Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 527 The Taste of Freedom

Chapter 527 The Taste of Freedom

Now that the country is facing a crisis, those big families are desperately thinking about how to eliminate the Zerg. They will not focus on an agricultural planet. Is such that.

Bai Qian can also fly in the air as a big demon, Su Qing walked through the air without any cover, Bai Qian followed closely behind,
They flew to the highest mountain range, which is about 100 kilometers away. Even if the aircraft had to fly for a while, Su Qing arrived in no time.
Su Qing and Bai Qian lightly landed on a mountain peak and looked around.

Fuchun star is really a perfect agricultural planet. There are not even many powerful beasts in the mountains. It may be that it was completely cleaned up during the development of the planet.

Su Qing finally saw the figure of the Qingjiao ox. Although the big ox was stronger and not the same breed as Fu Chunxing's Qingjiao ox, it could still fool Lao Zhang and his wife.

Su Qing released Daniel from the space, and Daniel shouted excitedly, "Moo moo moo"

It's great, it's great, it's finally over, it doesn't need to be suffocated in the owner's space, there is often insufficient air in it, and it has to enter a dormant state, otherwise it will suffocate to death,
The big cow turned all four hooves and ran wildly, regardless of its owner, and was finally able to run outside freely.

Bai Qian turned into a beautiful woman and stood beside Su Qing, watching the big cow running excitedly in the mountains, showing sympathy. It has been suffocated all these years.

A ninth-level monster, Su Qing was still in the space for several years, and it was difficult for it. Bai Qian admired its forbearance. If other monsters had committed suicide a long time ago, Daniel would have endured it. It's not easy, it's not as good as Bai Qian, she can still run around the campus with Huo Miao for a few laps.

Da Niu felt that the taste of freedom was so blissful, he couldn’t help but shed tears, thinking that his majestic Green Bull King once dominated one side, but was caught by humans as a beast pet, and was imprisoned for five full years. How did he endure the past five years? yes?Thinking of it is a bitter tear.

Daniel is not as old as Bai Qian, and he is a monster born and bred in the Hopeless Secret Realm. He has no idea about human beings except for the information in the bloodline inheritance. He is not like Bai Qian who has a little understanding of the human world. Her dream is to succeed in transformation and ascend to the demon world.

And Daniel likes to be a cow, but he has become the owner's pet, what can he do?It didn't want to die, so it could only grit its teeth and bear it. The owner promised to let him appear outside one day, haha! !It finally came to this day.

Daniel ran forward crazily regardless of whether it was a cliff or a swamp river in front of him. Hahaha, he was finally able to run happily. The aura of a ninth-level monster came out, causing the strange beasts in the whole mountain to riot.

Su Qing and Bai Qian floated slowly in the air and followed Daniel. Su Qing casually took a few pheasants, but she didn't want to eat them herself. She took them back and gave them to Lao Zhang and his wife.
Their life is very poor. Because of the household registration problem, Lao Zhang and his wife cannot enjoy the benefits of the medium galaxy, so they have to come out to earn money at such an old age. His children are still able to pass the college entrance examination. After graduating, you will be able to enjoy the blessings. Su Qing is not stingy in helping with little effort.

Daniu ran wildly in the mountains for a while, knowing that the master would not lock him into the space again, he stopped and followed Su Qing back. Huo Miao and Jiaojiao were too lazy to stand on top of Daniel. Walking on his own, Daniel is very friendly to the two naughty kittens, letting them walk around on him at will.

Su Qing took a few beast pets and left the mountains. Instead of flying in the air, he walked among the planted fields to see what crops were planted in other people's farms.

Casting the spell that shrinks the ground to an inch under his feet, he didn't slow down at all, and swept across the planted fields.

There are all kinds of crops in the fields, and there are some fruit trees specially planted on the farm. All kinds of fruits hang on the branches.
The busy figures of workers and robots in the field loomed in the fields. At the gates of many large farms, one flying machine after another was parked, and they flew to the space port when they were full of goods.

Fuchunxing's goods will begin to be delivered to major planets to supply people's daily needs.

Su Qing likes this kind of environment very much. It is quiet and simple, there are few people, there are farmlands everywhere, and all kinds of crops are thriving.

An hour later, Su Qing finally returned to Su's Farm. Lao Zhang and his wife just came back from the field, saw her and asked:

"Miss Su, where have you been?"

Su Qing said gently: "It's okay to be idle at home, go out to familiarize yourself with the environment, go a little farther at once, and when you reach the mountain over there, you meet this white girl, who just needs a housekeeper at home, so I brought her back. "

"Oh, Miss Bai, hello," Old Zhang looked at Bai Qian with eyes full of amazement, such a beautiful woman, her heart was beating wildly at her own age.

Bessie smiled and said to him, "Hello,"

Looking excitedly at the new house, she will have her own room in the future.

The arrival of Bai Qian made Lao Zhang feel a little thumping. Now the couple's work is completely hopeless. If they find a young girl, they must be able to work better than them.

What surprised Lao Zhang was why there was a cow behind them and two cats standing on top of the cow. What kind of combination is this?
By the way, Ms. Su said that she went out to find her two cats, and when the cats were found, she brought back a cow.

Su Qing waved his hand, and several pheasants appeared on the ground, "Old Zhang, this is a pheasant I hunted in the mountains, take it away, pack it up and stew it, eat it."

Seeing Lao Zhang's surprised eyes on Daniel, he smiled and said, "Isn't it strange? Why did you get a cow back? When you were in the mountains, you encountered it fighting a red flame tiger. You helped me a little, so I just relied on it." I'm not leaving, I'll bring it back and keep it."

Daniel told his master that he was relying on her, and rolled his eyes in disdain,
In fact, the master caught it with tricks and forced it to sign a master-servant contract. Otherwise, if it was killed, it would not become a pet of human beings, and it was imprisoned for several years. What a humiliation to the big monster what!
Now that it's at this point, it can't resist anymore, it can only listen to the master's words, otherwise the master will punish him, it's really terrible, and I definitely don't want to bear that feeling again.

"Ah!" Lao Zhang was so surprised that he didn't know how to react. The boss brought back a green-horned ox after going out for a while, which is amazing.That's a strange beast, so docile like a domestic cow.

"Hehe, what's surprising is that we have learned how to tame alien beasts in the course of alien beasts. It's easy to tame a green-horned ox. Aunt Zhang, let's eat the pheasant. The house is decorated. I I will cook by myself in the future, thank you for your hospitality last night."

Old Zhang's daughter-in-law quickly waved her hand, "That's nothing, it's all from the farm, and it's what we should do. Miss Su, you're too polite, we just need one pheasant."

Su Qing stuffed the pheasant to Zhang's daughter-in-law, "It's all for you, Bai Qian and I don't like chicken, so take it."

After she finished speaking, she walked into the room. The big cow was definitely not allowed to enter the room. It just found a place in the yard to lie down, and the two cats jumped up and down on him.

Bai Qian smiled like a flower and waved to Lao Zhang and his wife, "Uncle Zhang, Aunt Zhang, we will be colleagues from now on, happy cooperation."

After speaking, he followed Su Qing into the room naturally, not at all like a stranger meeting for the first time, anyway, he was very casual.

Su Qing's own bedroom was on the farthest east side, and the room adjacent to it was reserved for grandma, and Bai Qian chose the third room.

She pushed open the door of the room, threw herself on the bed and smiled happily, "Haha, I can finally sleep on the bed, and I also have my own room, hehe, that's great."

(End of this chapter)

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