Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 519 The Zerg Is Really Here

Chapter 519 The Zerg Is Really Here
Su Qing wanted to prepare as much money as possible so that the three families could settle down. After all, there were nearly twenty people!
After everyone adapts to the new environment, Su Qing plans to buy two more farms and let the three families live separately. After all, they are not a family. At the beginning, they are not familiar with each other, and they may rely on each other. When they get acquainted, conflicts will arise. It's better to separate, and it's not good if they find out that Bai Qian, Daniu, and Huo Miao are abnormal.

Now buy a farm first, and then buy if there are small farms for sale nearby. It is best for the three farms to be connected together, not far away, and several families can still visit each other like before.

Su Qing and Meng Hao have made arrangements for the future, but they don't know if it can be realized. In October, the intermediary company sent a message saying that they had found a small farm that met their requirements.

Su Qing and Meng Hao watched the video sent by the intermediary company, and asked Zhou Ya's family to find out about the situation of the farm. It was indeed not bad.

The original owner wanted to move to the city, that's why he sold the farm. The supporting facilities of the farm are pretty good, and it has been running pretty well for more than ten years without any problems.

Only then did Su Qing feel relieved. The buyer and the seller met on and signed the transfer contract. The small farm in Fuchunxing now belongs to Su Qing. For the owner of the farm, Meng Hao insisted on only writing Su Qing's own name, no need to add on him.

All the money was earned by Qingqing. Of course, the farm belongs to Qingqing himself. When he earns money in the future, he will buy a bigger farm for his family.

When Su Qing and his friends were spending the last happy time in school, the result predicted by the national teacher finally appeared on the border of the empire, in the surveillance video of the two fleets of the empire and the federation.

An operator saw the picture in the video and exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's really a wormhole. Is that ugly thing a Zerg?"

Fleet commander, immediately give an order for all to enter the combat state, and the fleet artillery is aimed at the target and ready to fire.

The Imperial Fleet and the Federal Fleet opened fire one after another. The two fleets that were at war with each other were on alert because of the appearance of the black hole. At the same time, they reported the situation to the country.

It was the empire that reacted quickly and returned information in less than a day. It was a wormhole, and the other end was connected to the world of the Zerg. Let the fleet be on guard. If they saw the Zerg appear, destroy it immediately. The support fleet will arrive soon.
The [-]th, [-]th, and [-]rd armies have already marched to the border area, where the [-]th army is stationed. Once the Zerg starts to attack, the pressure on the [-]th army will be great. Fortunately, as long as they persist for a week, the [-]th and [-]th armies will Arrived, those two armies were the closest to the border.

The other domestic armies and administrative star garrisons are fully preparing for battle, and at the same time sent messages to the fleet of the opponent Federation. They don't care whether they believe it or not. Anyway, the fleet of the empire has been on alert and is always staring at that constant warship. Enlarged opening.

If Su Qing was there, he would be able to see at a glance that the slow spread of the black hole is because there are high-level seals that are gradually opened.

The ban may be blasted away by the fleet's artillery fire because of the exhaustion of energy for a long time. Su Qing can temporarily seal it with other bans first, and then find a way.

However, none of the soldiers present had the ability to see it, so they could only let the passage grow bigger and bigger. It was not until the scouts of the advance troops of the Zerg were sent out that the humans began to attack, and the sharp artillery fire directly bombarded those bugs into pieces debris.

Facts have also proved that Zerg is indeed the mortal enemy of human beings. The Zerg has appeared. There have been many wars between the two sides in history. There is no possibility of peaceful coexistence.

The fleets of the two countries also united to fight against the enemy together. They both used this place as a battlefield for the purpose of preventing the Zerg from advancing. At the same time, they both asked for help from the main fleet.
It was three days away from the nearest military station, and fortunately it was far away from the border between the two countries, so the country was relatively safe, but if they couldn't stop the attack of the Zerg, the border area would be devastated and the country would be unstable.

In history, there have been many times when the Zerg invaded half of the empire's territory, causing heavy losses to humans.
Fortunately, the armies of the two countries are no longer the original expedition fleets. Their respective reinforcement fleets are powerful and can stop the Zerg that emerges. After all, the area of ​​the cave is not large, and the number of Zerg that can come out is limited.

The flames of war between humans and the Zerg began to ignite from here, and many soldiers fought bravely and began to block the Zerg's progress with flesh and blood.

Ordinary people in the empire didn't know about the reappearance of the Zerg, but it quietly spread in the upper class. Many nobles began to carefully handle the industries in the border areas and evacuated to the central galaxy.

When humans and Zerg were fighting fiercely in the starry sky outside the empire, Su Qing and Meng Hao happened to buy Fuchunxing's small farm, imagining taking over their family and living a happy life together. How did they know? , a storm affecting the entire empire is sweeping.

After buying the farm, Su Qing hired a couple on to temporarily help manage the farm. After she and Meng Xiao graduated, they would go to organize and buy all the things that needed to be bought. Being able to move in directly, the two of us are happily planning for the future, and feel that every day is so fulfilling.

Most of the students don't care much about politics. The actions of the three major armies and the domestic armies' comprehensive preparations for war still have clues that are caught by the pervasive journalists.

Most of the news media guessed that the empire was about to go to war with the federation, because the conflict on the border should have had a result long ago, but a month has passed, and they only saw the mobilization of troops, but no news of the fight. Why is it a bit anticlimactic? .

The patriarchs of the major families in the upper class knew about the emergence of the Zerg for a long time, and only the people in power in the family knew about it. If there is no rumor, they are afraid that it will cause tension among the civilians in the entire empire.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, as long as the imperial army is still able to resist, as long as the war still takes place outside the border, try not to make it public.

A large number of troops began to be stationed on the border of the empire, and the nearby administrative planet began to emigrate. The reason was that the energy was exhausted, and this planet was about to become a dead star.
Anyway, the order issued by the empire is to transfer the people as much as possible. The reason is that the people who migrated to the original galaxy are transferred to the original galaxy. There are still a lot of planets there, which belong to the state of sparsely populated land, which just needs a large number of people for development.

The federation and the empire have the same purpose, wanting to stop waves of Zerg attacks, and then fight to the death at the border. The two countries border, who knows that the Zerg will attack there first, anyway, just wipe out the Zerg directly.

Even if the empire and the federation block the news together, they may hide it for a while at first, but there is no impenetrable wall in the world.

Soon the dark forces got certain news, and the media journalists also tried their best to get first-hand information, and rumors began to spread in a small area on the star network.

Su Qing and Meng Hao took the graduation exam. A small group of more than a dozen people had completed all the courses of the college with excellent results and graduated smoothly.

In the blink of an eye, time flies and six years have passed, and the good friends will go their separate ways, and they will be on the star network when they are in contact.

At the graduation ceremony, many students were moved to tears. The classmates who had been with each other for six years were about to be separated. They were really reluctant. Su Qing and Meng Xiao took many photos and sent them to relatives and friends, and received many congratulatory messages.

Su Meng's family, who were far away in Mengyuexing, looked at the graduation photos of Su Qing and the two, and couldn't help crying because the children were finally coming back.

(End of this chapter)

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