Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 523 The thoughts of Lao Zhang and his wife

Chapter 523 The thoughts of Lao Zhang and his wife

This kind of intelligent robot is very easy to use. It is more advanced than the Jiabao she used in Mengyuexing, and the body design is more in line with human beings. It can do many kinds of daily housework, wash, cook and tidy up the room, and even take care of children. Install the required programs.

After the robot is activated, the gender and name must be set first. Su Qing still likes the setting of girls, so he named her Achun.

"Achun has met the master," the robot's beautiful voice appeared in Su Qing's ears,

Su Qing nodded in satisfaction, "Ah Chun, you come up with me, tidy up the room, move the useless things to the basement first, the house at home needs to be renovated."

"Okay, master."

Originally, Su Qing didn’t need much trouble to move by herself, but who knows if there is any monitoring equipment installed here, after the house is decorated, she and her ancestors will check it out carefully, and after arranging the formation, she will live a few days in the way of ordinary people. sky.

Huo Miao, Jiaojiao, and Bai Qian, the three of them have already gone out to play, and the three big demons will not be hurt by anyone in Fuchunxing. Su Qing is not in a hurry to restrain them, and finally After leaving the campus, the beast pets are much freer.

Go out tomorrow and bring back the humanoid Bai Qian and Daniel in a reasonable way. Not all places in Fuchunxing are plains, there are also some towering mountains. While hunting in the mountains, Bai Qian encountered mercenaries and was hired by her to be a housekeeper.

A long time ago, Su Qing bought a complete set of identity information for Bai Qian on the black market. The black market sells everything, not to mention personal identity information, even the living are dared to sell it.

Therefore, Bai Qian is also a legal citizen of the empire, and finally she can appear in front of the world openly.

Su Qing commanded, Ah Chun started, and the two of them moved all the furniture and ornaments that were in the way in the house to the basement, and cleaned them up after a little tidying up.

Su Qing contacted a nearby decoration company on Xingwang to renovate the room, including the exterior and interior, and even the courtyard walls had to be repainted and changed in color.

The efficiency of Starworld is very fast. Just as Su Qing placed an order on Starnet, a small aircraft stopped at the door of his house three and 10 minutes later.

Two decoration design workers and several home improvement robots came down inside.

The construction and decoration of houses in the high-tech era are very simple. As long as the owner chooses the style, two people command a few robots, and it can be done in a little more than a day, which is simple, convenient and fast.

Two decoration workers showed Su Qing several styles of templates, none of which Su Qing liked. Su Qing liked the simple and classical style. The ones they provided were too modern. Grandma would definitely not like living in that kind of house. .

In the end, Su Qing drew the pictures by himself and asked them to decorate them according to the decoration. The colors are all light colors, which best fit the setting of the farm and have a bit of a rustic feel.

The workers were working in the house. Su Qing wanted to walk around the farm to see what crops were grown in his small farm. The robot butler stayed at home to supervise their work.

Su Qing walked to the field along the road in front of the yard, surrounded by planting fields. The planting fields here do not need to be covered, and the crops are all grown in the open air. Fuchunxing is warm and pleasant all year round, which is especially suitable for planting.

There are large areas of corn, wheat, rice, and various vegetables in the fields. Su's farm is not big, only a few hundred acres of land. It would be tiring enough to rely on artificial cultivation.

The planting industry of medium-sized galaxies can completely get rid of manual work and rely on mechanization. As long as there are two people commanding and controlling, one person can plant hundreds of acres of land, from sowing to harvesting, and even contact the buyer robot for acquisition. The robot butler is so awesome.

Corn, wheat and other crops have not long grown to more than a foot long, and it is still early to harvest. In the field where vegetables are planted, there are many mature vegetables every day, which need to be picked, sealed, and waited for by merchants to purchase and transport away ,

Because Su's farm does not have the owner's meticulous care, the sales of the crops are just enough to pay the salary of Lao Zhang and his wife.

Su Qing told the two of them at the beginning that it is not necessary to grow too complicated crops, just grow some high-end products, and the sales will be good. Those high-energy vegetables are not easy for ordinary people to grow.
Only a cultivator can cultivate medicinal spiritual plants and various high-energy agricultural products. The crops grown by agricultural robots can be eaten, but they have low energy, poor taste, and low selling price. Most of them are sold to ordinary people in the empire, and they cannot make a lot of money. , please take good care of two people, the vegetables will taste better.

