Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 522 Fuchun Star's Farm

Chapter 522 Fuchun Star's Farm
On the spaceship, the most talked about is the Zerg. What if the Zerg break through the human line of defense and invade their planet?
Those aristocrats and rich people will definitely be able to escape in advance. Where can ordinary people go? They don't have spaceships, no warships, and many people can't even afford spaceship tickets. When the time comes, they must wait to die on the planet.

Su Qing carried a big backpack that could hold three pets, and took them with her everywhere. People who take pets out are not new, but they just need to spend a few more tickets, but they have not attracted the attention of others.

Now that Su Qing has money in his hands, he doesn't want to smuggle them in the space, especially Bai Qian, who has already transformed, and it will be good for her to see more about human life. She will be the chief manager of her own farm in the future.

After more than ten years, the little fat man who accompanied her suddenly disappeared. Su Qing was not used to it. Fortunately, Huo Miao was with her, and Bai Qian could still chat with her from time to time, alleviating the loneliness during the journey.

"Bai Qian, when we get to Fuchunxing and settle down, the farm will be handed over to you and Daniel. I want to go back to Mengyuexing to see my grandma. If it doesn't work, I will bring grandma here first and live with us. No matter how powerful the Zerg is, it can't hurt her with our protection."

Bai Qian nodded, "Well, apart from the large number of those bugs, they don't feel like they're very effective in combat. It's just that they're hard to get rid of at once, and their ability to reproduce is too fast. They don't feel like creatures in our world."

Su Qing is very familiar with Zerg information, and she will talk about it from the history of the elementary class. She said solemnly:
"The matter of the Zerg is not so simple. Now all the low-level Zerg appear. The real king insects, especially the female insects in the nest, have not yet appeared. When the time comes, human beings will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

We can't control it, the empire is so big, I can only take care of the people around me, a large-scale war requires all human beings to work together, Meng Hao went to the battlefield, life and death are unpredictable, so I was involved, and in the future it will be necessary Fight with the Zerg, now the low-level Zerg, let the imperial army deal with it first! "

Bai Qian said proudly: "Hehe, what are you worried about? Sometimes I feel that you are too careful. Meng Hao is so powerful, so don't always treat him like a child. A man will grow up quickly only after going through a lot of hardships. He was taught by you, and he is proficient in all kinds of hot weapons, so it is no problem to save his life, so don't worry about it."

How could Su Qing not understand things that even Bai Qian could see clearly, but even if Meng Hao's cultivation was not low, she would not be able to empathize with how much other people's children sacrificed, but if something happened to Meng Hao, Su Qing I don't know how I will feel, it will definitely be heart-piercing and uncomfortable.

Fuchun Star is not far from Venus Star, but there are not many spacecraft routes, because Fuchun Star is a planting planet. The world is dominated by various farms, and the resident population is sparse. Only one spacecraft passes here every day.

Unlike those big planets, passenger spaceships come and go in an endless stream. There are not many passenger spaceships on Fuchunxing, but cargo spaceships are very prosperous. Every day, a large number of cargo spaceships transport all kinds of agricultural products grown on the planet.

There are few routes to Fuchunxing because those farmers and rich people have their own spaceships, and the public spaceships are all small farmers and workers working on the farms.

Su Qing got off the spaceship with her pet bag on her back. Fuchunxing's berthing port was similar to that of Mengyuexing. Most of the traffic was cargo spaceships and aircraft.

Su Qing rented an aircraft casually and rushed to his farm. Looking down from the porthole of the aircraft, the entire planet was covered with greenery and various crops were planted.
Some large green grasslands are dotted with flocks of white sheep and black-and-white cows. Those are pastures for raising livestock. The cultivated land occupies the majority of the entire planet. That's why Fuchunxing has become a professional planting star.
After the discovery of Fuchun Star, it has been developed for many years and has a mature planting system. The entire planet is dotted with large and small farms.

Fortunately, the super dignitaries are all concentrated in the central galaxy. The medium galaxy was gradually developed later. They were all small nobles and wealthy businessmen who were squeezed out of the central galaxy. Their appetites were not as big as those of the big families. It is an area reserved for civilian life.

Therefore, many planets are specially reserved for ordinary people to develop, otherwise all the planets will belong to those big families, and the people can only be reduced to coolies working for the nobles. The newly established country is definitely unstable, and countless civilian riots will trigger a series of Problems destabilize the newly established empire.

The spaceship quickly landed near a building. Su Qing looked at the navigation on the communicator, and he bought the farm by himself. The surrounding large fields belong to the farm.

After Su Qing bought it, he changed the name of the farm to Su's Farm. Simple and easy to remember, this big yard was the residence of the original owner of the farm, and it was also included in the contract and sold to Su Qing.

Su Qing pressed her fingerprint on the gate, and the gate opened slowly after passing the verification.

Su Qing opened the zipper of the pet bag, let the three flames come out first, then walked in together, closed the door,
There is a warehouse and a courtyard behind the house, it seems that there are people living there, it should be the couple who hired themselves,
After Su Qing bought the farm, all the authority was transferred to Su Qing, including the access control, the owner of the agricultural robot and the butler robot, the owner of the setting is Su Qing,
Su Qing can open permission for others on the star network, so the couple can live in, and it's not bad if someone does the work. From now on, the farm will be handed over to Bai Qian to manage. As for Da Niu, you can do whatever you like, anyway, it is What else can a cow do, as long as it can help look after the house.

When Su Qing came, the couple who were working were still in the field, so Su Qing went directly to the gate of the main house, entered his fingerprints, opened the door and walked in.

This is a two-story villa with large rooms. There is a basement for sundries, the top is the roof, there are ten bedrooms on the second floor, five bedrooms on the first floor, and the rest is the living room and kitchen. The previous owner designed it perfectly. It's just that many places are empty, leaving only some things that the original owner didn't want.

Su Qing saw that she still needed to tidy up, some old things needed to be put away and thrown into the basement, and she was buying what was missing.

Wave a clean dust technique, first clean up the dust in the whole room, as if a breeze swept over every corner of the house, and then all the dust was cleaned up, forming a big mud ball and Su Qing threw it into the flower garden in the courtyard .

Su Qing opened the door of the underground warehouse. There are some tools and an intelligent robot butler here. It was also sold to Su Qing by the original owner. They disliked the old style of this robot and wanted to buy a new one after entering the city, so they bought it at a low price. Sold to Su Qing.

Su Qing doesn't care, she thinks that they are useful things anyway, it doesn't matter if they are old, as long as they can be used, for the three families, everything is a good thing, even if they are eliminated by the middle galaxy, they have never used it, I bought it at a low price.

Many of the daily necessities of the original owner were not taken away, and they were given to Su Qing directly. Those things together are not worth a few interstellar coins, and they don't care.

There are a lot of debris accumulated in the basement, and Su Qing is not in the mood to clean it up a little bit. First activate the robot butler, and then clean up the first and second floors, and move everything that gets in the way to the basement.

Su Qing plans to renovate the whole house according to her own preferences, so that it looks like a new house, and I hope grandma will like it when she sees it.

Reach out to open the robot start button, click to activate the system, and the eyes of the robot butler's head will start to flash.

(End of this chapter)

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