Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 520 Seize This Opportunity

Chapter 520 Seize This Opportunity
Su Qing and the two have already discussed that they will go to Fu Chunxing's farm to settle down first, pack up and then go back to Mengyuexing to pick up the family.

However, the graduation ceremony of Qinglan College had just ended, and before the students left the campus, the Zerg broke through the defense line of the Imperial Fleet and began to spread the news of the border invasion.
Seeing that the imperial government could no longer hide it, it simply made it fully public, including the specific reasons, as well as the video of the initial fight between humans and Zerg. All information was made public.

This information panicked the people of the entire empire. The legendary Zerg Zerg appeared again. Every war between humans and the Zerg would be at the cost of destroying some human homes. Once a war started, countless people and resources would be sacrificed. If all the Zerg can be wiped out, human beings will be severely injured and cannot recover for a hundred years.

Su Qing, Meng Hao, Wang Lu, Zhou Ya, etc., a few good friends watched the video of the battle between the Imperial Fleet and the Zerg together.

Those ugly and disgusting bugs are like various insects that are magnified countless times, but they are not as weak as insects. The attack power of the Zerg is very powerful, plundering all energy-containing substances, and the Zerg also has a certain amount of wisdom.

The most frightening thing is their ability to reproduce. It takes a human being from birth to adulthood to become a warrior. It takes about [-] years. As long as the Zerg has enough energy, they will grow up in a short period of time and attack all edible energy bodies. and flesh and blood.

Watching the human warships continuously shoot at the Zerg, even with the intensive firepower, there are fish that slip through the net, and then the fleet will dispatch small fighters, mech fighters, to clean up those fish that slipped through the net.

The videos are all battles in space. So far, the Zerg has not occupied a planet owned by humans. The resource stars and mineral stars in the border area have all been evacuated, taking away all energy-containing substances, and everyone has evacuated to the territory.

The empire continued to send troops to the border. The first three legions had intercepted the Zerg for more than a month, and the sacrifices and losses were huge.

The Zerg's offensive was fierce, and the human fleet could only retreat steadily, slowly retreating to the border area. Fortunately, the Empire and the Federation fought together. Otherwise, the Zerg would have broken through the line of defense with the strength of one country alone.

When the news broke out, the Zerg army had already reached the border between the Empire and the Federation.

A dozen friends, after watching those videos, everyone's heart was shaken, their bodies were icy cold, and they let out a breath of cold air from their chests.
Wang Lu and the others also fought against strange beasts in the secret realm back then, and fought to the death to fight a bloody path. They still had a chance to win the battle with the strange beasts, because there were not many strange beasts.

But the war on the front line was terrible. The well-equipped imperial fleet was defeated by those worms. , will be swarmed by bugs and torn apart.

Su Qing and Meng Yu looked solemn. When this happened at a critical moment, the first thing they thought of was their family members. Fortunately, Mengyuexing was in the other direction of the empire. To reach Mengyuexing, they had to travel through the entire empire. The primordial galaxy is now the safest place to be.

But the medium galaxy is just blocked in the Zerg's advancing direction, and the family cannot be taken over for the time being. This war is not sure when it will end.

Judging from historical records, every war lasts for decades or even hundreds of years, and it is impossible for human beings to easily eliminate the Zerg.

Su Qing and Meng Hao were not to mention how depressed they were, how could this be?Seeing that he was about to reunite with his family, the Zerg invasion happened unexpectedly.

Zhou Ya watched the ugly worm directly tearing up a small battleship, and the soldiers inside directly detonated the entire battleship and the Zerg, her eyes were red,

"Damn Zerg, why are you always against us humans, can't you just nest in the mountains and forests like strange beasts?"

Wang Lu looked dignified. She shook her head, "The Zerg only know how to plunder. They are huge in number and no grass grows anywhere they pass. They are the public enemies of all life. They will never die when they encounter them."

Several boys saw the imperial fleet bravely fighting against the Zerg, and they were all very excited. They wished they could go up and join the battle, but they knew very well that they were not qualified to fight the Zerg at all, and if they went, they would die.

They are about to leave the campus and go back to their respective homes. Gu Rui, the fake boyfriend, is also going to end his mission and return to the family. Su Qing has already thought about the reason for breaking up, but she hasn't told her grandmother yet.

This is also the last gathering of all the friends. Tomorrow, Chen Hongfei, Wang Lu, and a few other students from this planet will pack up and move out of the dormitory to go home.

Su Qing and Meng Hao would only stay for another three to five days at most before going to Fuchunxing to see and buy the farm.

In the war against the Zerg, they can only support the soldiers spiritually, and strive to make a little contribution to the elimination of the Zerg after returning to their respective families.

On this day, the military department began to announce the nationwide conscription. The death rate of the border troops is very high. The military department must prepare in advance and recruit troops in advance. After training for a period of time, it can replace the garrison of the administrative star to garrison the planet. The original fleet can Go to the front.

The emperor and all the ministers had no choice but what to do if they didn't recruit troops. If they didn't reinforce them, the four, five, six and three armies would be disabled.

Marshal He Cangming of the Empire, dressed in military uniform, appeared in the recruitment video. An impassioned speech aroused the hearts of many passionate men to defend their families and the country. Only by eliminating the Zerg could they protect their families and the empire.
Meng Yu was going to be a soldier, but when he saw this information, he thought about it all night and found Su Qing.
"Qingqing, I've left the family to you. I want to join the army as soon as possible. The Zerg invasion is imminent. There is no time to delay. Originally, I thought, find a place with the most difficult conditions and the most frequent wars, which can still suppress me. Now that the Zerg has appeared, why am I hesitating? Killing insects is better than putting a butcher knife on humans. Why do I practice hard? It is to make meritorious deeds. Now is a good opportunity. In peaceful times, how can there be military exploits? Opportunity, only in times of turmoil is the opportunity for the grassroots to rise, and I must seize this opportunity."

Su Qingxiu frowned, she never thought that Meng Yu would go to the army, she thought that Meng Yu had the same idea as her, worried about his family, and wanted to go back to Mengyuexing to protect everyone.

Not only did Meng Hao not want to go back, he wanted to join the army and go to the front to fight the Zerg to death.

"Meng Hao, the Zergs are not alien beasts. They have stronger attack capabilities. The most terrifying thing is their number. They can't be killed completely. Such a powerful fleet will have to retreat. Don't think you are very powerful. When you are in danger, you will I know it's great."

Meng Yu said firmly: "I know, but I still want to go. Old Marshal He is right. There is no end in a nest. You are a girl and we men must think differently.
I want to protect my family in another way, and don't worry, I will follow the big army. Although humans are retreating, it is not time to be defeated. In history, we have defeated the Zerg many times, and this time will be no exception. I I hope that through this war, my ideals will be realized. "

Su Qing was silent, unable to say any objection,

Meng Hao is a child raised by himself, now he has his own ideas, and no one can stop him, but as long as he enters the army, he will face countless dangers, usually okay, with his cultivation base, he should be able to handle it.

But the Zerg, a powerful species that humans have to pay a painful price to completely wipe out every time, what if Meng Xiao is in danger?Thinking of that result, Su Qing's heart was twisted into a ball.

(End of this chapter)

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