Prepare to fight
"Your Majesty, may I ask why you called this meeting urgently?"

He Cangming was the first to ask, he was the emperor's man, so of course he was anxious to know the reason.

Yan Zexi said solemnly: "Everyone, I have some bad news to tell you. Our empire is in imminent disaster. I hope that everyone will abandon their prejudices, unite together, and fight against foreign enemies, just like our ancestors did, to maintain the stability of the empire. Save millions of people."

All the ministers were surprised. What does His Majesty mean by that? It's because war is going to be declared against the Federation. It's not that serious!

The Prime Minister of the Empire asked: "Your Majesty, what do you mean? The declaration of war on the Federation is not that serious, is it? I didn't say it, it was just a warning, a small-scale battle."

The dignified emperor shook his head, "It's not a war with the Federation. Now there is a more serious enemy than that. You have all received the news that the border army has blasted a black hole. Do you know what it is? Use your rusty brains, Think about it, what disaster is coming."

All the ministers were at a loss. What does the black hole have to do with the catastrophe?
Yan Zexi didn't think that it was Zerg race before the national teacher's prediction, but these ministers, each of whom has great power, is in charge of the empire, and everyone is pampered, and they don't even have the slightest sense of crisis. The ancestors exchanged blood and life for experience , No one remembers it.

The Prime Minister had no choice but to ask: "Your Majesty, tell me directly, what happened?"

Anyway, they just don't know, can't figure it out, so the emperor shouldn't go around in circles.

Yan Zexi said coldly: "About the matter of the black hole, I asked the national teacher to predict it today, and it turned out that it was a wormhole. The empire is about to face the attack of the Zerg, and you all have to cheer up and stop playing tricks." Think about it, the whole country is preparing for the war, get ready for the battle."

Like a thunderbolt from the blue, a bang sounded in everyone's ears, Zerg?
"Your Majesty, is what you said true? The Zerg has not appeared for thousands of years."

The emperor said coldly: "You are also aware of the predictive ability of the national teacher. Is there any problem? The place where the wormhole was discovered belongs to an undeveloped galaxy, and there are wild areas everywhere. How many wars took place in that area, history Have you forgotten all the records in the book?"

The ministers began to dig out the memories hidden in their minds, recalling all the information about the Zerg, and some even turned on the light screen to search on the star network.

Sure enough, it is similar to all the current records. As long as there are wormholes, countless Zerg will appear.

"Your Majesty, since our ancestors were able to eliminate those bugs, our generation will never back down. Our military headquarters is actively preparing for war starting today, and all armies are ready to go to the border at any time. At the same time, we issue an order to recall the reserves to defend our home and country. As a soldier, you have a duty."

The high-ranking generals of the military department expressed their opinions one after another. What are you afraid of? If the bugs do appear, they will all be wiped out. Humans have defeated the Zerg many times in history, and they can do it too.

The civil servants didn’t make a sound. Those gangsters who only know how to fight are very generous. They mobilize the whole country to prepare for war, and the empire’s finances will collapse. In the end, the major families will not pay the bill, but the Zerg is the public enemy of the universe, and no one has to eliminate it. To oppose means to send that army over there to fight first, and then make a fuss. After all, no one is willing to sacrifice their own power.

Some people also suggested that it is not sure that it is a wormhole, in case it is a false alarm!Anyway, things have not happened yet, there are people who are lucky, but most people still believe in the results predicted by the national teacher.

For many years, the predictions of the National Teacher's lineage have never been wrong.

He Cangming suggested: "Let the Fourth Army, the Fifth Army, and the Sixth Army be stationed near the black hole. Once the Zerg appears, they will be wiped out immediately. From now on, the military department will issue an order for the entire army to prepare for war. All serving soldiers must be familiar with it." The way the Zerg fights is to find out all the archived information, and if the Zerg invades the empire, the whole country must be notified, so that the people are ready, and the administrative planets in the border areas must be able to evacuate the people at any time."

After He Cangming finished speaking, no one objected, but everyone acquiesced, anyway, the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]rd armies are troops stationed at the border, and they can fight at any time.

In case the Zerg really appears there, the strength of the three armies can withstand it for a while, which is enough for the country to prepare and send troops to support.

Seeing that both the emperor and the military wanted to go to war, the Prime Minister of the Empire had to arrange the work and let all the ministries cooperate. Fortunately, the National Division could predict this in advance and gave them time to prepare.

All the ministers returned to the departments they were in charge of, held a meeting immediately, and announced that they had entered the wartime stage, but things about the Zerg must be kept secret and must not be leaked out.

Human beings will face their mortal enemies. It is only spread in the upper class. Ordinary people don't know what to do. Only some sensitive people feel that some materials on the market have started to increase in price quietly.

Su Qing and Meng Hao boarded the spaceship and went back to school smoothly. They didn't know anything about the coming bloody storm, and even if they knew, they were powerless.

The two of them will be graduating in a while. Su Qing stepped up to plan, selected a planet with a suitable environment, and bought a farm for their family to live in.

Zhu Xiuyun, Second Uncle Su, and the Meng family all like that kind of pastoral life. It really makes them live in big cities all the time, and they are not used to it. The kind of planting stars is more suitable.

After choosing for a long time, there was no suitable planet, so Zhou Ya helped, and introduced them to a planting planet called Fuchunxing.
Zhou Ya's family has a large farm on that planet. There are many large and small farms in Fuchunxing. Su Qing can buy a small farm that is enough for three families to live in.

Because of Zhou Ya's introduction, Su Qing and the two checked the information, and sure enough, they began to check if there was any information about wanting to sell the farm, let alone a lot.

Su Qing and Meng Hao found an intermediary company to help them go to Fuchunxing to actually check and choose a suitable farm to buy. In order to raise money, Su Qing sold many of his handicrafts when he was learning smithing.

Now that Gu Rui has been able to refine the same magic weapon, it is not surprising that there are a batch of them on the market. Su Qing also purposely disguised himself to look a bit like Gu Rui, so that people would suspect the source of it on the Gu family.

Although he only sold dozens of weapons that Su Qing thought were very rough, the shopkeeper in the black market was already amazed. Just now, news spread that a child of the Gu family could refine a real magic weapon, and someone came to the black market to sell it. .

Glancing at the burly man, he quietly searched for the information of Gu's family on the optical brain, the boss had a solid idea, and happily bought this batch of weapons at a very high price.

He also couldn't figure out why the Gu family didn't sell this batch of goods through their own channels, but secretly sold them on Venus's black market.

Anyway, this is not what he cares about, as long as the quality of the weapon is good, he will accept it, and no one will want to return what is in his hands, and it will definitely make a lot of money again.

Su Qing successfully sold that batch of hand-practicing works, and is selling a batch of potions, which is more than enough money to buy a farm.
In the interstellar world, the least valuable thing is land, because the empire has a vast territory, three galaxies, and countless planets, but the number of administrative stars is not many, most of them are mineral stars, resource stars, planting stars, etc.
Many planets have not yet started to be developed, and the empire is still expanding into the universe. All habitable planets are sparsely populated. It is not expensive to buy a small farm in Fuchunxing.

(End of this chapter)

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