Interstellar Super Planter

Chapter 528 The ideal happy life

Chapter 528 The ideal happy life

Su Qing leaned against the door frame and said lightly: "From now on in the house, you can do whatever you want, washing and cooking, tidying up the room, all the work will be taught to you."

Bai Qian nodded happily, "No problem, leave it to me, I am your big housekeeper, that robot named Ah Chun has to stand aside, and let me open her management authority in the future."

Su Qing nodded, "Okay, when I go back to Mengyuexing to pick up grandma, the farm will be handed over to you to manage. You have to take good care of the spiritual plants I planted, and arrange for Lao Zhang and his wife to work. The spiritual plants will give birth, and you will do it." No, watering, fertilizing and weeding are still no problem, let's go to the star network to see what seeds to buy, let's plan carefully."

"Okay." Speaking of this, Bessie became more energetic. The master said that it was great to hand over the whole farm to her. She was worrying about how to settle down when her group came out. She didn't have any experience.
It would be great if I could manage a farm. After learning the experience from Su Qing, I will buy a Zhuangzi myself in the future and settle down the ethnic group. As long as all the juniors are restrained and everyone does not go out to cause trouble, there will be no problem, and arrangements can also be made. They live in the mountains,

Bai Qian's hard work in the past few years is not in vain. She has become familiar with human society and is very used to being a human being. Therefore, in Su's Farm, from Su Qing to Bai Qian and Daniel, the two cats live happily every day Be happy, be happy.

Su Qing bought a large number of spiritual plant seeds from Xingwang, as well as some fruit tree seedlings. The fruits grown by himself taste delicious and save money, just plant a few trees for each kind.

During the day, Su Qing took Bai Qian to plant fruit trees and spiritual plants. There were planting machines, so planting was very simple, unlike the farmland in Shanquan Village, which was completely artificial and exhausted.

A large area of ​​land was soon completed, and then with a wave of Su Qing's hand, a small rain cloud formed over the planting field, and it began to rain tick tock, moistening the entire field.

Uncle Zhang, who was working in the distance, asked his wife strangely why it was raining in that area, and it was his wife who reminded him,
"Ms. Su is a supernatural teacher. What's new? Maybe after the rain, those seeds will take root and sprout."

Old Zhang said in disbelief: "You are talking nonsense. No matter how powerful a power master is, he can make spiritual plants germinate in an instant. Those are not ordinary vegetables."

Old Zhang's daughter-in-law said, "I heard from the children that the high-level cultivator is very powerful. It's not nonsense to make a spiritual plant grow up in one go."

Lao Zhang smiled and said: "Hehe, I know those. How many senior planters can there be in the entire empire? Ms. Su just graduated, no matter how talented she is, she is not that powerful. Don't think I don't understand. Many freshly graduated planters have to accumulate a lot of money. Years of experience is required to pass level one, how do you know that Miss Su is at that level?"

Old Zhang's daughter-in-law didn't argue with him, "Yes, you know more, I'm not as good as you."

Aunt Zhang didn't want to talk to Lao Zhang, so she continued to pick vegetables and pack them, let's work hard!

After Su Qing performed the Spring Rain Jue, he did not give birth to the seeds of the spiritual plant, and the spiritual plant that grew up did not have the high energy of the natural growth of the spiritual plant. Besides, it is always like that, which will reduce the fun of planting, and it is only meaningful to grow step by step.

She still has a lot of elixir in her hand. Over the years, she has harvested wave after wave of elixir in the dormitory planting fields, and the space has also piled up a lot. Don't worry about giving birth to lingzhi.
There is no news about Meng Hao yet. He will have to go through a few months of recruit training period, and he will be assigned to a fleet after he actually goes on a battleship for training. Arranged into the mecha brigade.

Meng Hao has no problem in mecha combat on land, but his combat mode in space is still a shortcoming. He has only been trained on the star network, and he is still far away. For this, he needs to follow the fleet and enter space to improve Training, otherwise without experience, you will be at a disadvantage in the battle with the Zerg, because the Zerg has not yet invaded a planet, and the current battles are all in space, Meng Hao must be familiar with fighting in space, that is, Su Qing himself Nor has experience fighting in the cosmic void.

Meng Hao will definitely be selected into a special unit and vigorously cultivated. Whether he will fight the Zerg in the end depends on the situation on the battlefield. Where will the Zerg invade in the future?
From a historical point of view, at the beginning of every war, human beings are the weak side. It is estimated that it will be difficult to defend the entire empire. Once they retreat, there will be a lot of sacrifices.

At that time, no one will be able to stop that kind of lifeless situation. Humans can only continue to become stronger in the war with the Zerg, and counterattack step by step, or if a powerful leader appears on the human side, Meng Hao may really take the opportunity to rise. Will there be a youngest marshal in the empire,
Su Qing thought of Meng Hao's look, and smiled inwardly. The little fat man had been calling for being a generalissimo when he was young, so wouldn't it be possible to realize it.

Bai Qian filled the last fruit tree with soil, looked back at her master, and was in a daze again. She likes to think wildly every day, and she doesn't know how she grew up. She can still pretend to be in front of outsiders. In his eyes, the master is really a little nervous, and often likes to be in a daze.

Daniel walked leisurely around the farm, taking a bite when he saw the delicious food. Su Qing told Lao Zhang and his wife to let him leave him whatever vegetables he liked.

Daniu actually doesn't like to eat ordinary vegetables, the taste is not good and the energy content is low, but it feels fresh!It feels so blissful to walk in the sun, and it cherishes this feeling very much.

Huomiao and Jiaojiao were bouncing around in the vegetable field, but they didn't damage a single vegetable.
Su Qing looked at it with a smile, it seems that everyone likes to live like this, and it would be perfect to bring grandma over.
During this period of time, Su Qing and grandma had to communicate via video once a day. It was only when they knew that they would meet soon that they missed her even more. They had to see grandma every day.

But Zhu Xiuyun would ask her every time, how is her relationship with Gu Rui?What is the attitude of his family?Su Qing was vague, which made Zhu Xiuyun very dissatisfied.

It's the same rhetoric over and over again, find a good man to marry, live a stable life, and have a few children.

Su Qing can only listen, she is the only one, she is still far away from getting married and having children!Why is grandma so anxious!

After grandma came to the farm and lived a good life, she definitely won't have that kind of thinking anymore. Women don't have to get married. Women who get married have various reasons. The simplest is to find someone to rely on each other. After forming a family The cost of living is lower, and some women simply want to rely on men, and they have no intention of fighting.

She doesn't need to rely on others, she is already very powerful, there should not be too many people in the entire empire who are more powerful than her, no one knows how many old monsters are hidden in that corner, don't underestimate those aristocratic families, they can go all the way Nowadays, no family is simple, and every family must have left behind.

Just like Su Qing lived in seclusion in Fuchunxing, quietly, who knows that she is still a super expert, judging from any information, Su Qing is just a girl with high talent in cultivation, and she is not worthy of those old monsters .

After planting a complete piece of land, Su Qing took Bai Qian back. The two women were wearing overalls and sun hats, walking in the green, picturesque, especially Bai Qian, the fox girl is beautiful, but fortunately This is not a downtown area, and Lao Zhang is old and weak-minded, seeing Bai Qian is just dizzy and amazed.

The three of them were having fun outside, and naturally they would come back to eat when they were hungry after playing enough. Daniel was also thinking about the energy vegetables his master had saved for him.

On the first day, Lingzhi and fruit saplings were planted. On the second day, Su Qing planned to plant some corn and vegetables as rations for Daniel.

(End of this chapter)

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