a cup of tea and put it on the table, then quietly retreated.

Cheng Lang didn't drink tea, and asked directly: "Your Majesty, what happened?"

Yan Zexi nodded, "Did you know that the advance team of the Fourth Army on the border collided with the Federal Fleet?"

Cheng Lang nodded slightly, the incident had happened for a week, of course he knew about it.

Yan Zexi said: "Originally, I wanted to take this opportunity to clean up the military headquarters and the Fourth Army. I took the opportunity to take back some military power, so I insisted on going to war with the Federation. I would draw a fleet from each of the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th armies, and fight the Federation first. In a small-scale battle, everything is ready in every link, and it is short of declaring war on the Federation.
Suddenly there was another news from the border. Near the newly discovered resource star, due to the attack of two fleets, an energy space similar to a black hole was blasted. Now it is constantly expanding, and the army has withdrawn. They just use the monitoring system to observe remotely. , I want you to divination, what is that thing, good or bad for the empire. "

Cheng Lang nodded. He took out a tortoise shell and a few shiny copper coins from the storage container, and began to make predictions according to the traditional method.

Although the inheritance of Tianjimen's practice has been broken a lot, but the divination and prediction, these good abilities have been handed down exactly.

Otherwise, the royal family would not have raised them for so many years in vain, even people from the line of national teachers are useful.

The monks of Tianjimen are not particularly good in practice, and they may not be able to beat the supernatural master, but they know a lot of miscellaneous knowledge. In addition, the royal family is the largest force in the empire, so it is easy to get what they want. The royal family has the most materials, but unfortunately they are all obscure and difficult to understand exercises, or they are stored in jade slips, and only disciples who have achieved success in the line of the national teacher can read them.

The high-level exercises of Tianji Sect, all kinds of inheritance, are only passed on to true direct disciples, and those registered disciples who have only learned basic exercises will leave the National Teacher's Office after selecting their successors, and turn to practice supernatural abilities. After all, it is easy to get started with supernatural abilities, and the speed of cultivation is very fast.

Many supernatural masters from the National Teacher's Office combine the basic cultivation they have learned with supernatural powers, and use them in many aspects such as refining medicine and equipment, so Su Qing often sees some comprehension skills in class. The shadow of this is the reason.

Because it is too difficult to get started in cultivation, few people will pass on the cultivation method of cultivation. It is better to practice supernatural powers than to waste time. There is no need to pass on the hopeless exercises. Only the lineage of the national teacher is still insisting.

Many abilities of the Tianjimen need to be practiced in order to be able to use them. Someone once tried to cultivate supernatural abilities and predicted that it would not work at all.

Cheng Lang is already a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage. Although his practice is not high, he is very good at forecasting. With the rolling of a few copper coins,
Cheng Lang's frown became tighter and tighter, and pictures appeared in his mind, all of which were scenes of humans fighting with many monsters. The two sides fought very fiercely, and those monsters were not unfamiliar. There is a description of it in the class textbook.

Cheng Lang raised his eyes and looked at the emperor, "Your Majesty, the bad result is that the Zerg has come back. The wormhole should be connected to a Zerg world, which was originally sealed, and the artillery fire of the two fleets broke the seal. Your Majesty!! Our empire is about to face catastrophe, and we must immediately send troops to guard the border, otherwise the Zerg will not leave any traces of life, they are the deadly enemies of mankind."

When Yan Zexi heard the words of the national teacher, his face suddenly changed. When the national teacher finished speaking, he immediately rushed outside and shouted: "Come here, inform the ministers that I want to hold an emergency meeting and tell them that it is urgent. No matter what you are doing, you must come here." ,"

The guard promised to rush to order someone to notify the ministers to hold an emergency meeting.
"National teacher, you will also attend the meeting in a while. With you here, they will believe even more. Otherwise, those few people may not know how to shirk. Under hesitation, our empire will fall."

Yan Zexi never imagined that the Zerg race that he hadn't encountered in several generations would reappear in his own generation. Whether it is official history or legend, the Zerg race is the mortal enemy of human beings. Every time humans appear, they will pay a very high price. They can be wiped out, they will appear every few thousand years, and it is not known where they come from.

The original little bug had a genetic mutation and became the enemy of all living things.

The speeding cars hurriedly stopped at the entrance of the palace, and the ministers of various ministries came to the palace from their work posts to attend an emergency meeting.
Many people didn't know what happened, they just came here in a hurry when they were notified. Although they are powerful ministers and have a lot of power over the empire, since Yan Zexi is the emperor, they have to respect him in the face and listen to him In order to achieve harmony between the monarch and his ministers, the emperor held an emergency meeting, and all the ministers came as long as they were in the imperial capital.

It was still the big meeting room from last time. Compared with last time, the emperor sitting on the main seat looked even worse. The ministers asked each other with their eyes, what's going on?All I saw were puzzled expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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