Therefore, small farms can only earn enough food and clothing, and large farms can earn high profits if they have the money to hire growers or the farmers themselves are growers.

Su Qing walked through the field of crops and arrived at the field of growing vegetables. Everyday vegetables such as cabbage, cucumbers and potatoes were everywhere. He basically didn't need to know much about planting techniques. As long as he followed the procedures in the planting manual, he could grow well.

The two planting robots are busy watering and fertilizing the vegetables, picking and sealing the ripe vegetables and putting them on a cargo speeder, which is specially used by the farm to transport goods.

Su Qing hired a couple to work in the field to build a frame for cucumbers and beans. Most of the work can be done by robots, and some delicate tasks require manual work.
Many farmers don't like the trouble, so they plant all the vegetables they want to grow, mostly cabbage, carrots and potatoes, but the selling price is low and they don't make any money.

When Su Qing hired Lao Zhang and his wife, he said how much the sales exceeded, and he would give them a commission. The two of them must carefully plant some expensive vegetables, so that they can sell more money. When the time comes, they will ask the boss for a salary with the receipt. .

Of course, it is not troublesome for robots to do farm work, and it must be very hard for humans to do it manually. But in order to earn more money, Lao Zhang and his wife are not afraid, this kind of work is nothing, they have done harder than this.

They have no education and cannot find a good job. Nowadays, there are intelligent robots everywhere, and it is difficult to find a place to do physical work. They are satisfied if they can be hired by the boss, and they can give more money. They must be carefully managed. Take down the whole farm and don't let the boss fire them.

Lao Zhang wiped the sweat from his temples and forehead, and continued to tie ropes to the cucumber seedlings so that the vines could climb up smoothly. This batch of cucumbers could finally be climbed. A lot of money, so that they can also get more points.

The two planting robots can also grow cucumbers, but they don't build a frame, so they let the cucumber seedlings crawl on the ground. The cucumbers growing on the ground will not look good, and the purchaser will lower the price.

"Old man, look, there is a girl walking over there. Our farm is a few kilometers away from the nearest town. Who would come here to hang out."

As soon as Lao Zhang's daughter-in-law raised her eyes, she saw Su Qing walking leisurely and said in doubt.

Lao Zhang looked up, "What kind of eyes are you looking at? Isn't that Miss Su? She must have graduated and is going to move back to the farm. Let's go and have a word with Miss Su."

Lao Zhang and his wife came out of the field in a hurry to meet Su Qing. They felt a little uneasy, whether Miss Su would fire them when Miss Su came back, and the farm would no longer need workers.

Lao Zhang smiled and said, "You are Ms. Su. We met on Xingwang. You have graduated and are moving to the farm."

Su Qing nodded and said: "Hello, Uncle Zhang and Aunt Zhang, yes, after I graduate, I plan to be a small farmer and live a leisurely life."

"Hehe, that's a good feeling,"

Lao Zhang smiled and continued: "Miss Su, let me show you around and look at the whole farm. My wife and I don't know what to plant, so we choose to plant some high-end products. As long as the sales volume is good, it will be enough for the farm. The expenses and the salary of our old couple, even if we are ordinary people, are carefully planting, and compared with those big farms, the monthly profit of the farm is pitifully small."

 Post a chapter first, but I didn’t write it out. During the day, I helped my mother make some live lectures. A group of old ladies made a group, and entered the live broadcast room to listen to the big girls’ lectures on health care.

  Introduce a product that can be exchanged for more points. It is a lie. If the magical functions of those products work, the hospital can be closed, but the old lady is convinced. I don’t listen to what I say, so I just listen to the lecture Well, it's best not to be fooled by fools, all the money you save on food and expenses are given to liars.

  The aunt in the front yard of my house was fascinated. She bought a bed for more than [-] yuan. It is said that it can detoxify and put long hair on the tomatoes. She told us that the toxins came out, and she felt that she was completely fooled.

  Now the group of people who make health care medicines and equipment can’t be fooled by the old people in the city, and they have all started to go to the countryside. I said it was a lie, but the old people didn’t believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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